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7:03PM june 16th 2021. Brighton UK

I hop out of the shower after being it in for 30 some odd minutes. Feeling refreshed. That past week has been pretty stressful with moving, and taking care of my siblings, although I'll have to take care of Toby for the next week. Though I hope that I'll have some time to relax there.

I walk to my room and grab a random hoodie and sweatpants. The hoodie ended up being my quackity merch that Toby gave me.

I walk out of my room to the living room to see Toby watching tv. I sit next to him and we started talking.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?"
"Sure. Uh you can decide."
"Uhm... Matilda?"
"Hm. I've never seen it. Sure!"
"K. I'll go get snacks."

I get up and make popcorn and grab a few waters and soda and then started making my way back to the living room.

I set the snacks and drinks on the coffee table and sit down next to Toby.

I take the remote and then put on Matilda. It started playing as I grabbed a blanket and threw it over me.

We started eating snacks while watching the movie, sometimes he gets confused so I have to explain it to him but meh.


8:48PM june 16th 2021. Brighton UK.

The movie finally finished and I then over to Toby. He was asleep. Meh he was probably really tired.

I throw the blanket off of me trying not to wake him. I grab the plates and bowls and empty containers and headed to the kitchen to put them into the sink.

I put them into the sink and headed back to my room.

I sat on the desk and turned on my pc and decided to call me best friend. Their name is rue and they stream on twitch. We live far distance since they live in Canada.

They pick up.
"Hey rue!"
"Hey y/n! What's up? How did moving go?"
"It went well! Uhm lani and heather stayed for a bit. Uhm Toby is staying with me for  one more week-"
"Uhm you know how he also streams?"
"Okay so his and his friends are meeting up and he needs an adult there and mom and dad are to busy to bring him and since I'm 20 I'm bringing him."
"Ahhhh okay. Sick!"
"Yeah. Did you wanted to tell me anything?"
"Oh yeah so you know how I've always wanted to sing?"
"I'm making a song!"
"That's amazing! What's the song gonna be called"
"Little miss perfect."
"Sick! Tell me when it comes out! I'll 100% watch it!"
"Okay! Bye y/n. I have to sleeps love you!"
"Love you too rue. Goodnight."

They hang up. I grab my guitar from under my desk and started to quietly strum the chords to 'enough for you' by Olivia rodrigo.

I soon finished the song and just started randomly drawing things to express my feeling- like how I normally do at night. Like other people, they might journal. But for me, I draw my feelings.

I finished and hung my drawing up. I then get up and turn off the lights I grab my phone and set an alarm for tomorrow for 10:30AM. The drive from Our house to Brighton tower is 45+ minutes. And I started scrolling on Twitter, liek how I normally do when I'm about to go to sleep.

I put my phone down and started slowly drifting off. Soon I started to dream.


(Unknown time) june 17th 2021. Brighton UK


I woke up in the same dark room as last time. This time the guy was a few inches infront of me. He dragged me to the floor again and started doing bad things to me. Soon the figure disappeared, And the dream put me in a cafe with my old friends. I tried telling them what happened but they just laughed at me. I saw the guy coming and sit down next to me.


2:46AM June 17th 2021. Brighton Uk

I woke up in another cold sweat. I checked the time. I sighed and turned over trying to go back to sleep. But the memories kept hitting me. I decided to get up and draw again. The things that happened, I drew. I decided to hang this one up after a lot of debating.

I hopped back into bed, throwing the sheets over me and sighed. I turned on my phone and put my earbuds in and turned on calming music to help me sleep. I didn't do that last night just so I didn't disturb lani.


10:30PM June 17th 2021. Brighton UK.

I woke up to my alarm going off I run my eyes and turn over to shut my alarm off. I sigh heavily and sit up. I throw the blankets off of me. But I don't get up I just turn and dangle my legs off of the bed. I lean over to my desk and grab my guitar.

I decided to sing 'drivers license' by Olivia Rodrigo.

I finished the song and put my guitar back where it was. I  throw myself off of my bed and head over to my dresser and grabbed a pair of clothes. We weren't driving far. We live only like 30 minutes from Brighton tower.

The outfit (if you don't like it pretend you wore something else):

The outfit (if you don't like it pretend you wore something else):

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I then started packing a few things for the week. I hear a knock at my door.

"Come in!"

Toby opens the door

"Hey uh Wilbur said we have to be there between 1 and 1:30 by the way."
"Okay Uhm I suggest if you haven't you start packing for the-"
"I already have."
"Ah okay well I am right now. Uhm are we gonna eat there or do you want me to make you food?"
"Uhm idk I'll ask Wilbur."

He pulls out his phone as I continue packing. A few minutes later he says something.

"He said you could make food if you wanted but we'll be eating lunch at like 2."
"I'll make breakfast- unless you aren't hungry."
"Uhm I'm not hungry."
"Oh okay. Uhm you can go chill in the living room or something. I'll be packing in here if you need me."
"Ok bye."

I yell as he closes my door and I continue packing.


11:09AM June 17th 2021. Brighton UK.

I finished packing and grabbed my bag and headed out to the living room where I found Toby.

He looks at me.
"Hi. I'm watching full house."
"Okay I'll watch it with you in a minute I'm gonna grab a banana or sum form the kitchen."

I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge. I ended up grabbing a apple. I also grab a monster just to give me energy.

I walk back into the living room and hop on the couch next to Toby and started watching full house with him.

We were watching it for 30 some odd minutes when I spoke up.

"Uh we should probably put our stuff in the car. I also wanna go shopping."
"Okay I'll go with you. Let me just grab my bag"
"Okay I'll be here."

He gets up and go grabs his bags. Then he walks back into the living room and we leave. Closing and locking the door behind us, walking to my car.

I open the trunk and we put our stuff in it. We then hop into the car and I started driving to the store.

We got there and head inside. I grabbed a few snacks, and a monster pack. I also got Toby a few things such as waters, sodas, etc;.


(1322 words <3)

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