Epilogue 2 (alternate ending)

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(Wilbur POV)

I look over to see Niki and clay trying to make the BBQ. Clay kept messing everything up. I scoffed and looked at the ring box in my pocket.

Still there.

I sighed and looked at the girl I was going to propose to. She had her arms wrapped around my waist and she was talking to minx who was across from her.

I took one deep breath before talking to her.
"Hey y/n?"
I shakily asked.
"Yeah baby?"
She responds.
"I-I want to ask you something."
"What is it baby?"
She asks, unwrapping her hands from my waist and looking at me.

I sigh and go down on one knee on the floor.
"W-Wil? What are you doing?"
"W-will you marry me?"
She took a deep breath and started crying.
"Will you marry me?"
"A-are you serious? Is this a prank?"
I looked at her and shook my head.
"It's not a prank y/n. And rather you say yes or no. Or if you break up with me because of it... I'll always be by your side. Through thick and thin."

I see her look over at Toby. He mouths something to her then nods. She sighs, still crying.

"I-I'm sorry Wil..."
She shook her head no. I knew what she meant.

I stood up and put the ring box away. Trying to hold back my tears.

That really just happened? God Ik such an idiot.

She looks at me and tells me to sit down next to each other.

I see ellie come and hug y/n. Y/n tells her something and Ellie walks and sits next to drista.

Y/n looked at me.
"I-I'm sorry but.. I just don't think it's the right time. Even after a year we still haven't sorted mike out yet and i just am not okay mentally. I love you Wil. I really do. And I still want to be your girlfriend.. I just- I don't think it's the right time for us to get married, especially since I'm only 20. And your only 25. Young marriage isn't always the best. And I'm sorry."
"It's okay y/n. I understand completely. And only if you want me to still be your boyfriend I will. But I totally understand your reasoning and if you wanna break up with me- I-I get that you know? But if you need space I-"

I was cut off my her kissing me. I kissed her back. She pulled away and smiled at me.

"I'll still be your girlfriend I just don't think it's the time to get married right now."

I nodded and smiled. Ellie came over as soon as we stopped talking and pulled y/n towards her, drista, and lani.

I sighed and heard Niki sit down next to me.
"How did it go? I mean I know she said no but. What was that talk?"
She asked me.
I sighed
"We are still dating, and I completely understand why she doesn't wanna get married at this direct moment in time."
Niki smiled at me.


548 words <3

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