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7:46 pm. June 24th 2021.

I got Wilbur to stay over for longer. I'm we just ordered dinner and were eating it on the couch, cuddling and watching a movie (specifically coralline) I would get scared at some bits and hug him tighter but he would just laugh and kiss my head.

We soon finished the movie about an hour and a half later and we both headed to my room and layed down and he layed down next to my I hug him from behind and he just smiled. He soon turned over and hug me back. Though, we didn't fall asleep. We wouldn't just talk a little.

He notified me it was 12 am. It Didn't feel like that long had past. I tried to fall asleep and soon later, I did.


12:37 pm June 25th 2021. Brighton UK.

I opened my eyes slightly to see Wilbur on his back looking at his phone with his eyes open. I was still hugging him.

I stopped hugging him and sat up. I can feel him tap me on the shoulder. I look up to see him sitting up next to me.

"Good morning baby."
He says, hugging me and placing a kiss on my cheek. I smiled a little and turned to him.
"Good morning."
He smiled and me.
"I should get going. I love you."
"Awww why?"
"I have to do stuff today, sorry."
"Hm. It's okay. I love you."
"Love you too."

He leaves the bedroom and goes downstairs. I fall back onto the bed and looked over to where he was laying. I sighed.

After a bit I decided to get up. I grabbed some clothes and changed into them. I didn't do my makeup. And I threw my hair into a bun.

The clothes:

I then decided to text Niki to ask her if I should head over to help her pack

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I then decided to text Niki to ask her if I should head over to help her pack.

Niki :)

You- niki. Would right now be a good time for me to head over and help you pack?

Niki :)- sure! Text me when you get there.

You- will do! Bye niki!

You- bye y/n!

I turn off my phone and run downstairs. I grab a apple and a water. I then run over to my door and throw on my high-tops convers and headed out the door.

I ran to my car and started it. I put Nikis address into google maps and started driving there.


1:26 pm June 25th 2021. Brighton UK.

I got to her house and took my phone out. I texted her that I was there and walked up to her door.

She opened it.
"Hi! Thank you again."
"It's really no problem!"

She invites me in and we started packing. We started playing music while doing it. We would make jokes most of the time.

——Sorry for all the skipping but packing is boring I stg——

She brushes her hands off after packing the last thing. She looks at me and smiles.
She yells.
"Mhm! Do you have movers or something to help you?"
"Yeah they should be coming tomorrow I think."
"Okay sick! Uhm tell me when they get here so random people just don't come barging into my house."
She laughs
"Will do. Will do."
I nod.
"Uhm well thank you for helping me y/n!"
"No problem! I'll leave now. Bye Niki!"
"Bye y/n!"

I walk out of the door and run to my car. I then start it after shutting the door and started driving back to my place.

Sorry for the short chapter! But I hope you enjoyed it! Ilya <3

609 words <3

Cause For Concern [Wilbur x reader]Where stories live. Discover now