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We got to my room and I sit in my gaming chair. He pulls up a stool next to me and starts to help me.

"Do you have a twitch account already?"
He asks me
"Okay so make one."

I start to make one but then I turn to him.
"I don't have any name ideas..."
"Hm... u/n?"

I start typing it in and soon finished signing in. Once I finished I turn to Wilbur.
I ask him
"Uhm go to your profile dashboard"
I did it.
"Now go to streaming tools."
"And click on what streaming broadcaster you wanna use and click on the link."


2:20PM June 24th 2021. Brighton UK

I lay back in my chair, sighing. We just finished setting up my twitch. I turn over to Wilbur and rest my head on his shoulder.

He looks down and me and smiles, placing a kiss on my forehead.
"I love you."
I smile back at him.
"I love you too."

I then get up and lay down in my bed. He follows.
"Can I lay here?"
He asks, pointing next to me.
I laugh
"I don't care."

He shrugs and lays down next to me. He turns over to face me and hugs me. I hide my face in his neck, curling up into a ball.

I laugh a bit.
"What are you laughing about?"
He asks.
I smile back.

He leans down and kisses the top of my forehead. I soon start to drift off into a small nap.

The last thing I remember before drifting off is hearing Wilbur sigh and hug me tighter, whispering into my ear "I love you so much, n/n"

I then fully drifted off into what hopefully wouldn't be that long of a nap


3:56PM June 24th 2021. Brighton UK.

I wake up to Wilbur turned over on his side, no longer facing me. He looked to be on his phone. I sat up and he looked at me. Shutting his phone off and turning over, and sitting up with me.

"Your wake!"
He exlaims
I turn over to him and nod.
"You feelin okay?"
He asks.
I didn't answer.
I turn over to him.
"Answer the question."
I sigh.
"I guess."
"Okay. Just know I love you."
"I know and I love you too."

He pulls me into a hug, and I sink into it. I hug him back and his my face in his chest, so close I can hear his heartbeat.

I soon release from the hug, looking up at him. We lock eyes and his stare is so comforting that I can't help but smile. He smiles back at me.

"What're you smiling at?"
"You're so stupid."
"I know."

He laughs and then my phone buzzes and lights up.

"Who is that?"
He asked
"I don't know."
"Well then check!"

I shrug and turn over to grab my phone.
'Niki :)'

"Just Niki."
"Ah okay."

I turn it on and read the message

Niki :)

Niki :) - hey uhm can you come river tmr and help me pack? My address is *********** !

You - sure! I'd love too! I'm with Wil rn though.

Niki :) - oh sorry! Go spend time with him! See you soon!

You- haha okay I'll ttyl.

Niki :) - Byee!!

I shut off my phone and looked back it Wilbur.
"What's up?"
He asks.

I say, leaning forward and stopping when my forehead hits his chest. I can hear him laugh a little. He places a kiss on my head.

"What do you wanna do?"
I ask.
"Mmmm idk. Do you wanna stream?"
"Not if your here silly! People are gonna get suspicious!"
"So? They already think your Nikis friend! Just say your mine too!"
I sigh.

I get up and walk over to my pc. He helps me get ready for stream. He says he's tweeting my twitch.

I get a notification from Twitter. I click on it.

My friend started streaming!

I look up and smile at him. I turn back and people were piling into my stream.


They then stopped. I looked up and him and the starting soon screen went off. I look at my pc.

I yell. I can hear him laugh next to me.
"Uhm I guess we can do just chatting. For a bit- Wil!"
He asks, looking up from his phone to look at me.
"Nevermind- uhm for just chatting I'm gonna be reading chat for a q&a."
He says, looking back at his phone.
I sigh rolling my eyes. I turn off my mic and whisper it to his ear.
"I muted my mic but I know we can't talk how we usually do because of your- toxic fans or whatever. But I promise after stream we can go out for ice cream or something."
I smiles turning off his phone looking up and me.
"My camera is still on so you can't kiss me."
"I know that dumb ass!"
He yells.
He sighs and hugs me. I then unmuted my mic.
"Kay sorry guys!"

Then the questions started
"Are you Nikis friend? Yup! I am- from her vlog!"

(Wilbur POV)
I couldn't help but stare at her. She was so perfect in every way shape and form.

I can't believe she's my girlfriend.

I would trade anything in the world for here .

Soon people in chat started asking questions about why I was staring at her so I had to stop, instead I just looked at chat.

Someone asked what we were talking about when we were muted and she just laughed it off and said that she was having trouble streaming.

I laughed at the lie.
"What are you laughing at?"
She asked me.
"Huh? Nothing."
I chuckle
"Hm. Okay I guess."

She turned back to stream and I kinda just spaced out. When I got back to reality I realized my head was on her shoulder.

I shook my head and she looked down at me.
"You good?"
She asks.
"Yeah I'm fine."
I say, pinching the bridge of my nose
She says, turning back to her stream.

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I don't really know what else to do so sorry if it gets boring! But that's it ig. Ilya! -ace

1070 words <3

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