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(Tw:beer/alcohol, Hangover, drunk/wasted)
Just as safety for anyone who gets triggered by that, There is some in this chapter fyi. :)


5:03PM June 17th 2021.

We were heading to the hotel. We had just left the waterpark since we were all kinda tired of running around.


5:11PM June 17th 2021. Brighton UK.

We walked inside of the hotel. I walk Toby up to our room and grabbed comfier clothes and headed to the bathroom to change

The clothes:

I walked out of the bathroom and told Toby I'd be back

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I walked out of the bathroom and told Toby I'd be back. I then grabbed the room key and headed to Wilbur, fundy, and Nikis room.

I knock on the door and a few seconds later I see fundy open the door.
"Oh hi! Uhm Niki is on her bed and Wilbur is changing."
He says, letting me into the room.
"Thanks you!"

He closes the door behind me and I run over to Niki and tap her shoulder lightly. She turns her head to me, shutting her phone off. She smiled and pats infront of her, telling me to sit down.

I do as she said and sat down infront of her. We started talking.

While we were talking she motioned me to come closer. I do and she whispers something into my ear.

"So? What's up with you and Wilbur?"

Why did she whisper that? I don't know the answer.

"What? Nothing!"
"You sure?"
She laughs, dragging it out.

A bit later we hear the bathroom door creak open. I shoot my head into the direction to see Wilbur coming out. He looks over at me and smiles.
"Hi y/n!"
He yells
"Hi Wilbur!"
I yell back.
"You actually came?"
He shrugs and goes over and sits on fundys bed, assumingely to talk to him. While they were talking and I was talking to Niki I heard a bit of their conversation.

"Fundy! Stop!"
"Hahaha. Ooooo Wilbur a-"

Then I kinda just trailed off. Everything went to a blur. I just spaced out. I hope. The next thing that happened, or atleast I think was I felt someone shaking me.

I snapped out of it and shook my head.
Niki asks.
"Huh- sorry I-I spaced out."
"No it's fine. Uhm Wilbur was asking you if you wanted a drink. So do you?"
"Uhm sure."
"W- thanks Niki"

A few minutes later of talking to Niki, Wilbur hands us our drinks. Me and Niki both just asked for a white claw.

I started talking to Niki again before we were interrupted by fundy telling us to sit on the floor with them.

We laugh and shrug. Hopping onto the floor next to them. We sat in a circle.
I sat next to Niki
Niki sat next to fundy
Fundy sat next to Wilbur
Wilbur sat next to me.

"So. Truth or dare?"
Wilbur asks us.
"Why not."
"Alright then it's settled. Y/n?"
"Truth or dare."
"Who's your crush?"
"What is this- high school?"
"No. Who is your crush?"

I don't THINK I have one. What does he want me to say?

"I-I don't have one."
"You sure?"

No. Of course I'm not fucking sure. But I can't say that.

"Y-yeah. I'm sure."
"Okayyy. Now y/n. Ask someone."
"Niki, truth or dar-"
"Hold on. New rule. When you forefit you have to drink."
"K- truth or dare. Niki."
"Hmmmmm dare?"
"Mhm. Hey Wilbur?"
"What's up?"
"Do you have another white claw?"
"K. Niki, I dare you to shotgun a white claw."
"I- okay."

She got the white claw and stabbed it, throwing the open side into her mouth and chugging it. Me, Wilbur, and fundy, dying laughing.

"Holy fuck-"
She says, gasping for air after she finished
"O-okay. Niki ask someone truth or dare."
I laugh.
She cough.
"Okay, fundy. Truth or dare?"


7:57PM June 17th 2021. Brighton UK

I finished I think three white claws and multiple cups of beer. I felt kinda nauseous. And I kept coughing.
"Hey y/n you okay?"
Wilbur asks, is a soft, yet concerned voice.
I manage to get out, still coughing.
"You sure?"

I then went from coughing to giggling.

"Guys- I think she's a lightweight. she's wasted."
Is what I made out to what Wilbur said.
I think I heard everyone agreeing.

(Wilbur POV)

"Guys- I think she's a lightweight. She's probably wasted"
"Yeah... I think one of us should go tell Tubbo that she's staying with us. I don't think it's a good idea for her to walk out into the halls, wasted."
Niki says.
"Yeah. I'll go."
Fundy says as he gets up, turning to the door.

"Hey y/n?"
I ask, turning to her.
She was still giggling.
"Your staying here for the night. You're too wasted."
"Whattttt??? Noooo I'm notttttt!!!"
I sigh, grabbing her arm. She flinches.
"You good?"
I pick her up and throw her onto Nikis bed.

I walk back to the kitchen and grab a glass of water, then headed back to where y/n sat. I saw Niki trying to keep her sat down,m by holding her hands.

I go over and tap y/n's shoulder. Her head turn to me and hand her the glass of water.

She sighs and takes the glass of water and looks at it weirdly before taking small sips.

"You need to rest. You'll have a nasty hangover in the morning if you don't."
"But I don't want tooooooo."

The door opens, and fundy is closing it.
"Fundy can you tell y/n she needs to sleep?"
I ask.
He walks over to the bed and stands next to me.
"Y/n. Please sleep. You are going to regret it tomorrow if you don't. Listen to me."
"But I don't want toooooo."
I interrupt.
"I don't give a fuck if you don't want to. You have to. If you don't want to listen to us- then fine. But you are going to regret it in the morning. It'll be worse if you don't rest."
"Ughhhh fineee but only if you guys do tooooo."
She says, giggling.
"Fine. Just please rest."

(Y/n POV)

I sigh, going under the covers. Niki does too. I was still nauseous. I felt like giggling and coughing at the same time but I couldn't.

I turn over onto my side to face Niki, she was staring back at me.
"Please sleep."
She mouths
I started giggling.
"Y/n. Please."
Niki hugs me and shuts her eyes, as do I.

I soon started drifting off into the sleep world. And before I know it. I fell asleep.

AY end of chapter! Hope you enjoyed. Ilya <3

1154 words <3

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