Chapter 2

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-Okay I have to update weird but anyways some language can be offensive to some so this is just a warning :), this is kinda short but I had to leave a cliff hanger so I stopped. Enjoy!-

*beep beep beep*

Ugh not my alarm.. I hit it so it would shut up.

Just then I think Ryan knocks on my door but I'm not fully awake yet, he tells me to get ready to go we're leaving in like an hour, also breakfast is down stairs I figured Jake sent him since he's our ride and mom is probably in bed still because of what happened. I groan and tell him I'll be down in a few. I lay in bed for five more minutes then I pick out my outfit. My floral skirt that has a brown belt with a white lace tank top. I go in the bathroom to take a quick shower.

As I'm standing there waiting for my water to warm up I notice bruises on my wrists, I went over to the mirror to see if there's more and there was a few small ones on my neck. That's when the memories came back from last night....

I shake my head and get rid of the images and thoughts no one needs to know anything from last night.

After my shower I get dressed, curl my hair, throw on a little make up and throw on my jean jacket to cover my wrists and use my hair to hide my neck I go downstairs. I instantly smell bacon and pancakes.

" thanks Jake I'm starving"

" No problem your looking cute today" he smiles.

I just blush and fix my plate of pancakes.

I slowly eat my pancakes as Ryan sits across from me stuffing his face already on his 5th one.

I barley finish as Jake says it's time to leave so I run upstairs and put on my brown cowboy boots and throw in all the needed items, like my phone, iPod w/ headphones, my wallet and keys in my flower printed bag and take one last look in the mirror as I hear Ryan scream " Hurry up Sam, Jake is getting impatient you know how he is"

Just as he finished I'm down the stairs and out the door.

I yell shot gun and race Ry to the car of course he's to slow and I win.

He groans, "not fair you you had a head start".

I just stick my tongue out at him. Jake tells Ryan I won fair and square and I laugh because he and I both know I cheated.

The ride to school is short it only takes like 10-15 minutes depending on the lights. We get a red light right by school. As we sit there I start to get nervous, Jake notices my hands shaking and he say "Sam don't be so nervous trust me it isn't as bad as everyone says it is and if someone says or does something to you I'll kick there ass".

I smile "thanks"

He nods "anything for you sis"

That calms me down for the most part but I'm still a little uneasy about this.

We finally pull up to school and Jake lets us out then drives away to go to Starbucks because he doesn't have to be here yet only freshman do and he's a junior. Ryan and I walk to our homeroom so we can get our locker info and schedule.

We go inside and sit down Ryan sits next to Rose who happens to be in our homeroom as well. I sit next to a girl who's doodling in her notebook with her headphones in and some guy who is sleeping. Great they seem like they won't talk to me. Oh but I was wrong the girl took her headphones out and introduced herself to me, "Hey, I'm Jessica but you can call me Jess, oh and cute outfit."

I smile at her "Hi, I'm Samantha but everyone calls me Sam and uh thanks."

"No problem" she smiles back.

Just then my teacher comes in and tells us to settle down. She introduces herself as Mrs. Rogers then starts taking attendance.

Me and Jess talk quietly for awhile and get to know each other better, when Mrs. Rogers calls her name, she reply cheerfully and says "here." Then Ryan's name is called followed by mine and I say here. Jess asks if we are related I tell her "yeah unfortunately we are he's my twin brother."

Ry heard this and turns around and says "Ouch sis that hurt." I hit his arm and he laughs and turns around.

I turn to Jess and snap her out of the Daze she got in. "My point proven."

She laughs. Then suddenly we hear "sorry I'm late I over slept" we all turn to look towards the door to see who was yelling. I recognize him but I'm not sure from where. The teacher says, "glad you can join us Mr. Somers take a seat please." Turns out the sleeping kid that was next to me moved by his friend so this guy sits right next to me and he turns to me and says "You look familiar, wait don't tell me, you came to aero yesterday and wanted a dressing room right? I'm Rob." All the pieces connect and sure enough here he is the guy who gave me his number. I say, " yeah that was me, I remember your name. I'm Samantha." Then he replies "Nice to meet you Sam." He smiles and I reply, "likewise." I turn around and try to pay attention to Mrs Rogers to hear what she saying but Jess pokes me. " who's that cutie? And how do you know him?" "Oh that's Rob I met him at the mall yesterday he works at aero." She nods.

Mrs Rogers then hands everyone there schedules and locker info. Turns out my locker is a few down from Jess' and right next to Ryan's locker. Everyone goes to there lockers and then is suppose to go to there first hour Jess and I hang some stuff in our locker. I hang some pictures of my friends and a mirror. "Hey let me see what classes you have" Jess yells. I toss her my schedule as I close my locker. "So do we have anything together?" She says "Let's see we have Spanish, history, lunch, and health, uh Sam guy behind you?" I turn around and standing there is Jake. "Hey Jake." He replies "Hey Sam I see you're making friends fine." "Haha funny, Jake this is Jessica." Jessica replies "please call me Jess, its nice to meet you" Jake smiles "likewise, here sis brought this for you" he hands me my violin. I thank him as he turns to go to class. "Geez girl how many cute guys do you know." I laughed " see ya in second hour." I head to the orchestra room not sure what to expect. I walk in and it's pretty Loud but I spot my best friend Jade thank god I'm not alone. She is dressed in dark skinny jeans with her pierce the veil band t-shirt over that she has a sleeveless gray jean jacket. Her hair is is brown and it's curled today with her black beanie, and of course she wouldn't be complete without bracelets all up her arms. I get over to her and set my stuff down, then she gives me one of her suffocating hugs. One reason why I love her. "Hey, you can put your violin in the back room where ever." I nod I walk through the maze of stands and open the door and I knock into someone. I look up and I met by a pair of gorgeous green eyes he stares for a second and then mumbles a quiet "sorry." I say "No it was my fault I wasn't paying attention." Then he leaves and I walk in the back room. "No way...-"

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