Chapter 4

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-This is the last complete chapter I have written. 5 is almost done :D-

It's Ethan. I accept them all then Jake calls me down stairs to eat. I go try get Ryan but he's sleeping so I go down without him. "Where's Ryan?" I say, "He's sleeping, I didn't want to wake him up." Jake nods. We eat dinner and I decide to go watch a movie and Jake go to his room. I decided to watch Enders game I heard it's a really good movie. I get a text from Brandon: 'hey meet me in an hour?' I send back, 'defiantly'. The movie is half the way through when I heard a loud crash upstairs, and I thought that would stop but the noises continue. I hear Jake screaming at Ryan to stop. I run upstairs and Ry is destroying his room there's glass all over the floor from broken picture frames, his guitar is smashed, his phone screen was shattered, and then theirs a necklace in a box on the floor. I'm scared I've never see him like this. Jake tells me to stay here she doesn't want me stepping on any glass since I'm barefoot. He walks over to Ryan and grabs him by the shoulders,but he isn't looking at him and his breathing is heavy. Jake says, "Ryan look at me, relax you're okay." Then sits with him on his bed, Ry starts crying. I start to go in to sit by them when Jake yells at me to get out, of course I don't listen. I carefully walk around the glass but not careful enough I cut the bottom of my foot pretty bad, "Ouch.." Jake gets mad, "Damn it Sam I told you to stay out and now look what happened." He went to get the first aid kit. I barley heard Ryan whisper, "I'm s-sorry." "It's not your fault it's mine for being stubborn." Jake came back and helped me with getting the glass out. It hurt like heck, "Ow." Then he pulled another "Ouch. He says, " Maybe you should of listened to me, but no you never do." He wrapped my foot and then cleaned up the glass on the floor. Ryan laid down and went to sleep. "Do you know what's going on, why he did this?" He's mad, "I'm not sure, don't scream he's sleeping." "What do you mean you aren't sure?" I tell him, "Him and Rose broke up, but that's all I know." He finished sweeping the glass and he didn't say anything else so I left. I went to my room and turned on my music pretty loud and closed my eyes. I start thinking and then I realized its 9:30 already I never met Brandon at the park, so I text him- 'I'm so sorry, something came up with my family and it totally slipped my mine till now, can we do a rain check?~Sam xx'

I figured he wouldn't respond so i decide to write a little. After a hour or so of that I got pretty tired so I decided to go to bed, I threw on a hoodie and some sweats and turned off my music.


I wake up feeling like today is going to be a good day. I get out of bed and almost fall, I put to much pressure on my foot because it's still a little sore. I smell food so I go down stairs in my pj's to find my dad sitting at the dinning room table and mom in the kitchen she made muffins and a fruit salad. "Hey honey, you're up earlier than usually you beat you brothers." She says. I replied, "Long night. Food smells amazing mom." I smile at her and grab a bowl and fill it then grab a muffin and sit at the table next to dad, who's reading the newspaper. "Morning dad." I smile. He says, "Morning sweetie glad to see you're in a good mood." He goes back to his paper and I start eating. I'm just about finished when mom asks me to go wake up Jake and Ryan. I get upstairs and knock into Jake, "Watch it." He said. "Sorry." I guess he's still mad at me from last night. I go and knock on Ry's door he doesn't answer so I walk in to find him sleeping, I go next to his bed and shake him awake. He groans, I tell him it's time to get up, I think he mumbled an okay. I go to my room and decide to be lazy today, I throw my hair up into a bun, put some earrings in, throw on some yoga pants and a hoodie, put my glasses on, and my nike sandals. I grab my phone, iPod and bag, then go down and finish my breakfast. Everyone eats quietly it's so awkward.

