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Just for later in the chapter there is mention of it for the backstory of y/n!


10:45PM June 18th 2021. Brighton

The whole time we were walking back my head was resting on Wilburs shoulder without even realizing it until he pointed it out.

I was walking with my head tilted to the side for a while.

"Hey y/n?"
"You still tired? You're resting your head on my shoulder."
"Oh shit am I? Sorry."
I say, picking my head up.
"No you're fine. You should probably rest though. We are almost there."

I rest my head back on his shoulder and look up at him. He smiles and reaches out for my hand, and holds it.

We got it the hotel and I look at him.
"You wanna go sleep?"
I nod.
He turns to the rest of the group.
"Uhm y/n is tired I'm gonna bring her up to her room."

Everyone nods and me and Wilbur start heading up to my room.

We got there and I jumped onto my bed and laid down on my side. Wilbur comes and sits next to me.

"Do you want me to stay up here with you?"
"Okay- can I?"
"Yeah. You can lye down. I don't care."

He says, laying down the way my head is facing.

I close my eyes and start to drift off yet before I do, I feel an arm around me.

(Wilbur POV)
I was laying there on my phone when I turn over to see y/n drifting off. I scoot closer to her and put my arm around her and she falls asleep. And soon after she falls asleep her head hides into my neck. I chuckle a bit and put my head on her the top of hers. And soon after I start to drift off too.

(Tubbo POV)
I was getting worried cuz neither y/n or Wilbur have come back yet.

"Hey guys Uhm I'm gonna head up to my room. I'll be right back I just need to grab something."

I say, running to the elevator.

Floor 3.

The elevator starts going up and soon i got to the floor. I run to my room number and open the door with the key card.

I open it up and peek inside of the door. I see Wilbur hugging y/n and both of them sleeping.

Why the fuck are they cuddling? Meh if there alright so am I. But now I need to grab something to make it believable that I actually came up her to grab something-

The first thing I thought of was water so I ran to the kitchen and grab a water.


(Y/n POV)
I hear someone open the door. I open my eyes and Wilbur was still hugging me. I manage to slip out of the hug. I saw Toby in the kitchen.

He throws his he's dingo the direction I was in.
"Hey y/n!"
"Why are you up here?"
"Oh I was worried cuz you guys weren't coming back down."
"Oh... did you?-"
"Oh yeah. I don't care. If you guys are happy so am I!"
"No we aren't like-"
"Yeah I know! But I was just saying."
I turn around to see Wilbur standing there.
"Oh, hi."
"Hey... did he?-"
"Yeah he did."
"Hey! I'm right here! But yeah I did. And if you guys are happy so am I!"
"No we aren't-"
"Yeah I know. I was just saying. Uhm go back to whatever you guys were doing. I'm going back downstairs."
"Okay bye Toby."
"Bye Tubbo."

He walks out of the door and I yawn.
"You still tired?"
"Then cmon."

He says, grabbing my hand and walking back.

I lay down on the bed and he hops on too. We get into the position we were in before and fell back asleep.

(Tubbo POV)
I go downstairs and everyone was still sitting in the lobby. I go sit down next to Tommy.

"What are you guys talking about?"
"Oh uhm we wanted to go to the pool. Like the hotel one not anything special."
"Hm. Okay. I'm fine with that!"
"What about Wil and y/n? They still haven't come back down yet. Where they in the room?"
"What where they doing?"
"What? Both of them?"
"Hm okay. Well when they're doing sleeping then tell them to come downstairs. Let's all go back to our separate rooms."

We all say goodbye and he's doff to our own rooms. I walk into mine and see y/n and Wilbur still asleep. I just decided to lay in my bed on my phone till one of them wakes up.


12:17PM June 18th 2021. Brighton UK.

(Y/n POV)

I was in that cold dark room again with the same guy. He started doing bad things to me again.... Yet this time I recognized who it was... mike?
Then I woke up in a cafe with my friends liek last time... I told them what happened but then they started laughing at me and the guys came over.
(End of dream)

I woke up in a cold sweet and shot up, Wilburs arm falling off of me as I do. I see look around and see Toby and Wilbur staring at me.

"Are you alright?"
They both simultaneously ask.

"I-I... I don't know. Just a bad memory dream I guess...."
I say, looking over at Toby. He immediately shots up aswell
"Y/n... I thought you stopped having those dream..."
"I know and I said that to stop worrying you..."
I feel hands around my waist and I lean back and look up to see Wilbur.
"What dreams?"
Wilbur asks.
"Can I tell him?"
Toby asks me.
"Okay so uhm... y/n... was... sexually assaulted back in what?"
"Like... idk when I was like 14?"
I reply.
Wilbur looks at me concerned, as he tightens his grip on my waist.
"And since- or because of that trauma she would- and apparently still does- have reoccurring nightmares about it. And her friends at the time-"
"Didnt believe me. And we're still friends with the guy."
I interrupted.
"W-well do you know who the guy was?"
Wilbur asks.
"I... it was mike..."

He turns me around and hugs me tightly, whispering into my ear he says.
"I'm so sorry and I'm so proud of you. I know it's not easy telling people about this or even dealing with this. And I'm so sorry this happens to you if I could be there and help, I would."
I couldn't help but smile at his words. When Toby said I would liek wilbur if I met him, he was right.

That's the end of this chapter! Ilya! Byeeeee! -ace

1160 words <3

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