Chapter 14- The new girl

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(Sam's p.o.v)

-school the following day, Thursday-

We just finished going through a couple of our songs for our concert and Mrs. Bam decided that's enough for the day, so we all go to the back and pack up. I accidentally bump into Ethan when I'm walking to the back. "Sorry" I mumble quietly. He grabs my shoulder, "Sam, quit being awkward it's fine." I let out a breathe I didn't realize I was holding, and force a smile. To be honest I am kind of acting weird around him, but I have my reasons! Every time I look at him I imagine us almost kissing and then I think about him shirtless! Like can you see my crisis here? I'm still dating Brandon, I should not be thinking about Ethan at all accept in a friend sort of way. You're probably wondering what happened after I walked in on him, well let's just say it was awkward at first but after I closed my eyes till he got dressed, then we just talked for hours about everything including my "situation" with my cheek. He was a sweetheart and said the right things to cheer me up. When I started to cry he wiped my tears away and just hugged me and held me. He's a really great friend. Anyways back to present time. The bell rings and like always I hug Ethan. Then walk up to Spanish with Brandon, Jade and Rob.

Spanish class sucks butt ughhh. You can tell Rob is bored to he has his chin resting in his palm, staring off into space. Then you have Jess next to me sleeping. Gotta love my friends haha. Twenty minutes left of Spanish the principle come in with a girl. She's about my height, brown curly hair which is in a cute high bun, brown eyes, braces, and these really cool hipster glasses. I love her style she has black skinny jeans on with a 5SOS pullover sweater on, and to accessorize she has a black and blue poka dot scarf, and blue converse. She's really pretty. The principle tells the teacher something I can't hear, then she says to the class, "Everyone say hello and meet our new student, Erykah." The class mumbles quiet hellos or hi's. Then she tells her to take the seat next to Rob, in front of Jess. Then continues with her lecture. I poke the new girl and smile, "Hey, I'm Samantha Green" then I point to Rob, "This is Rob." She says, "Um hi, I'm Erykah Grey. Nice to meet you." Rob being Rob sticks his hand out to shake and says, "Likewise." Erykah takes it and I swear I saw her blush. Oooo someone like Robby. To cute. We sit for another 15 minutes of her drowning on about foods in Spanish and quite frankly I don't really care today.

Finally the bell rings and Jess wakes up. "Hey, Erykah what's your next class?" She looks at her schedule and say, "History." I smile, "Awesome! Us too why don't you work with us. Since we don't have homeroom today for some odd apparent reason. We walk down the hall a couple people say hello to me and I smile at then and say hi. Most of them are people I don't even really know but I'm friendly. We walk into history and I bring Erykah with me as Rob and Jess sat down. "Hey, Mr. Sanders." He looks up from the papers he's grading, "Hello, Sam" then he turns to Erykah "and who's this." I smile, "This is Erykah Grey, she a new student here." She says, a quiet hello. "Well today's a free day so have a seat, anywhere you'd like." Then he goes back to the papers he was previously grading. I bring Erykah back to our group of four desks and it's perfect she sat in our empty desk across from Rob. She pretty shy right now but that will change knowing us. We just sit their and talk for awhile. I end up talking to Jess and Rob talks to Erykah. They just met and there're already laughing and flirting with each

other, I think they'd be a good match.

(A.N. My friend Erykah is going to loveeee meee )

The bell rings and dismisses us for lunch. Mr. Sanders reminds us to read for homework tonight, which I already finished. Rob and Erykah walk ahead of Jess and I a little bit. We sit down at our table accept I switch with Brandon and Erykah sits next to me. I introduce everyone to her and then she and Rob start talking and I eat and talk to Brandon.

The rest of the day is pretty uneventful but I have track practice woohoo.. Sense my sarcasm? Don't get me wrong I love running but my legs been bothering me all day. Oh the joys of being an athlete, but I'm excited after practice though, Brandon is coming over and we are going to hang out since my parents are going to dinner and Ryan and Jake both have dates, so it will be just the two of us.

-After practice-

I decide to walk home since we had practice at the park not to far from my house, even though I was really sore. It only took about ten minutes to walk home. I let myself in and went straight to the kitchen, I'm home alone so I can just chill in my running clothes, so my sports bra and yoga shorts. I grab a water bottle from the fridge and some fruit out, I decide to make a fruit salad. I finished cutting watermelon, kiwi, and cantaloupe, but just as I'm cutting the strawberries I feel hands on my waist, and they aren't Brandon's. This scares the shit out of me and causes me to cut my finger. "Shit", I say and try and go to the sink, but fail. He's to close to me I can't move, I can feel his breathe on my neck and can smell a faint trace of boo's on his breathe. "Hey" he whispers in my ear and turns me around. "I-I didn't know you were home from work yet." I stuttered. He turned me around and grabs my wrists tightly. I wince in pain, I hate that look in his eye I already know it's going to happen again. I close my eyes, someone help me I plead in my head. He has my wrists in his hand and his other on my waist and once in awhile rubbing my stomach. My finger is killing me and blood is falling on the counter and running down my arms. He grips my chin, "Look at me you slut!" I open my eyes reluctantly, "There's those beautiful eyes I love." Then he kisses next to my eye and then my cheek, then right next to my lips. I gagged, this is so wrong. His hand wanders down my stomach to my inner thighs, I squirm and try to run. He just holds my wrists tighter and continues to touch me he starts tugging my shorts down when we here the front door open, I'm crying by this point and I scream and dad covers my mouth but it's to late into the kitchen Jake comes running. He notices what's going on and he walks over to my dad who started to leave quickly, and punches him in the face and screams, "You can do this to me but I swear to god if I see you putting another fucking finger on my sister so help me god!" Then punches him a few more times. Dad stumbles but gets away and leaves out the door. Jake runs back over to me, His eyes are glossy, "Oh my god Sam are you okay, I'm so sorry he did this to you." I'm crying even more now. Jake gives me a hug and then notices the blood on the counter from my finger. "Sam your finger, hang on", he puts my on the part of counter that is empty and gets a wet cloth and the first aid kit. Then he comes back and cleans it off and wraps it up. "Sam, everything's going to be okay I promise." He's crying now, he gives me another hug, "I-I'm s-so sorry I wasn't here to protect you!".

A.N.- ahh what did you guys think I already know my friend Erykah is going to freakkk and fan girl so hard but poor Sam and whatttt Jake came to her rescue didn't think it be him did ya. What do you think will happen next? And what do you think of Erykah? Robs p.o.v next chapter about his thoughts on Erykah! ;) till then lovelies. Peace💕

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