Snow (but it's hurt/comfort plus a little crack)

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It's exactly what the title says lmao. the other snow oneshot is... hurt/no comfort. there could be but I left it as an open ending oneshot.
This is not a continuation to that one, this one is in a totally different timeline whereas Dream dies after being an executioner, becoming a child-looking ghost, and resides with Sam and Punz.

As in Snow V1, dream had to kill children during the Eggpire's tyranny. So in this one, he takes the form of a child (around 6-7) in guilt for those he killed.
Ghost Dream still has the urge to eat snow but can't because he throws up after burning the insides of his ghost organs :)

Eggpire's tyranny happened during 2 months of Dream being in prison. It happened after Tommy was exiled. Tommy still holds a grudge against Dream because of his manipulation. But they're still good buds... kinda lol.

there are really cruel children (only one...) in here by the way... warning for force eating




Dream stared outside the window, admiring the white shit. "Sammy, Punzy, there's white shit falling out of the sky!!" The ghost yelled. "What did I say about cursing, bub?!" Sam yelled back. Dream apologized but quickly went back to watching the snow. "Do you wanna go outside?" Punz offered, already holding his winter gear. "Yeah yeah yeah yeah, YEAH!!" The younger squealed. Dream fazed through the front door, leaving the older man behind. "Dream- wait-" Punz froze for a second, 'Dream is a ghost... ghosts are naturally cold... doesn't that mean he's immune to the cold?' The man rubs his temple, 'Punz, you damn dumbass.' 

"If you're wondering if Dream needs winter gear, he doesn't. He's a ghost." Sam said, startling his younger brother. "Just realized right now," Punz grumbled as he made sure his boots were secured to his feet. "Make sure to keep Dream beside you! It would be a hassle if he got lost in the incoming blizzard! Don't lose him like last time." "Got it, bye Sam!" Punz could hear Sam say bye back as he closed the door. Dream runs into his older brother's stomach, giggling. Like a bouncy ball (or lancer), he bounces back up, enthusiastic. "PUNZ OUNZ PUNZ PUNZ PUZNPZUN PUNZ!!!" "Calm down, buddy. What is it?" "I made a new song!" Punz smiled, "May I hear it?"

The ghost nods his head, opening his mouth.


Punz covers Dream's mouth, "Who the hell even taught you that word??" "Shit? Oh! Timothy and Tubtub!!" Punz snorts at the mention of Tommy's nickname from his younger brother. "It's not Timothy, for fucks sake!!!!" A voice complained. They look at the source and see Tommy and Tubbo. Tubbo speaks, "I dunno, Timothy just sounds better than TAH-MMEE." Punz and Dream snicker, trying not to laugh. "What the fuck is going on with your name?? Tubbo... as in... as in... You're a bathtub, Tubbo!"

Punz snorts, "I mean he isn't wrong, Tubath." "I don't see how that's funny..." Tubbo pouted. "Anyways," Tommy grinned, "Me and Tubs were gonna make snowmen! Wanna come?" Ghream jumped up and down, "Yeah!!" The ghost ran ahead and squealed as he fell. "D-Dream- Don't roll around in the snow!"

Dream pats down on the ball of snow, making sure it was perfect and round. "Watch out, Dream!" Tommy calls out as he carried a ball of snow in his arms. He places it on Dream's ball of snow. "Mr. Snowman is almost done!!" The older blonde exclaimed. "Tommy, Mr. Tommy!" Someone yelled from a distance. The four boys look at the person, the person turning into people. 5 kids run toward them. "Can we play with you?" The children ranged from 8-11 years old. Older than Dream's age appearance. "Yeah, sure-" One of the kids yelp, looking at the ghost. "I-It's him!" They whimpered. "Dream- That guy that killed my parents!" Another yelled.

The ghost retreated to Punz's side, cowering in his big brother's arms. "Shhh! You're going to anger him!" "Who cares? It's not like he'll do anything! He's a useless ghost!" "Are you sure? He killed my sister, even if he is a ghost, he can still hurt us, right?!" Tommy couldn't handle it- "Shut up! Shut the fuck up! If YOU'RE just here to hurt my buddy, then leave!" He yelled, taking his role as the 19-year-old. "S-Sorry, Mr. Tommy." Two of the kids glare at Dream before going to play with Tommy and Tubbo. 

"You okay, bub?" Punz asked, petting the ghost's hair. He noticed the green tears rolling down his face, making him frown. "Oh, bubs, don't cry. Nothing they said is true." Dream buried his face in Punz's thick sweater. "Cmon, bubby. Look at me. Can you smile for me?" The older asked. He starts tickling him a little bit, making the ghost giggle. "There's my Dream, my little bubs," They hug it out before going back to playing with the others.


"I'm gonna go head out to get some snacks, I bet some of you are hungry, hm?" Punz announced. The kids and Tommy and Tubbo agree. "Stay here alright?" The elder looks down at the small ghost clinging to his legs. "Promise me you'll stay with Tommy and Tubbo?" Dream nodded, "I pinky promise..." "Thanks, bub." Punz starts walking away, leaving Dream standing there. "Yooo! Dream! Come over here!" Tommy called out. The ghost runs over, not noticing the ever-growing glare from a distance. They play for a little bit, grudges (somewhat) let go of. Dream had only started to not feel dreadful until he was dragged away. "What makes you think you can be happy while you know you're supposed to be guilty of my entire family's death?" One of the 10-year-olds had taken him somewhere else, only acres of snow. 

How the hell did they get all the way out here?- 

Dream cowered, "W-What do you mean?" He sobbed. "YOU killed MY family! Sure, they were revived, but they're so much more different!!" The kid yelled in anger, only scaring the ghost furthermore. "I-I-" The ghost stuttered. "But now that you're a defenseless little stupid ghost, I get to have vengeance for how much you hurt my family!" They push Dream down in you the snow, Dream squirming. The kid was bigger, stronger than Dream. It was unfair. The kid locks the ghost in place. "I know about your weakness." They grinned as they force open Dream's mouth.

They forced the snow into his mouth.


Punz walked back, carrying a basket of pastries. He sees the group of kids, playing and making snow angels. "I'm back!" He ran towards them, "Got some snacks from Niki's!" The kids cheered. Tommy counts all the kids making sure they were there. Huh? He counts again. Before he could note that one of the kids and Dream was missing, Punz was already yelling for his little ghost. "Alright everyone, before we eat, I have one more quest! Find Dream and the other kid!" Tommy announced quickly. The kids nod their heads and began searching.

It had only been three minutes before they hear a yell.


The kid that had been torturing Dream was thrown off of the ghost. Dream immediately turns onto his knees and hands. He throws up a green substance. Punz ran to Dream's side, rubbing his back. "It's okay, it's okay, let it out, bub." Dream sobbed and sobbed, blocking out the yelling and scolding of Tubbo at the terrible kid.


Punz wrapped Dream in a blanket, a cup of hot chocolate and cookies placed in front of him. "Feeling better, Dream?" Sam asked, sitting by his two younger brothers. The ghost shakes his head, burying his head into the banket. The ghost was out of energy. From playing to fighting a cruel child to crying and throwing up. Sam liked moments like this.

But what leads to moments like this isn't what Sam likes.

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