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2:05PM June 17th Brighton UK

We soon all met up and the exit door and leave. We all hop on our separate cars and started driving back to the hotel.


2:13PM June 17th 2021. Brighton UK

We all got back to the hotel and met in the lobby.

"Do you guys wanna go out for lunch?"
Fundy asks

We all say our different variations of "sure" or "yeah" and started talking about what we wanted.

"Maybe subway?"
Toby suggests
"Hmmm dominos?"
I suggest
Niki agrees
"Hm yeah dominos."
Fundy also agrees
"Well if me and Tommy are the deciding vote. I say dominos."
Wilbur adds
"Meh dominos wins so I guess."
Tommy replies

We all then turn to Toby to see if he was okay with dominos.

"Well if that's what everyone wants!"

We all then cheer and order dominos. I started talking to Niki more and Wilbur would sometimes join our conversations.

"So about the 'me moving into your apartment thing'?"
She asks
"I mean I don't really care. It would be nice to have some company. And we just have to get to know each other more."
"Yeah I agree because she shouldn't move in with someone you just met."
"That's true!"
"Hey y/n?"
Wilbur asks, joining in the conversation.
"Hm? What's up?"
"Where do you live? I wanna see if we live near each other."
"Hm I live like 45+ minutes away from here. Best description I can give. I just moved."
"Really?! I live like 50+ minutes away from here!"

We kept talking and about 30 minutes later the pizza got there and we picked it up and headed upstairs to fundy, Niki, and Wilburs room.


2:50PM June 17th 2021. Brighton UK

We got up there and put the food on the floor.

We all sit in a circle.
I sit next to Niki
Niki sits nexts to Tommy
Tommy sits nexts to Toby
Toby sits next to fundy
Fundy sits next to Wilbur
Wilbur sits next to me
And then Tommy's dad was refusing to sit on the floor so he just sat on what I think is nikis bed.

We open the pizza box and Wilbur grabs paper plates and gives everyone one. We all take a slice of pizza and start eating.

"Hey uhm can I go grab a monster from my room?"
I ask, putting the slice of pizza back on my plate.
"No it's fine I have some- well me and Niki have the zero ultra ones if you want one?"
Wilbur responds, swallowing a bite of pizza.
"Really? That's my favorite kind. Thank you!"
"Mhm. I'm gonna go grab one."
"Okay. Thanks!"

He stands up and heads over to the fridge and I started talking to Niki more and started to get to know her.

"Hey so I never really asked this but what are your pronouns?"
I ask.
"Oh she/her. What about you!"
"I use she/her also. Thanks for asking!"

And a lot more conversations. Then a few minutes later Wilbur comes back with two monsters. Guessing one for himself and one for me.

He sits back down on his spit and passes on to be and keeps the other.
"Thank you!"
"Yeah no problem!"

Then he joined the conversation with Tommy's dad, Tommy, Toby, and fundy.


3:20PM June 17th 2021. Brighton UK

We were just sat talking since we finished our pizza a while ago.

"Hey guys?"
Wilbur interrupts.
"Do you guys wanna go to a water park?"

Every yells yes and we throw the pizza box away and everyone goes to their own rooms to change into their bathing suits.

Me and Toby get to our room and Toby grabs his bathing suit and heads to the bathroom to change.

I grab a black one piece bathing suit and sit on my bed and go on my phone, waiting for Toby to come out of the bathroom so I can change.


@BBOOBBOO: I didn't know Tubbo had another sister?! Why did he never tell us?!

@LOLOGH45: #TubboSister what is this # about?!

I sighed, shutting my phone off. Had Toby really never told them about me? Ugh whatever.


I yell, running past him into the bathroom holding my bathing suit.

The bathing suit:

I threw back on my skirt over it and headed out to where toby was

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I threw back on my skirt over it and headed out to where toby was.

I slipped on my slides and headed out to the main lobby where Wilbur said to meet.


3:30PM June 17th 2021. Brighton UK.

We get down there to see Niki down there. I sit next to her and Toby sits ok the ground.

"Niki I like your bathing suit!"
I compliment. She was wearing a pink one with strawberry's on it and it was a two piece.
"Thank you I like yours too!"
"Thank you!"
"Mhm! Wilbur and fundy told me to just go down and wait for everyone cuz I changed first."
"Yeah Toby changed first but he couldn't go done by himself- or I would let him go down by himself."
"Yeah fair. He's still a minor."

A few minutes later fundy Wilbur, Tommy and his dad come down and we sit there for about five minutes talking and then we leave to start heading to the water park.


-ace <3

921 words <3

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