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Me and Wilbur were still hugging when Toby interrupts us.
"You guys done yet?"
I flick my head over it where he is.
"BRUHH. I'm going to Tommy's room."
"Okay. Byeeee."

He takes his key card and leaves. I turn back to Wilbur and we both start laughing.

"Hey y/n?"
He asks.
I say, looking back up at him with a smile.
"Would you every stream?"
"Like on what? Twitch?"
"See the thing is i don't want to be known as 'tubbos sister' although it's kinda too late- but I just don't want the thing that happened to lani happen to me."
"Yeah. But what if you told Tubbo not to say that you streamed and just tell no one to walk in while your streaming."
"Hm. I guess that would work. Wait you said you lived near me?"
"Mhm? Why?"
"When the trip is over and maybe if Niki moves in, would you help me set it up? I have a pc"
"Sure I'd love to."
"Yay! Thanks you!"

I say, pulling him into a hug, he hugs back almost immediately. We then hear a knock on the door.

"I'll go get it."
Wilbur says, releasing from the hug

He gets up and opens the door.
"Ally?! How the fuck did you find me?"
"Who is it Wil?"
"Don't worry y/n hold on."

(Wilbur POV)
Why the fuck was she here?!

"What do you want ally?"
"I want you.."
"Dont fucking touch me."
"Why? I love you baby-"
"No! I hate you! We broke up 2 years ago! I haven't heard from you since last December!"
"And? I still love you... one sided love in a relationship is okay.."
"What?! No it's not!"

I then see Niki she looks at me, confused and I mouthed the words 'HELP ME.' She gets it and once she got closer she sees who it is.

"Ally! Just leave me alone!"
"But I love y-"
"Leave him alone al."
Niki says, leaning on the wall.
"W- Niki?!"
"And why should I leave him alone?"
She looks at me and winks.
"His girlfriend wouldn't be very happy and trust me, she isn't fun when she's mad."
"W- girlfriend?!"
"I want proof!"
"Okay. Let me text her."

(Niki POV)
I pull out my phone.
'Y/n :)'

You- Wilburs crazy ex girlfriend is out here. I told her that you were his girlfriend and she wants proof come out of the room please.

Y/n- w- Niki! Fine hold on!

"Okay. She said one minute!"
"Ugh. Okay. Tell her to hurry up!"
"No can do. I'll let her com right when she wants to."
"Uh. Fine!"

(Y/n POV)
I roll my eyes, putting my phone in my pocket and standing up, heading over to the door.

I opened it to see a girl with blonde hair shoulder length. She was wearing a jean skirt and a pink t-shirt with way over the top makeup. She stood and looked at me.

"Are you his so called 'girlfriend'?"
She asks as I sneak past her to stand in between Wilbur and Niki.
"Prove it! Kiss or something!"
"Go on."

I look at him and he's looking back.
'We don't have to if you don't wanna.'
He mouths.
'It doesn't matter. If she leave you alone it's fine.'

"Go on! What are you waiting for?!"

I roll my eyes and turn back to him. We lock eyes for a moment when he mouths the words.
I nod and we kissed

The truth is, this was my first kiss and I wasn't expecting it to be how it turned out. But here I am. At 19. In the middle of a hotel hallway, kissing one of my friends because of his crazy ex girlfriend bothering him.

He puts his hands on my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Niki walking away slowly and awkwardly.

I can hear ally sigh.
"Ugh! I think I've seen enough."
Me and Wilbur stop kissing and watch her as she struts away.

We look at each other and smile.
"We aren't telling Tommy about this."
He says.
"Yeah if course not."
I respond, laughing.
We hear Tommy yell from across the hallway.
We look at each other and started laughing.
I call after.
I yell, laughing.
Wilbur yells after.

He yells, finally walking away.
"Oh my god finally"
I sigh, turning back to Wilbur who was already staring at me.
I giggle
He giggles back.
"Why are you staring at me?"
"I don't know?"
"What? Did you like the kiss?"
"Maybe. Maybe not."
"Yeah okay. Cmon I'm still tired. I say tugging his arm, pulling him back into the room.

I lay down on the bed and he just sits at the desk.
"Are you gonna come lay down."
"Huh? No I'm good."
"What are you even doing?"
I giggle, covering myself with the covers and laying down.
"Just thinking. Do you want me to call Niki up and I go back downstairs?"
"Uhm I don't care. I can be by myself."
"I know I'm just worried."
He says, spinning the chair around into my direction.
"Because. Everytime I leave you alone something happens and I'm just worried."
"Yeah. Fair. Uhm if Niki doesn't wanna come up then that's fine I'm probably just gonna lay here for a bit longer."
"Okay I'll text her."

A bit later he continues talking.
"She'll be here in like a minute."

I say, turning over onto my back, looking up at the ceiling.

was that really your first kiss? WHY was that your first kiss? God I'm so stu-

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. Wilbur gets up and opens it. Then Niki walks in and wilbur walks out.

Niki come and sits next to me.
She says.
"So? Anything you need?"
"Pffff I need help."
"With what?
"Uhhh a lot."
I say, sitting up.
"Okay. But what?"
"Uhm... promise you won't tell anyone?"
"Promise. Actually? Pinky promise."
She says, sticking her pinky out.
I scoff and put my pinky out to.
"Pinky promise."
"So?! What's up?!"
"Uh... I think I might like Wilbur.."
"Wow. Liek i DIDNT KNOW THAT!"
"Yeah. We can all tell. We're sure he likes you back."
"Okay but that's the thing. I THINK I like him not know. That's what I need help with. I don't know if I liek him or not."
"Hm well let's see. You guys kissed. You guys danced in the pool together. You guys were cuddling. When you aren't around he won't shut up about you- and vise versa. So?"
"Oh my god Niki. That's not what I was saying!"
"Well that's what I am! Based off of those. I think you like him."
"You know? I think your right."
"Of course I am! I always am. Are you gonna tel him?!"
"Hm... what if on the last night we are here we play truth or dare with everyone and once it gets passed to you, you ask me who my crush is and I say Wilbur?"
"That's a great idea y/n! But are you sure you want Tommy and tubbo to know?"
"I mean I'm fine with Toby knowing... but Tommy's a little... meh"
"Yeah. So? Final idea and answer?"
"Uhm why are you asking me this-?"
"Just answer!"
"Fine. I liek him and that's how I'm gonna tel him."
"Yay! Okay! Do you wanna film together?im making a vlog!"
"Their gonna ask who I am."
"I'll tell them your just a really close friend of mine."
I sigh.
"YAY! Thank you!"

She sets up her camera and we started to film for her vlog.

End of the chapter! I'm honestly really tired but yk uhm yeah its liek 9am- uhm Ilya!

1390 words <3

Cause For Concern [Wilbur x reader]Where stories live. Discover now