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1:58PM June 18th 2021. Brighton UK.

Niki yells, before reaching forward and turning her camera off.

She takes a deep breath and sighs.
"Everything okay?"
I ask her.
"Huh? Oh.. yeah..."
Sure replies, rubbing her temples.
"You sure?"
She looks at me, she looks very tired.
"Tell me whats going on. You've been here for me so it's my time to be here for you."
She sighs.
"I just haven't been feeling my best lately. I don't feel like how I used to. I just sit and pretend to be happy. And I just don't feel... normal?"
"Niki. I understand how you feel and it can get rough sometimes but I promise if you need anything, I'm right here. And you can always reach out for more as therapy and such. And you are normal. It may not seem like it but you are. And please reach out for professional help if needed."
"I know I can. Thanks you"
"I swear I'm always here for you. Even if you're mad at me. Pinky swear"
I say, sticking my pinky out.
She laughs.
"Pink promise."
We shake pinkies and start laughing and I pull her in for a hug. She hugs me back.

"Oh by the way, and I know you probably don't want to but all of us are going swimming in the hotel pool- uhm I think their all in my room so let's go and see if we can go now- only if you want-"
"Yeah I'll go. Let's head to your room to see if they are there."

I say, grabbing her hand and dragging her off of the bed. She stands up and I grab the key card to my room and we start heading to hers

We soon got there, considering their room was around the corner from mine. She opens the door with her key card and we see everyone sitting down somewhere.

We walk in and I hop next to Wilbur and Niki hops next to me.
"What's up Tommy?"
"Can we go swimming in the hotel pool?"
"I don't care. Why are you asking me?"
"YAY! Let's all go get ready!"
Toby screams.

I can't help but laugh. I can hear Wilbur giggling next to me. I look over to see him staring back at me. We lock eyes.

"How and why is it that everytime I look at you your are already looking at me?"
I laugh.
"What? Do you not like it?"
"No. It's fine."
"Then maybe I do it cuz your pretty."

I roll my eyes and fall back onto the bed. I can hear everyone laughing, assuming they just heard what Wilbur said.

I can feel something fall back on the right of me. I look over to see Niki laying back, staring at the ceiling. I then feel someone pulling my arm.

I sit up and see Toby hold my arm.
"Y/n! We have to get ready for the pool!"
"Ughhh okay hold on. Go to the room I'll be there in like a minute."
There was no response.
"Did you forget your room key?"
"I left it in Tommy's room..."
"Oh my god- just one sec."
He goes and stands by the door.

I turn over to Wilbur who's just staring out the window from where he was sitting next to me.  I tap him on the shoulder and he looks at me.

"I- nevermind I need to talk to NIKI!"
"Huh what?!"
She says, sitting up within the blink of an eye. I give her a look saying I need to talk to her.

She brings me over to the corner of the room.
"What's up?"
She whispers
"What if- what if we do the plan where I tell him... sooner?"
"What? What do you mean? Don't you think it's a little to early?"
"No! Not right now silly! I'm talking about on Monday! It's Friday right now so like 3 days. On the 21st."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I'm sure Niki. Now cmon."
I say, tugging her back to where we were before.

I plop down next to Wilbur.
"What's up?"
He asks.
"Huh? Oh nothing uhm... goodbye!"
I say, sitting up and heading over to the door where Toby was, and walking out shutting nb the door behind me.

Cause For Concern [Wilbur x reader]Where stories live. Discover now