Chapter 32-Realization

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(Sam's pov)
I wake up to my alarm and groan. Another day of school.. I turn off my alarm and see Jake left me a note.
Sis, you cried until like 3 am then wore out and fell asleep, I laid you down and covered you up. Like old times. I'll be in my room to talk if you need to again. Oh and by the way I told Jason he came in to check on you and I was still in your room..sorry in advance. After school Starbucks on me, we really need to talk.. We need to talk about the father situation. Stay strong.
Love, Jake.

I frown remembering my night... I look at the clock and realize I hit the snooze a few times and a shower is out of the question. So I grab a pair of old black sweats and Ethan's purple hoodie with the spray paint smiley face on it to wear and threw my hair into a messy bun. Then I throw on my glasses and a little cover up on my neck, not ready for 20 questions. I grab my backpack, phone and Adidas sandals and go to the kitchen. I walk in and am greeted with the smell of Jason's wonderful pancakes. I can't deny them this time, even though I know it's pity food because Jake did say he told Jason. I smile forcefully at all my brothers at the counter eating. I sit next to Jason where there's a plate of pancakes and some apple juice waiting for me. Jason hands me the chocolate syrup and whip cream. He says, "Morning. Here, you need these." I say, "Morning, you know me well." I top off my pancakes and devour them. Ryan laughs, "Woah, sis slow down save some for the rest of us. I swear you eat more than us combined sometimes." I shrug, "What I'm hungry." I hear a honk, crap Jess is here. Despite our boyfriends having cars we decided to still ride to school together. I put my plate and cup in the sink then hug Jason goodbye. Then run out the door and into Jess's car. She greets me, "Girl, you look like hell." Then she drives off. I roll my eyes, "Well hello to you too. I feel like it though. Long night." She replies, "Yeah I bet. Wanna talk about it? Also why there are cops watching your house?" I shake my head, "Not right now. Sorry." She nods understandingly, "I brought you Starbucks. Hot chocolate since it's colder out." I thank her. She is amazing. It's like she knows just what to do to make me feel at least a little better and she didn't even know I had a bad night when she got the Starbucks. We get to school and walk to our lockers Ethan is waiting for me. I accept his hug and he leans down to kiss me. I pull away and just cuddle into his chest. I say, "Good morning." He says, "Morning, your hoodie looks mighty familiar." I laugh and look up, "Oh this old thing?" He just laughs along with me. I grab my books from my locker then Ethan and I walk to class hand in hand.

The first three hours go by quickly and towards the end I get pass to go to the social worker.. Hm that's weird.. One I never get passed and two why the social worker.. But when I walk in the room and see my brothers. All of them. Now I know.. It's about my father. I say with a shaky voice, "Mom's okay right?" I can't read any of there expressions. Jase finally speaks, "Yeah mom is fine. Now that all of you are here I came to tell you dads in police custody. He's in for the domestic abuse against mom but that's all there charging him with sadly it isn't much to keep him away from a long time but it's what we have to deal with." He looks pointedly at Jake and I. All of us have tears of relief falling. I hug Jake and he cries harder. Jase hugs Ryan rubbing his back in a comforting manner. Jason isn't crying, he rarely does these days, I blame the army. (A.N.- Nothing against the army!) he feels the need to be strong for everyone which isn't the case anymore I wish he'd let it go. The social worker comes back into the room, I didn't realize she was giving us our space but I have to thank her for that. We all calm down enough and Jason tells us to go back to class. We only have lunch right now but we say goodbye anyways and he says he'll see us when we get home.
We get to the lunch room and everyone asked where we were. Jake just shrugs and they let it go. I notice he isn't himself and somethings wrong and it's probably the same reason I'm upset. Our father is getting away with what he's done to us and that needs to change, we need justice. Ever since homecoming Brandon no longer sits by us and now Luke and Ethan have replaced him. So now it's Jake and Jess then Rob and Airey on one side then Luke and Ryan then myself and Ethan. It feels right. I sigh and put my head down, I'm scared about going to the cops and telling them everything.. What if he escaped he'll kill me. I feel Ethan rubbing my back, he then pulled me into a side hug and wrapped his arm around my waist and kisses the top of my head. He whispers in my ear, "Sweetie, you okay?" I shake my head no and he pulls me tighter I turn and hug him back wrapping my arms around his waist and burying my face in his chest. I don't cry, just sit in silence. Well, until Jake says something, "Sam, can I talk to you alone for a minute?" I nod then follow him down the hall away from everyone. He just pulls me for a hug. As I've said before everyone I know loves to hug. He says, "Sis everything's okay we will go to the police after Starbucks and tell them everything, we have enough to lock him up forever. I know your thinking what if he escapes but we will get a security system and new locks and anything else we can think of. Besides Jason is here now he can help protect us. We will protect you Sam. I love you, okay? So don't let this control your emotions.. I know there's no way you can not be sad but try and be that happy sis I adore so much." I smile, "You always know the right things to say Jakey. I love you too. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"I'd have to say the same to you."

We go back to the table and grab our bags as the bell rings Ethan grabs my hand and squeezes it. We walk to my next class, health and when we are by the door Ethan kisses me. In that moment I didn't even care we are in school and normally I would. There is so much emotion and passion in this kiss I forget my pain. It's in this moment I know everything will be okay. That I'm okay. We pull away, catching our breath. I just stare into Ethan's eyes, there's a sparkle in them that I'm sure mine mirror it as well. I speak, "You should probably get to class." Not wanting to end this moment. He nods gives me one last peck on the cheek says, "Bye, Love." Then rounds the corner off to his Spanish class. I hurry to my seat as the 30 second music plays. Then the day seems to go by slower than ever. My anxiety building and building as the day nears an end.

The last bell rings and I text Jake, "I'm ready. Let's just do it."

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