~first hour~

I'm the like the third one to get in the room. Besides me there's this kid I don't know and Jade. I set my stuff down and go get me violin out and tune it, then go back in the and sit down there's still like five minutes to the bell rings, I play games on my phone until everyone gets here. Rob comes up behind me and yells "Boo!" Of course he scares the crap out of me and it almost causes me to drop my violin off my lap. Jade laughs at me, I punch Rob in the arm he laughing at me as well. "Not funny, I get scared easily, shut up." Rob finally calms down and says sorry but I don't believe him. Jade nudged me arm. "What?" She nods her head behind me. I turn around and catch Ethan staring he quickly looks away blushes. I smile, "Take a picture it will last longer." He blushes even more and goes to get his violin out of the back. Jade says, "Hey, I think someone has a crush on you." I laugh. The bell rings and everyone is sitting waiting for Mrs. Bam to talk and pass us music, it's our second day and we are getting sheet music already I'm excited. I was turned around passing music back when a familiar voice says, "Sorry for being late." I turn back around and see Brandon talking to Mrs Bam, he has a guitar case, that's cool that he's in here. He sees me I saw a slight frown before he turned to walk to the back by the drums where he should sit. I don't dwell on it though, I take a look at the sheet music it looks easy enough. The class goes by pretty fast we played through the songs and as soon as we know it we get to go pack up. I finish putting my violin away and see Brandon putting his case in the cabinet, so I decide to go and talk to him. "Hey, what's up?" He replies, "Nothing." He pauses and adds,"Can I ask you something?" I say, "Of course." He seems nervous, "Um.. Last night did you really have a family problem or were you just blowing me off and didn't wanna go?" I frown, "Brandon of course I wanted to, things for my brother aren't the best right now and something happened with him last night." I didn't realize I started to tear up until Brandon wiped one away with his thumb. He pulled me into a hug, "I'm sorry, I should of believed you it's just it's happened before where girls have lied to me." He held me for a few minutes even though I had stopped crying a little bit ago. It felt nice being in his arms, I noticed out of the corner of my eye Ethan standing there looking at us, but once he saw me looking he left the room. Mhm that was weird. Brandon pulls away and looks me in the eyes, "I don't know what it is about you but I'm starting to like you a lot, do you want to try and hang out later?" "I would like that." I smile, the bells rings Rob comes in the back room, "You better hurry up before Jade gets mad that your taking to long." I tell Brandon goodbye and give him another hug. I walk out and Jades waiting. We walk out to my locker and she says, "Well, are you going to tell me why Ethan came out of the back with a jealous look on his face?" "Uh I don't know, he kind of saw me and Brandon hugging, but that's all it was." Just then Ethan walked by, he looked kind of sad. I don't like when I'm the reason for people being upset. Jade just let it go after that and walked with me and Rob to Spanish. She is coming to bug a friend of ours his name Steve but we call him butter because he hates it's. Me and Rob go sit in our seats and I wave to Jess who's a few rows over. Then I look over to see Jade and butter yelling and hitting each other I just laugh.

-3rd hour-

Yay history class! I'm excited to share my important item to the class and hear about everyone else's. Mr. Sanders takes attendance and then starts off with telling about his item which is his bow tie which was from his dad who had passed away. Next a girl goes and has a necklace from her boyfriend ..blah.. A few other people go then it's my turn, I go to the front of the class and tell everyone about my violin because it and music are very important to me. Mr. Sanders asks if I wouldn't mind playing a little piece for the class, I tell him I don't know. Then Rob yells from the back, "Come on Sam." I groan, I really hate him for that. I end up giving in and play radioactive and when I finish the class claps for me. I blush and go to my seat, I really hate attention. Next person to go up is Jess she shows us her boots and there from her grandpa who passed away. History goes by fast after she goes. Mr. Sanders tells us to write a page about someone else in the class based off of first impressions and what you already know about them and if you don't get anyone you will get assigned someone and all you get is there name. I choose to do Jess and Rob chooses me, Jess does Rob. The paper is due in two days which is Thursday. Then the bell signals class is over and I have lunch thank goodness because I'm starving. I walk to lunch with Jess and sit at the table in our spots, Ryan seems in an okay mood he talking to Jake which is a good sign, I say hi to them and Ryan is the only response I get. I start talking to him, and Jake and Jess start flirting like before, it doesn't surprise me, she is his type so who know. Rob and Brandon sit down as I finish my conversation with Ryan I turn and smile at Brandon and he hugs me I blush and look down I wasn't expecting a hug. He says, "I'm up hear don't look down." I look up and he's smiling at me, "Sorry, how are you?" He's about to reply when we hear a loud bang and people are screaming.

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