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12:35PM June 17th 2021. Brighton UK.

We just got out of the shop and started heading to Brighton Tower. Toby ended up calling Wilbur and talking to him. I kinda just stayed quiet cuz I didn't wanna interrupt.

We got there about 30 minutes later and Wilbur and Tommy were already there, along with Tommy's dad. Toby runs up to them and hugs them while I kinda just sit there

Tommy screams
"Hey Tommy."
"Do you know Wilbur?"
"No. Your the only one I know out of Tobys friends- make that online friends."
"Ah yeah. Cuz of how cool I am?"
"No. You just the only one that has came to our house."

I can hear Toby and Wilbur start laughing in the background.

Tommy shouts.
Wilbur shouts back.
"I'm not a fucking child Wilbur!"
"Tommy... don't lie to yourself man..."
I say, trying to hold back my laughter.
"Shut up y/n!"
"Oi! Don't tell y/n to shut up!"
"What you gonna do about it bee boy?"
"Wilbur can you help me with this one?"
Toby asks quietly
"Sure. Tommy dont threaten the boy."
"Tommy shut up Niki is supposed to be here any second now."
"Ugh whatever."

About a minute later I see a girl with light pink hair that's about shoulder length. She looks to be 5'7 and around 19 or 18.


She runs up to them and hugs them. Then she turns to me and looks at me, almost... confused?

"And you are?"
"Oh! Uhm I'm Tobys sister, y/n."
"Oh! Hi y/n! I'm Niki! It's nice to meet you!"
"Nice to meet you too niki!"

We both shake hands and smile at each other. Then I see a guy a light shade of brown hair, around a little shorter than ear length. He looks to be around 6'3 and around 21 or 20.

"BIG F!"

He hugs all of him and says his hi's. I'm still talking a little to Niki when he turns to me.

"And I'm guessing your tubbos sister?"
"Huh? Oh yeah! I'm y/n."
"Well hi y/n! I'm fundy."
"Hi fundy!"

We all turn to Tommy since he was shouting at Wilbur.


Then Wilbur looks back at us.
"Anyways. Uhm do you guys wanna go to an arcade or something? Or should we get our hotels?"

We all agree on hotels and we all get into our cars and started driving about 5 minutes away to where the hotel is.


1:15PM June 17th 2021. Brighton UK.

We finally get to the hotel. We get out of the car too see everyone in the parking lot waiting for us.

I open the trunk and we both grab our bags from it and started walking over to where everyone else was.

"You guys ready to go inside?"
Wilburs asks.

We all agree and started heading inside. Tommy and his dad check in first. Then Wilbur, Niki, and fundy, then me and Toby.

Wilbur Niki and fundy were sharing a room to make it easier.

Me and Toby got to our room and we both hopped on separate beds. I got the one next to the window.

I throw my stuff onto my bed and started taking the clothes out. I then put my clothes into the dresser. I grabbed my bag again and put my stuffed animal down on my bed. Toby does the same thing.

A few minutes later Toby tells me Wilbur says to meet him in the lobby.

We close the our room door and head downstairs to the lobby.

We see Wilbur Niki and fundy sitting there so we go and sit next to them and I start talking to Niki.

"Hey y/n?"
Niki asks me
"What's up?"
"Would you ever consider making a twitch account."
"Uhm Toby keeps asking me but the thing is I don't like the spotlight and stuff like that."
"Hm yeah I get that."
"Mhm. Though I might to get my mind off of some stuff. And if I do I'll ask him to do the same thing he did with lani and just let people find me if they find me. You know?"
"Yeah. It's understandable being a streamer and being a huge streams sibling is like- really hard cause you don't know what's gonna happen."
"Yeah I know. That's what happened with lani"

Me and Niki kept talking for a bit until Tommy and his dad came down. We all decided to go to the arcade.


1:25PM June 17th Brighton UK.

We finally get to the arcade and head inside. We all decide to split into groups.

"So toby, Niki and me. Is that okay with one group? And Tommy, and fundy with the other. And y/n you can tag along with Toby and Mr.Simons you can tag along with Tommy. That alright?"

We all agree on those teams and split off with them.

It started with them talking and sometimes dragging me into their conversations but I didn't interrupt cuz I didn't wanna me a nuisance to anyone.

Niki care up to me and started talking to me. Assuming it's because she was getting tired with the boys.

"I've been wanting to move here for a while but I don't have anyone to room with and I hate living by myself."
"You know I have my own apartment. I just moved and I have like a storage room I don't use."
"Oh! That's not what I meant I don't mean to be a nuisan-"
"No no. I really don't care. I hate living by myself. But I'm not forcing you. If you want to then you can."
"I'd love too! I just need to know you a bit more."
"Yeah that's understandable. Hopefully we can get to know each other more throughout the week."
"Yup. I-"
"Niki! Come here!"
Toby shouts
"Bye y/n. Tubbos calling."
"Bye Niki."

She walks over to Toby and starts joining their conversation.

"Hey y/n?"
An unfamiliar voice calls.
I look up to see Wilbur looking at me.
"Uhm do you wanna join me Niki and fundy in our room tonight to have a drink or two? Toby and Tommy aren't coming cuz they can't drink and Mr.Simons is staying with Tommy".
"Uh sure! Thanks for asking."
"Hey if you aren't talking cuz you don't wanna be a bother- you aren't being a bother you can start talking more."
"Mhm okay."

And with those words I started talking a b it more. And sometimes they would laugh at my jokes.

chapter done <3 Ilya and I hope your feeling okay. Byeeee!

1141 words <3

Cause For Concern [Wilbur x reader]Where stories live. Discover now