Chapter 25- Happiness

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(Sam's pov)
I wake up to my alarm going off oops. Shake Ryan awake. "Ryan! Wake up you have to go to school." He groans and rolls over. I push his light self off the bed. He screams, "Ouch!" I laugh, "Go shower you stink!" He gets up leaves laughing. Being the rude little snot he is, he leaves my door open. I'm wide awake for once which never a happens on a Monday but I decide to get ready even though I have the day off. I have to wait to shower though, mine is broken and Ryan stole the other one. I go downstairs into the kitchen. I find Jake and Jess eating cereal. I take a seat next to Jess and say, "Morning, lovebirds. Can you pass me the cereal please." Jess grabs it and hands it to me, "Um, Sam why aren't you getting ready to go, you do know it's Monday right." I reply, "Oops, forgot to mention this but doctor told me to take the day off since I have a concussion and all." Jess says, "Okay I'm confused but you can tell me later, it's about time to go." I take the box of cereal upstairs and walk to my room. Jake yells at Ryan to hurry up. I bump into him on his way down. He's on the phone and I hear him say, "Meet you at our spot okay..?" He's grinning for ear to ear and blushes. Then he says, "Goodbye, Lukey." I laugh, he sounded so girly. I continue into my room as I decide to tease him about that later. I hear them leave out the door and finally I'm alone. I grab my mint skater shirt and black short sleeve crop top and all the rest of my stuff that I need. I put my phone on the dock and blast some Mayday Parade. I take a cold shower just because, then throw my outfit on. I grab my phone and go back to my room.

After I finish my makeup and putting on my necklace and bracelets I grab my purse and decide to walk down the boardwalk. It takes about 15 minutes but I finally make it. I pass by some cute boutiques and tourists shops but nothing sparks my interest. I decide to walk along the water, I take off my converse and socks so they don't get wet, then I let them dangle from my hand. It's so peaceful nobody is out yet but soon the beach will be crowded with people. The water is oddly calm for this time of day. I find a stick laying in the sand, I grab it and draw a smiley face, then a few hearts next to it. I take a picture and then walk back to the boardwalk and by a towel to dry my feet off and put my shoes on. A few hours have passed and it's already 1. I go into this cute little cafe to get something to eat. I sit down and look at the menu, then the waitress takes my order. I get an iced tea and a burger and fries. I pull out my phone while I'm waiting. I have three texts. One from Rob, Skyler, and Ethan. I open Robs and it's a picture of Airey, Jess and him in history and all of them are making faces, it's captioned 'We miss you💕' I smile, gotta love my crazy friends. I send a quick reply, 'I miss you guys too!' Then I open Ethan's text, it's also a picture, it's of my empty seat in orchestra he captioned it, "Where's the beauty that belongs here?" I blush and send him, "Taking a day off. Doctors orders." Finally I open Skyler's, he sent me this really cute poem and said "I miss you, my love." My stomach fills with butterflies, that was such a sweet poem and then he called me his love again. Gah these guys will be the death of me. The waitress came out with my food so I reply to Skyler, "That was really sweet! I loved it. I miss you too!" Then I lock my phone and dig into my food. This is really good sure beats school food.

I'm in the kitchen baking cupcakes when I hear the front door open, I can't see who come in but I know it's just my bros. I'm facing the other direction when a pair of hands cover my eyes, it's Sky, I'd know his cologne anywhere. He says, "Guess who?" I smile, "Hey Sky." He takes his hands away and pouts, "You're no fun!" I give him a hug, "Aw you poor thing." He laughs and hugs me back. My face is buried in his chest because I'm so short. I go to pull away and he hugs me tighter and whispers in my ear, "Not yet. I missed you. I've been going through Sammy withdrawal." I laugh. After another minute I say, "Okay let me go so I can finish the cupcakes!" He lets me go instantly, "What are you waiting for hurry up!" I laugh.

I finish frosting the last batch of cupcakes and grab a couple and take them to my room where Skyler is waiting. He gladly accepts it and shoves the whole thing in his mouth I laugh and do the same. He says after chewing, "Damn that was one hell of a good cupcake." I go lay down next to him, "Thanks." He puts his arm around me and we decide to just take a nap.

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