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3:45PM June 17th 2021. Brighton UK.

We got to the water park and it was surprisingly pretty empty. There was a few people here and there but not a lot.

"So where do you guys wanna go first?!"
Niki asks excitedly.
Tommy shouts.
Toby shouts, tagging along.
"Meh I'm good with water slides."
Fundy agrees
"Well you know me. I'm just gonna stay and watch."
Tommy's dad chuckles.
"Uhm sure. Water slides."
Wilbur says.

I turn to Niki.
"Water slides?"
I ask
"Water slides."
She nods.

Tommy yells.
"Mhm! Now let's go! We don't want there to be a line do we?!"

Tommy, Toby and fundy started sprinting to the one they wanted to go on.

"Literal children."
Wilbur sighs
"Yeah. But that's why I love 'Em."
I respond."
"Kay but I was right. We should hurry up. They might have an adult with them but that adult acts like a child"

Niki says. We all agree and started running after them. Tommy's dad just kinda stayed at a bench near the entrance.

We soon caught up to them and started talking. Not even a minute later we get to the first water slide. It was a slide were you would get inclosed in this box like thing and then the floor would collapse and you would drop down.

Tommy went first and he kinda just sat in the pool for a bit after.

A bit later it was my turn to go. I was a little nervous but Niki reassured me it would be fine.

I stepped into the box and they incased me in. I closed my eyes and then...


I dropped down. Water splashed into my face. It was fun, yeah. But it was too scary and overwhelming. My heart beating fast, I got thrown into the pool.

It splashed me underwater, I tried to stand, but the water was too deep. Fuck. Why did this have to happen to me? I could barely swim when I felt a hand grab my arm and help me up.

I rub the water out of my eyes and hear a familiar voice.
"Are you okay?"
I open my eyes, it was Wilbur.
"Oh- I- sorry- I-"
"No. Don't apologize. You didn't know. It's okay. Here I'll go get niki. You two can sit and talk on a bench while you calm down."
I hummed in response

Why the fuck was I like this? I should've never came. I ruined the trip for Toby. He probably doesn't wanna talk to me.

"Hey y/n?"
I hear a voice ask, I turn over to see niki staring at me.
"Come here."
She said patting her hand on the spot next to her.

She was sitting at the edge of the pool, splashing her feet in the water. I move over to her and she reached her hand out for me to grab it. I do and she helps me out of the pool to sit next to her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that you would've reacted liek this. I shouldn't have reassured you."
"No. Niki. Don't apologize. It's not your fault. It's mine. I shouldn't even gone or agreed to go on that ride in the first place. I knew how I was going to react. I probably ruined everything for Toby."
She grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug.
"Stop. You didn't ruin anything for anyone. And it's not your fault. It's mine and everyone else's. Tubbo probably just forgot how you reacted to those rides and just wanted to go. It's not your fault."
"No. It is-"
"Y/N! STOP!"
I looked at her with a sorta scared expression on my face... I wasn't expecting  her to yell.
"Dont apologize."
She laughed and hugged me again, and I hugged back.

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