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12:04AM June 24th 2021. Brighton UK.

The week had flown by so fast. Mike hadn't done anything since the day me and Wilbur started dating. Though I had to ask Niki and Wilbur something before we left the hotel I texted them telling them to meet me at the lobby and they do.

We were sat in chairs.
"First off, Niki?"
"What's up?"
"You still looking to move?"
"Yes! And I'd love to move in with you! Just give me your address!"
"Okay I'll text it to you."

I pull out my phone and text her it
"There you go! Tell me if you need any help with packing or getting to the house. I'm always here!"
"Okay! Thanks y/n. I should probably get going though. Rihanna and Gee are here to pick me up. Love you bye!"
"Love you too!"
We hug each other for a good minute and the she leaves.

Once she left I turn to Wilbur who's staring back at me.
"Are you gonna come over and help me set up today?"
"Huh? Sure. I'd love too! Uhm I'm just gonna drop my stuff off at my house first. Can you give me your address so I can just drive there once I'm done."
"I'll text it to you?"
I pull out my phone and text it to him.
"There you-"
I then feel a tug on my arm I turn around to see Toby standing there.
"Y/n! Can we go?!"
"One sec Toby. Go wait in the car okay?"
He says walking away.
"I love you Wil."
"Love you to n/n."
I pull him in for a hug and kiss him.
"I should get going! Bye! Tell me when your coming over the house!"
"Okay bye!"

I run out to the car to and unlock it. Toby is sitting in the passenger seat, presumably listening to his music.

I get into the car and start it, while also starting to drive.


12:46PM June 24th 2021. Brighton UK.

We got to my parents house. We both get out of the car and head up to the door and knock. My mom answers it.

"Oh! You guys are finally home! Uhm lani and heather are in their rooms. And your dad is at work like usual.

"Uhm okay! I'm gonna go talk to lani and heather."

I run upstairs and knock on lani a door.
"Come in!"
She yelled. I opened it.
"What's up?"
She asked
"I need to tell something to you and heather. Can I tell her to come in here?"
"Yeah sure."
"Okay I'll be back."

I quickly run out of the room and to heathers and knock on the door.
"What's up?!"
I open the door
"Can you come into lanis room real quick? I need to talk to both of you."
"Uhm okay."

She says, getting up and walking over to me. We both run to lanis room. I sit down on the floor and tell them to sit in a circle.

"So? What's up?"
Lani asks
"Uhm... do you guys know Wilbur?"
They both look at each other.
"Yup? Why?"
"Well... meandhimaredating!"
"Repeat? Slower maybe?"
Lani asks
"Yeah I need captions."
Heather agrees
"Me. And. Wilbur. Are. Dating!"
"Wait- WHAT?!"
"Shhhh mom doesn't know!"
"Oh sorry- who else knows?"
"Niki, Toby, fundy, Tommy, Tommy's dad, and of course me and Wilbur. Oh and I think Gee and Rihanna know as well."
"W-that's insane! Congrats!"
"Thanks! Uhm also I might be streaming-"

My phone lit up
'<3 Wilbub'

"Ooooh who is it?!"
Heather asks.
"Don't worry about it." I say, rolling my eyes.

                               <3 Wilbub
<3 Wilbub- hey I'll be over in like an hour. I need to eat and do some stuff

You- okay! I'm at my parents visiting my sisters and my mom. Though I can't see my dads since he's at work. I'll be there in like an hour. <3

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