Chapter 26- friendship struggle

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Pic above is Sky and Sam :)

Chapter 26
-three weeks later-
(Sam's pov)
For the past few weeks I've been studying hard and getting all my work turned in that I was behind on. Also my parents came back a week ago and that's been okay my father has left me alone for the most part. I've been hanging out with Ethan and Skyler so I don't have to be home and run into my dad. I've made really good relationships with both of their families. I even spent a few days with my girl Jess when she wasn't with my brother, I know shocker right? They are attached at the hip I swear. Perfect couple award goes to them. Don't get me wrong they have their share of fights they just don't last long a few days at the most. Right now I'm in the kitchen baking desserts with my mom. She is the best at making dessert, anything else not so much. Right now we just finished mint explosion and Oreo cupcakes. Now we are making strawberry shortcake and carrot bars. Don't ask me why we are making this many things but I think moms sad or stressed about something because that's when she goes over board with the baking. I decide to try and talk to her to see if I can get her to crack, "Hey, mom are you excited Jason's coming home in a few days?" She continues mixing, "Of course honey." I sigh and continue mixing the shortcake. I need to see what's bothering her, it saddens me when she's sad. Unlike my father I really really love my mom. I walk over behind my mom and just hug her. This always works. She stops what she's doing and says, "Sam, why the sudden show of affection?" I say, "I just wanted to show you I love you, and tell you that you can talk to me about anything." Her shoulders start shaking, she's crying. I frown, "Here mom sit down, what's wrong?" She takes a seat on the stool, "Honey, it's your father.. I'm strongly thinking about getting a divorce. Things with him and I aren't like they used to be and he has some problems that are hard to deal with." I try to hide my happiness about this because she doesn't know what happens between him and I. I say, "Problems like what mom?" She looks down in her lap, "Well he has some drinking issues, which leads to him being an aggressive person and he's been abusive a few times, I know he loves me and he doesn't mean to but it still happened." What my so called fathers abusing my mom that's not okay, "Mom, you need to tell the police. He's putting his hands on you they could arrest him. I don't want you to get hurt." We hear the door open, and my dads boots walk in. Mom puts on her happy wife act as he comes in the kitchen. He kisses her, "Yum it smells amazing in here what are my lovely to ladies up too?" That makes me almost gag, my mom says, "Just baking and having a little chat." He looks at me I plaster on the best fake smile I could muster up. He replies, "That's nice." Then they start a conversation between just them. I decide I'll just go, I ask my mom if I can take some of the desserts to a few friends house and she nods as a sigh for me to go ahead since she's listening to my dad babble about his day at the office. I take some Oreo cupcakes for Skyler and his mom. Then mint ones for Ethan and his family. I grab my bag and decide to just walk Ethan only lives 5 blocks down surprisingly and then from there Skyler probably lives maybe a half a mile give or take. I grab my bag and phone then take off walking to Ethan.

