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I finished breakfast and handed the plates out to everyone. We started talking for a bit until all of us finished.

Once we walk finished we headed to the living room. A few minutes into watching tv tubbos phone went off.

"Who's that Toby?"
I ask, looking over at him.
"Oh it's just Wilbur."
He reply's, opening his phone.
"Hmmmm okay."

A few minutes later he yells my name.
"What's up Toby?"
"Uhm I hate to ask this but can you drive me to a meet up with a few of my friends?"
"Uhm depends where and who?"
I can hear him sigh
"Brighton Tower. Wilbur, Tommy, Niki, and fundy."
"Hmmmm sure- wait- when?"
"Uhm... tomorrow?"
"Ugh. Sure. What about lani and heather? You guys are leaving in two days, so what are you guys gonna do?"
"Meh I can go home today. What about you lani?"
"Meh sure."
"Are you guys sure?"
"Okay. Uhm I'll drive you home at like 5. Is that okay?"

We then hear a knock at the door. I get up to go get it and there was people holding my pc things.
"Oh thanks!"
I say, grabbing the things.
"You got it?"
The guys asks me.
"Yeah. Thanks!"
"No problem."
I shut the door and started walking back to my room.
I pass the living room and heather looks over.

"What is that?"
She asks, pointing at the boxes.
"Oh it's my pc and stuff."
"Ohhh okay. Cool."

I continue to my room and place the boxes down on the floor and started to set everything up. First I put together my pc, then put the monitors on the desk, connected the pc to the monitors, then I put my keyboard down, then my mousepad, then headphones. I also set up a new mic I got.

I walk back out to see Toby on the phone, guessing it's Wilbur and Tommy- whoever Wilbur is.

I jump onto the couch next to lani and heather and we started quietly talking. A few minutes later Toby hangs up the phone and looks at me.

"Hey y/nnnn?"
"Wilbur told me that in order for me to go an adult had to stay with me you are bringing me cuz mom and dad can't so can you please stayyy"
"Depends how long for."
"Uh We are staying for about 1 week."
I sigh.
"Yay! Thanks y/n!"

He yells, pulling me into a hug, I hug back. I really didn't wanna go but he seemed so excited for this meetup and I couldn't let him miss it for the world.


2:36PM june 16th 2021. Brighton UK.

I was scrolling on Twitter when I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in!"

I yell as I see Toby open the door.

"Hey y/n?"
"What's up?"
"Can I stream?"
"Sure. I don't really care."
"Ok thanks!"

He turns on and started streaming. He says I hi to chat, and talks for a bit.

"Hey Toby?"
"Yeah y/n?"
"What do you want for lunch? I'm gonna ask heather and lani too."
"Uhm I guess subway."
"K got it."

I say as I get up and walk out of the door to go see lani and heather.

I go out to see them both sat in the living room just talking. I hop on the couch next to them.

"Hey guys?"
"What do you want for lunch? Toby said subway."
"Uhm I'm good with subway, lani?"
"Sure I'm good with it."
"Ok what do you guys want?"

They tell me their orders and n in write it down and head back to my room.

I open the door to see Toby still streaming.

Cause For Concern [Wilbur x reader]Where stories live. Discover now