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We got back to the group.
"Why did you guys leave?"
Niki asks, concerned.

Me and Wilbur look at each other and start laughing.
"No seriously. Where did you guys go?"
We didn't answer and kept laughing.
"Whatever- let's just keep walking."

We did keep walking. Soon we got to the shops.

We went inside of the store and I was walking next to Wilbur.
"Hey Wil?"
I ask.
"What's up?"
"Uhm I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll be right back."
"Do you want me to come with you? I mean I want to make sure your safe it's across from the store I ca-"
"No. It's fine. I'll go by myself. Thanks you though."

I walk off to go to the bathroom leaving everyone in the store I just left.

I was wondering around the store, looking for the bathroom when I realized I didn't know where I was. And I didn't know where anyone was (that I knew atleast).

Fuck. I don't know where I am.

I started looking in different directions trying to find someone. My head was pounding, people probably thought I was crazy. I wanted to cry. I was having trouble breathing. Shaking, and wanting to cry and leaned against a wall and put my need up to my head and buried my head into my knees.

People probably think I'm crazy. What the fuck am I doing? Please. Someone. At least Tommy find me.

(Wilbur POV)
It's been about 10 minutes since y/n left to go to the bathroom and I was getting worried.
"Guys I'll be back."
"Oh my god again?!"
"Yes Tommy! Again!"

I started running around the store looking for y/n.

Please be somewhere. Please let me find you.

I kept repeating that and repeating that in my mind. Hoping I would find her.

After what felt liek hours of looking I found her, she was curled into a ball against a wall

What the fuck was she doing?!

I run up to her and shake her.

(Y/n POV)
I felt someone shaking me. I lift my head up from me knees, still crying, still having trouble breathing. my face? probably red.

I look up and see Wilbur with a concerned look on his face. He sees that I have been crying and hugs me. I hide my face into his chest. He starts rubbing my back for comfort.

"I told you I should go with you."
"I know. And I'm sorry I thought I could do it myself. I guess I'm just incapable of doing anything myself-"
"Y/n. Look at me."

He says, tilting my face up to his with his finger. I look at his eyes and he's staring back at me.

"Your capable of doing anything. Just right now may not be the best time. You are going. Through something rough and I can tell. I promise, it'll get better."

I hide my face into his shoulder and started crying more.

He looks at me.
"We should probably go to the bathroom. People probably think we're crazy."
I couldn't help but laugh a little.
"I guess your right."

He takes my hand and pulls me up from the ground. He holds my hand all the way to the gender neutral bathroom.

He sits me down and grab a wet paper towel and starts wiping my face with it. It was then that his phone buzzed.

"Fuck. It's Niki. Hold on."

"She's asking where we are. Do you want me to tell her?"
I nod my head in response

A few seconds later he continues talking.
"She says she'll be here in a minute."

And within about 2 minutes there is a knock on the door.

Wilbur stands up and opens it, it was Niki. She walks in and collapses next to me.

"Are you okay?"
"I think..."
"You sure?"
"I don't know."

She hugs me and I sink into it. Then Wilbur joins the hug. I felt loved at the moment- until Tommy texted Wilbur.

"Ugh. He's saying to hurry up and that he wants food."

Then both grab one of my hands and help me stand up. They open the door and we all walk out. Wilbur calls Tommy talking him, asking where the were.

We soon find them at a sitting area in the mall. We go and sit next to them.

"What do you guys want to eat?"
Tommy and Toby both state.
"Uhm okay. Niki, Wilbur, fundy?"
"Sure. I'm fine with that."
"Meh. I'm good with that."
"McDonalds it is then."

We then try and find our way to the exit of the door. And it took a while but we found it and headed out.

We found our way to the closest McDonalds because we didn't have our cars since we walked to the shops.


10:04AM June 18th 2021. Brighton UK

We got to the McDonalds and went inside. I just got a hash brown because I wasn't that hungry.

We all got our foods and we sat down at a booth. It was 3 people on each side. I was in between Wilbur and Niki. And Toby was in between fundy and Tommy.

We started eating.
"I'm fucking tired"
I whisper. Wilbur looks at me.
"Then sleep dumbass."
"Ugh whatever."

I feel myself drifting off without knowing it. And my head hit something

Meh it's probably just the booth back.

(Wilbur POV)
I feel something heavy hit my shoulder. I look down to see y/n's head on my shoulder. I smile and continue to eat my food. And within minutes I can hear small snores coming from y/n. I laugh a little when Niki turns over to me.

"Is she sleeping?"
Niki asks me.
I nod in response.
"Ohhh okay."

She says, turning back and continuing to eat. I confused eating too.

All of us finished our food, and y/n was still sleeping. I started shaking her. She groans

"What do you want?"

(Y/n POV)
"What do you want?"
"We are leaving n/n get up."

Since when the fuck- nevermind.

"Ugh okay."

I say, grabbing the tray of trash and throwing it your. We all walk out of the store and agree to go back to the hotel for a bit.

Hey! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Tysm for 38 reads! It means the world! Ilya! -Ace

1078 words <3

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