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6:46PM june 15th 2021. Brighton UK

We finally got to the house. We all get out of the car and started heading inside the house.

I head to the apartment numbe and open the door. I walk in and they walk in after.

"Y/n this place is so pretty!"
Lani exclaims
"It is!"
Heather tags along
"Yeah I'd say it's pretty."
Toby mumbles
"Thanks guys!"
I say, smiling.

"Uhm also one of you guys can share a room with me, and two of you can sleep on the couch."
"I'll sleep on the couch, lani and heather you guys can decide further."
"Uhm is it ok if I share a room with y/n, heather?"
"Sure. I'll sleep on the couch with tobes."
"Okay, uhm lani uhm you can sleep on the beenbag in my room."
"Okay thanks!"
"Uhm one sec."

I say as I run to my room, grabbing two blankets and two pillows. I run back and throw them onto the couch for heather and Toby.

"Oh thanks y/n!"
"Yup! Uhm I'm gonna order mc Donald's. What do you guys want?"

They all tell me their orders and then I ordered it.

"It should be here in liek 30 minutes. Uhm Also how long are you guys staying for?"
"Uhm mom said we could stay for only like two to three days."
"Ouhhhhhh okay."

Me and lani throw ourselves onto the couch and all of us start talking.

"Hey y/n?"
"Yeah Toby?"
"Would you ever consider streaming? Cuz you have a pc. I know it's not here yet but would you?"
"Meh I've never really liked being the spotlight of anything. So idk."
"Ohhh yeah I understand that."

We continued talking because we really had nothing better to do. We were talking about multiple different topics. Such as streaming, tobys birthday (that was actually in like one week), they were asking me questions about my college, etc:!

We finally heard a knock at the door. I get up to go get it. I take the food and pay for it.

I yell, bringing it to the dining room, then setting on the table.

They all sit down and I pass out the food. We all started eating and talking.

Heather finished first.
"Thanks y/n!"
"No problem heather."

She throws her trash away and goes to the living room and started to watch tv.

Then Toby finishes.

He throws his trash away then walks to the living room to join heather for watching tv.

Then me and lani finished around the same time. we both throw our trash away, walking over to the living room.

"Hey Toby and heather?"
"What's up?"
"Uhm me and lani are going to be in my room."
"Hm okay."

We walk to my room. Opening the door, letting lani go in first.

"Wow. Your room is really pretty!"
"Thanks! Uhm the beanbag is right there, are you okay with sleeping on there?"
I say, pointing to the beanbag.
"Yeah. That's fine."

I grab a blanket and a pillow, throwing it onto the beanbag. She sits down on the beanbag and goes on her phone.

After a few minutes she looks back up at me.
"Thanks by the way."
"Yeah no problem! I'm just gonna go check on heather and Toby. You can chill in here."
"Okay. I'll stay in here."
"Okay, bye!"

I yell, closing the door behind me, going into the living room. I see them sitting there in their blankets watching monsters inc.

"Really? This movie."
Toby snaps his head towards me.
"Yes! It's a good movie!"
"Yeah I have to agree with Tobes on this one. Sorry y/n."
"Your fine. Uhm I was just going to check up on you guys."
"Ok. Well we are fine. We're probably gonna stay here for the rest of the night. Just watching movies."
"Okay. Well by heather! Bye Toby!"
"Bye y/n!"

I walk back into my room, lani still on her phone, I walk over and sit on my desk, grabbing a piece of paper and a few pencils and markers. I started just doodling.


9:17PM june 15th 2021. Brighton UK.

I set my pencil down and looked at my paper. It was just pointless doodles.

"Hey lani?"
There was no answer.

I look next to me, and the beanbag, too see lani dead asleep. I chuckle.

"Well goodnight."

I pu try pencils and markers away, hanging my drawing up on my wall. I then grab my makeup remover and started to remove my make up.

I decided to go see if Toby and heather were asleep so I got out of my chair, and walked out my room, trying not to wake lani.

I walk into the living room.
A male voice speaks.
"Hey Toby, heathers asleep?"
"Yeah, so is lani."
"Hey do you know when your pc should be here?"
"Uhm I think tomorrow."
"Ohhh ok. Do you mind if I stream on it when it gets here?"
"Uhm sure! I don't care."
"Thanks y/n!"
"Yeah, Toby you should probably go to sleep."
"Awe okay. Goodnight y/n!"
"Goodnight Toby."

I say as I walk to the kitchen to grab some water. When I walk past the living room I see Toby asleep. I smile and walk back Tommy room, quietly opening the door, trying to not wake lani.

I sit at my desk for a few minutes before grabbing a hoodie and throwing it on. I walk to my bed and lay down, pulling the covers over me, I started scrolling on Twitter. I see #TubboSister trending. What? There was a hashtag about me? Wow.

I put my phone down after a few minutes of scrolling and started to try and go to bed. After a few minutes, I slowly drift off and go to bed.

(Unknown time) June 16th 2021. Brighton UK.

I wake up in a dark room 'hello?' I shout out. There was no answer. I started to look around but found nothing. Someone pins me against the wall. 'Your so pretty' the guys brings me to the floor.
(End of dream)

I woke up in a cold sweat. I look over to see lani looking at me.

"Y/n, are you okay?"
"You sure? Your were sleep talking. It woke me up."
"Sorry.. just bad memories."
"Okay well, go back to bed. It's like 4am."
"You have to go to bed too."
I hear her sigh.

We both try falling asleep, but I just couldn't. What feels like hours later I feel someone shaking me. I couldn't go back to sleep now.


11:56Am june 16th 2021. Brighton UK

I open my eyes. I see a person, what I make out to be heather.

"Y/n! Wake up! We want breakfast! And it's nearly 12pm!"
I groan.
"Okay heather I'll be there in like 30 minutes. Go hang out with lani and Toby."

She walks out of the room, closing the door behind her. I manage to throw the covers off of me and headed to my dresser. I got changed.

The outfit:

I then head to my desk and started putting on my makeup

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I then head to my desk and started putting on my makeup. I put a cat wing eyeliner, I then put black lipstick on only my top lip, then put light blush on.

I put my hair in space buns, and threw on my glasses. And headed to the kitchen to start making breakfast


1260 words <3

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