Chapter 19 part 2!!! HOMECOMING❤️

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~So happy belated birthday Airey I tried to get this finished by your birthday but better late then never hope you like it.~ 💕🌹
-Sunday evening-
After getting my hair done with the girls I decided to just come home and relax for awhile. I made some food and ate it. I'm super bored, messing around on my phone, texting Skyler and even Luke from the coffee shop was the best option. The door bell rings and I glance at the clock it probably Jess so we can help each other get really the rest of the way. I run down to get the door but Jake already beat me to it. I laugh, "Well, when you two love birds are done sucking face I'll be in my room". I say telling the last part to Jess she laughs and walks up the stairs following after me. I sit in my vanity bench and do my nails as Jess does her make up. I say, "You and my brother are honestly sickening, it makes me want to puke a little." She laughs because she know I'm kidding, "I honestly don't know how you put up with him and I." I look at her and we both start cracking up. I manage to settle down enough to finish my nails.

Jess finishes her make up already and offers to do mine since my nails are wet. I gladly accept because I'm lazy and she does it way better than I could ever.

Soon enough Jess was already to go and I was into my dress and Jess was lacing up the back, I was nervous. I don't know why. She finishes and we grab our bags and head down the stairs Jess following behind me holding my dress up a little bit as we are walking down all eyes on on us. Ryan and his date Riley, and Jake. I try not to let the fact that my date isn't here yet get to me I'm sure there's a good explanation for him being late. We make it down the stairs and I hear Jake, "Wow, I'm speechless, Babe you look absolutely stunning." I watch as he puts on her corsage and he wraps his arms around her waist. That's when I decide to look away, Ryan is looking at me, "I'll be right back in going to call Brandon and see if he's almost here." I tell him and leave the room.

I come back and everyone's looking at me. I tell them, "I didn't get an answer, but I'm sure he's just driving." Trying to be hopeful. Jess speaks up, "Do you want us to wait?" I wave them off, "No, go ahead I'll be okay." Jess looks skeptical, "Go! Have fun I'll see you in a little while!" She sighs, "Okay, call me if you need anything." I laugh. "Bye Jess!" They all leave and I try calling Brandon a few more times, a couple rings is what I get each time. I don't know what to do so I grab my purse, jacket, and shoes and set them next to me and I sit down on the porch, watching the sunset. I can't believe I'm being stood up, I don't know what to think, this isn't like Brandon not to tell me if he's running late or not picking up my calls. I try one last time it's been about an hour and a half almost two from when Jess and everyone left, and you know what happened when I called it went straight to voicemail. I throw my phone in the grass, I can't help these tears that escape my eye. Thank god for Jess's waterproof makeup. I probably cry for a few minutes and I decide to just go change into pjs and forget this whole night Brandon isn't coming. Just as I'm about to get up a truck honks and pulls into the driveway. Out comes Skyler from the truck dressed in a black suit with a blue tie that just so happens to match my dress. He runs over to me and he's holding something behind his back. He sees my puffy eyes and frowns, "Hey Sam, um Brandon called and said he had some family emergency, and he asked if I'd pick you up." I just nod and quietly say, "Okay." He pulls a box out from his back and hands it to me. I stare at him questionably, "Go ahead open it!" I open it and see this beautiful corsage made out of sheet music and the edge of the flowers are stained black, "Skyler, do you make these? Their beautiful!" He blushes, "I might of thrown them together.." He grabs it from the box and slips it on my wrist, I pin his matching flower on his suit. He hold his arm out and says "shall we?" I grab my stuff and link arms with him.

We drive to school with the radio playing quietly. The dance has been going for 45 minutes now but better late then never right? Skyler parks the truck and helps me out. We walk into the building and hand the lady our tickets, then we check in our coats in the coat check. Skyler hasn't let go of my hand ever since I got out of his truck. He turns to me and hold his arm out for me to link mine with his and say, "Shall we?" I link arms with his I might as well enjoy the night, "We shall." I say in my awful accent and he laughs. We walk into the gym and I spot right away my brothers with their dates dancing and then I see Liz, her friend and Ansel calling us over. Liz gushes over how pretty I look and then she nods to Skyler and I give her the "don't ask I'll tell you later look" she nods understanding I don't wanna talk about it. Then she starts dancing crazily with me. The guys laugh and go to get drinks. I turning to look at Liz's friend when I see him in the distance, with the schools head cheer leader, Lou. I'm pissed, I storm over to them and slap Brandon right on the cheek, hard. Then say, "You lying ass hole! This looks like a real fucking family emergency Brandon I can't believe you!! Im done with you and it's looks like you've already moved on to your next girl toy!" I stormed off into the hallway to the janitors closet. I knew I'd find it unlocked, I made it just in time and I just fell apart. I sit on the ground, which is gross and is probably bad for this dress but I could care less right now. I'm shaking with tears it's so bad, the pain hurts. I don't know how long I'm in here when I hear a knock on the door and a soft voice, not who I was expecting, coming from the other side, "Sam, I know you're in there can you let me in I want to talk to you and make sure you're okay, please open the door." It was Skyler. I unlock the door and he comes in closing the door behind him. He knees down in front of me and put a hand on each side of my face, "Sam, look at me" I do. "What's wrong, beautiful?" I sob, "B-Brandon.. H-h-he's here w-with another girl a-and.." I couldn't finish the sentence, he told me he loves me. Skyler pulls my face into his chest and hugs me, "Shhh, it's going to be okay he's a jerk and you don't deserve that." We just sit there for a little while Skyler holding me tightly. He pulls away slightly and wipes my tear with his thumbs, "Let's go back out there and enjoy the rest of the night show him your better than him don't let him see you so defeated because you are better than him. Okay?" I nod and give him the best smile I can muster up. He helps me up off the ground and we leave the janitors closet. He never leaves my side and he has his hand on the small of my back. We go back into the gym and just hang out by the wall and listen to the music. As the song finishes the DJ comes on the mic and says, "I've got a guitar and a mic who wants to come up and sing a song?" I look over at to say something to Skyler but he's already gone. So I turn back towards the stage and there he is tuning the guitar. I think to myself, what is he up to? Well my question is answered when he speaks, "Um, hi everyone. I'd like to dedicate this song to a girl that really means a lot to me, I mean every word of this song, love." I swear he makes eye contact with me. He starts strumming the cords of the song I Swear This Time I Mean It by Mayday Parade. Then I hear his angelic voice ring throughout the whole gym, he sings.
"Oh Florida, please be still tonight
Don't disturb this love of mine
Look how she's so serene
You've gotta help me out

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