I make it in about a half an hour and get there around 3:00. I knock on the door and Ethan 6 year old brother Kyle answers the door. I smile, "Hey buddy is Ethan around?" He nods and yell, "Efin your pwerty girlfwend is here!" I here Ethan laugh and come to the door. He ruffles Kyle's hair as he looks at me, "Hey Sam, whatcha doing here?" He's smiling from ear to ear. Do I really make him that happy? I also laugh as Kyle fixed his hair and "punches" Ethan leg, yelling hey! Then he just walks away. I say, "My mom and I made desserts so I though you guys might want some." His eyes widen when he realizes I have them, "Duh who doesn't love dessert! Come in, we can put them in the kitchen." I walk in and set them the mint ones on the counter. Also set the others aside. I ask Ethan, "Where's your parents? Working? Oh and I got enough can Kyle and Bella have one?" He nods, "Kylee! Bella! Can you come here for a second? Sam brought you something!!" They come running in the kitchen. Bella is Ethan's 4 year old sister. She's the cutest thing I've ever seen. Ethan tells them to sit down on a stool first, so Kyle gets up but little Bella is struggling to so I bend down and pick her up. Then set her on the stool. She smiles at me, "Tank you." I tell her, "You're absolutely welcome." Ethan sets down a cupcake for Kyle and cuts one into four pieces for Bella. He sets it in front of her and she digs in full fisted. I smile at Ethan, "You're such a good big brother." He blushes. Bella speaks with a mouth full of cupcake, "Etin can I half some juice?" Aw she's so cute. He looks so happy around them. You can tell they mean the world to him, "Sure can Bella Banana and we don't talk with our mouth full okay?" She nods. He goes to the fridge and gets her sippy cup and gives it to her, he also gets Kyle a small cup of milk. He thanks him. I say, "You know Ethan I brought you one too." I offer the plate, he shakes his head, "Maybe, later I'm not feeling the greatest but thank you." He comes and gives me a hug. Kyle and Bella run off back into the other room. He says, now that there gone I can do this. He leans in and kisses my cheek. I blush, "Don't get your sick germs on me Ethan!" He just laughs and let's go of me. I help him clean up the plates and cups from Kyle and Bella. Ethan notices the other plate of cupcakes, "What are those?" I reply, "Oh, I was going to give them to Skyler and his mom." His face falls, "Oh I suppose you're leaving then.." Aw he looks so upset but there's something else in his tone, jealously. I feel bad I really do. I do give him another hug, "Eth, I'm sorry. I can come back or we could hang out tomorrow?" He shakes his head, "I have to watch Bella and Kyle tomorrow." I say, "Perfect. I'm pretty sure they won't mind me hanging around here tomorrow." He gets a somewhat smile back, "I guess, besides I think Kyle has a crush on you." I just laugh and head towards the door. Ethan yells, "Guys Sam's heading out do you want to say goodbye??" I hear mini footsteps running. They both hug my legs, I bend down and hug them, "Byee guys! I'll see you tomorrow." Bella says a quick bye and runs off, but Kyle stays a little longer, "Bye, Sammy I'll miss you." Then he kisses my cheek and runs away. That kid melts my heart. I stand back up Ethan's just smiling. I give him a weird look, "What? He's adorable." Ethan just says, "I told you he liked you." I hit his arm, "Bye Ethan! I'll see you tomorrow?" He nods, "Yup." Hugging me yet again, (he's a hugger if you couldn't tell) he whispers in my ear, "Goodbye, beautiful. I'll miss you too." My stomach flips. I grab the plate and Ethan watches me walk down the driveway and then closes the door. I can't stop smiling Ethan is so sweet. I'm walking to Skyler's and the wind picks up a little and I shiver a little I should of brought a sweater. After ten minutes of walking I finally reach his house and there's a few cars outside his house, must mean his mom is home. I smile she's a sweet lady. I knock on the door and sky's mom answers. She says, "Aw hello sweetie. Come in. How are you doing?" I smile, "Hey, Ms. Silverstein I'm doing okay. Why are we dressed so fancy?" She blushes and Skyler comes in the kitchen and says, "My mom is going on a date." Just then the doorbell rings and Skyler opens the door, "Are you here for my mom?" The guy dressed spiffy says, "Yes, I'd like to take your mom out to dinner if that's alright?" Skyler nods, "Have her back by midnight." Skylers mom laughs and kisses his cheek, "Honey that's enough torturing the poor guy we are leaving now." He smiles, "bye mom" the door closes and he yells, "Sam!!!" Then he picks me up spinning me around, "What are you doing here?? I've missed you!" I blush, "I made cupcakes with my mom and I'd though you and your mom would like one." His eyes widen, "They look amazing! Thank you." We bring the plate into the kitchen and each grab one and go to his room. I plop down and lay on his bed, I set my cupcake on the side table. Skyler is laying down next to me, he has his arm around me. I cuddle into his side, "So what should we do?" He's looking at me, "I thought we could just cuddle and talk." I smile, "Okay, talk about what?" He says, "How amazingly beautiful you are and I really wanna kiss you right now."

Clifffffhangerrr please don't hate me ;)

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