Chapter 17

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"This cave is so big!" I said to myself. I don't know how long I've been walking but it feels like it's been a few hours and I haven't seen any way out or any source of light. It gets colder the further I go in regretting to do this.

I want to turn back but it'll be too much, I've gone so far already. I'll keep on walking.

I heard a growling sound thinking there's an animal, but it's my stomach. I'm so hungry right now and thirsty. I don't know how long I'll last. No, keep it together Maddy, you need to get out of here with your parents. 

After a few more minutes I think, I began to see a light. I ran towards it and when I got there, it was a waterfall and the light was coming from a hole in the ceiling that's big enough for me to go through. Is there no end to all this! Ugh, I began to climb and it was tricky. I needed to be careful, I have no harness and there is nothing beneath me that will catch my fall. One slip and I'll die. 


Back at the small village...

"Where is she! She can't have gone missing. Why would she leave her parents behind like that?" Jacob's dad was yelling throughout the area and he was getting angrier by the minute. 

Jacob on the other hand was calm and thinking clearly of how she could have escaped. "But with all the possibilities, there are only three ways she could have escaped; dug a hole in the ground, found a way to get through the cave, or lift the door...but it couldn't have been going through the cave. I've tried that many times but its rock," 

"Can't really make a hole through there. Then there wasn't a hole in the ground because I checked every inch of that place, even crawled to see if there was a hole."

"That leaves only one thing left. She must have escaped through the door but she isn't that strong from what I've seen of her. But then again, you can't judge a book by it's cover." Jacob thought to himself. 

"Jacob!" His dad was calling for him, "Yes?"

"You're the only one who would've let her escape. Only you and I know how to open the gate and there was no other she could've escaped except if she dug a hole, but you said so yourself that she didn't. So the door is the only way she could've escaped but she couldn't have done it alone."

"It wasn't me!  I was no where near her last night. So how could I have opened the gate?" 

"I don't know! These past few months, you've gotten clever and I don't know what tricks you have up your sleeves but I don't want to find out. Guards, get him." 

Jacob couldn't believe that his own father would accuse him...well no, he did think that. Before they could get him, Jacob ran quickly as far away as possible. He stopped to catch his breathe and used Eolas to see where they are. 

They're too far away but they tracked his scent and began to follow. Jacob tried to look ahead of him beyond the trees for a river or lake. And he found one. He began to run quickly towards the waterfall. 

Once he got there, he could faintly hear the other wolfbloods behind him. He tried to look for an entrance into the waterfall because he didn't want to go in the water exactly. He found one quickly and didn't think of anything else so he jumped in the hole which he landed into the pool of water.

He desperately tried to swim towards the shore, but to no prevail. He can't swim. Jacob felt himself being slowly dragged underneath the water, deeper to the bottom.

"This is the end for me. I didn't imagine myself dying in water. I imagined myself dying to save the one I love." Jacob slowly closed his eyes like in the movies he's seen, hoping a miracle would happen. Which it did. 

He could slowly see a figure swimming towards him, before Jacob lost his last breathe and closed his eyes for good, he thought he saw the figure as Maddy rescuing him.

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