Chapter 31- Chaos

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(Sam's pov)
Fuck did that really just happen. I walk out of the guest room I need to get away from Nick. He calls my name but I just go to my room and lay on my bed. No one will find out about that. My neck is bothering me so I grab a few pills from my bathroom and down them with water. I walk back into my room and Jason is sitting on the edge of my bed. I jump a little, "Geez, you scared me." He laughs a little but then gets serious, "Sorry. Can we talk?" I shrug and sit down next to him, "I guess." He looks at me, "How's your neck?" I reply, "A little sore but that's partly from sleeping funny." He nods, "I was thinking about what you said last night and you're right you aren't a little girl anymore and I guess I just get violent because that's all I know also I wanna protect you because I couldn't protect you from Dad when I was away." I frown, "That's nothing you can control you were protecting our whole nation." He says, "But I couldn't protect you or Jake. My family who I love." I hug him, he's getting really choked up. He accepts it then says, "I should go talk to Nick." I flinch at the sound of Nicks name. Jason notices, "Is there something going on between you two? Because he was just in boxers and you were between his legs." I shake my head vigorously, "Nope not at all I was just helping him get over his nightmare." He doesn't seem convinced but walks out anyways. I let out a breath, crap this is going to be hard to keep a secret. I walk to Ry's room and knock. He says come in. I walk in and notice Luke and Ry against the wall on his bed with their arms around each other I look down, "Oh, um I'm interrupting sorry." Ryan laughs, "No it's okay what's up?" He also says to Luke, "It's okay she won't tell anyone." I look up from the ground, "Um, Can I hang out her for a little while I'm lonely?" He smiles, "Of course!" I sit on his bean bag chair and mess around on my phone. I try not to listen to their conversation or what their doing but I can't help it. I look up and blush because I see them kissing. I look for a couple seconds then look away clearing my throat, "Guys right here ya know." They laugh and Luke apologizes. I'm curious about their relationship. Luke's phone buzzes, he groans then stands up and so does Ryan. Luke says, "That's my mom she needs me at home. Sorry I have to go so soon." They both have their arms around each other's waist and Ryan kisses him. I roll my eyes, "Still here." He just ignores me, "I'll see you tomorrow though, right babe?" Luke smiles, "Of course. I'll miss you." They kiss one more time and then Ryan says, "I'll walk you out." They leave and I stay here so I can talk to him when he comes back.

After a few minutes he comes back and shuts the door. He leans against it blushing with a dreamy look on his face. I smile, "Bro, I know that look. Come sit and tell me everything." He sits next to me on the floor and leans against the wall. He doesn't say anything so I say, "So you like him?" His smile widens, "Yeah, I think I do. It's so weird though I never thought I'd be into another guy. At first it was just messing around and experimenting ya know, we both didn't know what being close to another guy felt like and we wanted to try. I don't know what changed but after awhile it felt real. I think I have feelings for him, but I feel like he still thinks we're experimenting." I say, "So what about Riley or even Rose?" He frowns, "What I had with them was no doubt real. I'm attracted to women but I'm also attracted to Luke he's just.. Wow." I smile because I totally agree about Luke being super attractive, "So you're like bi then?" He shrugs, "I guess." I lightly punch his shoulder, "Aw you like Lukeyyy." Finally teasing him about that. His eyes widen, "When did you hear that??" I smirk, "Don't worry your pet name is safe with me. But in all seriousness Be careful little bro because I can tell you like him but we don't know how he feels exactly and maybe he's is just experimenting with you and then leaving. Gosh I know that probably hurts but I want you to be prepared for what could happen you've been hurt too much." He nods again, "I understand, thanks sis." Then he changes the subject, "So how's Ethan??" He smirks. I blush and cover my ridiculous smile on my face. My phone buzzes also. Ryan grabs it, "Speaking of... He texted you." I grab it from him and read it.
From Ethan💕- Hey, beautiful I miss you.
To Ethan💕-Miss you too, babe.😘
Ryan gives me a look, "You two are ridiculous, but adorable. He better not hurt you." I nod, "I know."

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