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7:35AM June 18th 2021. Brighton UK.

I woke up with Niki sitting next to me on her phone.

God my head fucking hurts.

I turn over and tap her on the shoulder. She looks at me and smiles, shutting her phone off.

"Your awake!"
She whispers.
"Mhm. My head hurts."
"We told you that it would."
"Did you?"
"Yeah. Do you need Advil or something? I have some."
"Yes please."
"Okay. I'll be right back"
She says, getting up and walking over to the kitchen.

I throw my head onto the pillow, turning the direction of Wilbur and fundys bed. They had to share one because Niki got her own bed and there was nothing else for them to sleep on.

Wilbur was shuffling around and turned to his side with his head facing me. I look at him and he starts opening his eyes.

Once his eyes were fully open he looks at me and smiles. He then sees that Niki isn't laying down next to me.

"Niki is getting me Advil."
I whisper
"Ohhh okay."
He whispers back.

I smile and At him and he smiles back. Then Niki walked in with water and Advil for me and sat down at the end of the bed. She looked at Wilbur

"Oh. Good morning Wil."
"Good morning Niki."

She then hands me the Advil and water and tells me to sit up.

"I didn't know if you take pills with water but I got it just in case."
She whispers.
I smile at her

I then take the Advil and out the glass of water next to my bed.

Niki, still sitting at the edge of the bed says
"It should set in in about 15 minutes or so. Uhm I'm gonna go get ready."
"Okay. Thanks Niki."
"No problem!"

She says, getting up and grabbing clothes and heading to the bathroom to change. I stay sitting up and turn on my phone, and started scrolling on Twitter.

A bit later Niki comes out of the bathroom with a pink romper and her normal makeup.

"Hey guys?"
She whispers, trying not to wake fundy.
"What's up?"
"I'm gonna go grab breakfast from the cafe downstairs. Anyone wanna come?"
"Uhm wait for me. I'm just gonna change."
I respond.
"Okay I'll be at the desk editing on my laptop. Tell me when your ready."
"K. Uhm my clothes are in mine and tobys room so I'll be back."

She nods. I grab my room card for mine and tobys room. I walk out and close the door. I was suddenly grabbed by the wrist

I immediately knew who it was. He started dragging me.
"No. Not now~"

I kept screaming. Hoping someone could hear me.

I felt two hands on my waist and a chin on my shoulder.
"I told you to let her go, mike~"


his hand immediately dropped form my wrist and he ran away. I was spun around and hugged.

"I-I'm sorry."
"Stop apologizing y/n!"
"No! You shouldn't be in this mess. Especially this early in the morning."
I say, looking up and him.
"I don't care. aslong as my friends are alright so am I. I'm walking you to your and tobys room."

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