Explaing my Oneshots Pt 1

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some of them are pretty confusing so im explaining them here 😼
and some things i noticed while re reading them


1. Shelter

This one is just ghostbur visiting dream in prison. he brought his guitar with him cause yes. sam has security cameras in dreams cell, inside or attached to the lights hanging on the walls

then the two boys sing a sad song. originally, from what i remember, sam was actually supposed to fall asleep while they sang but i was like "dream apologist powers activate" so i ended the oneshot with sam planning to show a video of them singing.

looking back at that, i don't think singing about how dream gave shelter to people who hate him is going to change their minds about letting him out lol

2. Being Human

this one was literally a fluff shot of dream leaving with his and fundy's child, myu, to another place away from the smp. dream wanted to feel human and feel free so he began to have his own little life with myu on a small island. then towards the end, he comes back, a small reunion with rivals, friends, and family along with meeting his husband, fundy at thr end.

i got a bit pissed when some people assumed myu's gender. myu is nonbinary and i think i typed that in the bulletpoints. sadly, that was one of the reasons why i took bulletpoints away as this book got more qnd and more popular. people don't seem to read them so i avoid doing them.

it's not that bad, but still, don't assume someone's gender. look for information on someone's pronouns before commenting your comment.

3. Sad Machine

this one sucked and im avoiding it lol.
but, I'll maybe make a part two expanding the story of Android!Dream

4. Listen Before I Go

absolute fucking angst oml.

dream is starving and dying but he gives all his potatoes to tommy, who was stuck with him for a week, so that he doesn't die. then, tubbo and a few others come to save tommy but dream asks toms to take him outside to see the world one last time.
angst ensues with gog, sap, wilb, and literally most of the smp watching him die.


5. Show Him Love

this was just touch-starved, love lacking, numb dream haha- this was fun to write lmao

smp lets dream out of prison,
dream is confused and uncomfortable with affection,
smp teaches him how to love and stuff
dream bonds with mama/papa puffy
and then dream fuc- i mean, has a sweet picnic with his adorable two bfs.

very nice.


part 2 should be out tmr 😼❤
and i have some working progress sketches for Wander (ghost dre au oneshot)

now im heading to bed 🛌 😴
GOODBYE MY DARLINGS. I LOVE Y'ALL ALOT 💓 💗 💕 💛 ❤ 💖 💓 💗 💕 💛 ❤ 💖 💓

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