Chapter 5

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~Okay so this took me longer and I know I said I'd post it sooner and I didn't. I'm not going to be one of those authors who make excuses. So I'm soo sorry. Another this is if you wondered about the dots I have to post that on my computer than I can edit and post from myopic because I write the story on there anyways he's chapter five I hope you like it again sorry for the wait. Enjoy :D~

P.S. Thanks Iz for the cover it's perfect💕

-Chapter 5-

I look around to see what's going on and there's a guy with a gun shooting. He's screaming for everyone to get down. So that's what we do but when the shooter isn't looking Jake, Jess and Ryan run to the health rooms and leave the door propped for the rest of us. I'm really freaking out. Rob bolts and barely makes it before the shooter turns around, he shoots these to guys one in the arm one in the leg. He's screaming but I can't hear him, I'm panicking. The shooter turns around and Brandon drags me with him into the health rooms. Rob pulls the shade down on the door, locks it, and puts a chair against the door. Ryan is on the phone with the police. Jess is crying and Jakes trying to calm her down. I'm worse than Jess I'm crying, I can't breathe, and I keep hearing the gun shots, the screaming, the shooter yelling, Brandon is holding me and trying to calm me down and it's working. I got my breathing back to normal but then we hear a few more gun shots. After those it's completely quiet to quiet. We sit there for at least 10 minutes waiting for anything, something to happen. After another 5 minutes cops came and told us to open the door it's safe now. We got out and they asked if we were alright. We responded yes none of us got hurt. They brought us outside but on the way out I saw blood all over the ground, I got light headed and I remember swaying a little but then I blacked out.

I wake up my head is killing me. I open my eyes to see Brandon's green eyes staring down at me. He's holding my hand I smile, he sees me awake and he smiles back at me. I ask, "What happened?" He said, "Well you passed out and hit your head on the ground. So me and Ethan carried you out here to get looked at. He's stayed over there to make sure you woke up and you were okay. He just left though." "Oh, okay, thanks. How long was I out?" "For about an hour, there sending everyone home now, do you mind if I give you a ride home?" I smile, "No, course not." I stand up from the cot I was laying on, but a little to fast and I almost fall. Brandon grabs my arms, "Easy there Sam." He helps me to his car and puts my bag in the backseat. I thank him and he says no problem. I close my eyes and listen to the radio until I feel the car stop and a hand on mine. I open my eyes and notice we're not home, and we're at a park. I question, "Um, this isn't my house?" He says, "Yeah I thought we could hang out a little bit before, if you feeling okay enough, I mean I could bring you home, he looks nervous. I blush, "Yeah, I think I'd like that". Brandon gets out of the car and he opens my door and helps me out. We walk down a small path towards some swings. He's still holding my hand it feels nice. I look at our intertwined hands and blush. Brandon still realizes that he's holding my hand and blushes. Then he let's go and apologizes. We make it to the swings and sit. I am enjoying this, my hand feels empty though. It's really quiet I look at Brandon and he looks deep into

Thought. "What are you thinking about" I say. He looks forward and says, "Just what happened today, my feeling". Then he turns and looks at me and whispers "You". I don't think I heard him right, he can't be thinking about me, there are so many prettier girls than me. It gets quiet again so I start to swing really high I lean back and look at the sky. Brandon is laughing at me but I don't care. It feels like I'm flying. All of the sudden there's a big gust of wind and I feel myself sliding. Next thing you know I'm on the ground. Brandon runs next to me asking if I'm okay. I tell him, "I'm fine", So he helps me up. As I'm standing I get a stabbing pain in my ankle and yell, "Ahh, I think it's my ankle". He helps me over to the bench and we sit. Then he puts my leg on his lap and takes of my sandal and sock. After he did that he notices the bandage wrapped around my foot, that I totally forgot about. He gives me a concerned look, "what happened"? I tell him it's a long story he nods. He rewrapped my foot and then gave me a piggy back ride to the car. I laughed as he almost tripped on air. I tell him my address and 10 minutes later we arrive. He comes around the front of the car and opens the back and grabs my bag then opens my door and helps me walk to the front door. He drops my bag down and holds my hands, "I had a great time getting to know you". My heart quickens with what he said and the fact that we are only inches apart. I smile, "Despite my ankle, I had fun also". We laugh. A gust of wind blows my hair in my face. I was about to reach to get it when I feel Brandon tucking it behind my ear. My breath catches, he keeps his hand on my cheek, and he looks at my lips. I don't know who started leaning in first, but just as our lips were going to meet the front door swings open, Brandon and I instantly pull apart and he let's go of my hands. Jake glares at Brandon. "Sam house now." Brandon clears his throat and scratches the back of his neck, then says, "Can I at least help her inside? She fell and rolled her ankle". Jake says, "No, I can handle it thanks". I send a glare towards Jake, I can't believe him. I turn to Brandon, "thanks for everything, I'll text you later"? He smiles a little and nods. Then says, "goodnight". He walks to his car and I wave as he pulls away. I pick up my bag of the ground and brush past Jake kind of hopping on one foot. Jake says, "Come on Sam, let me help you". I say, "No. I can't believe you did that your acting like dad." That bring furry to his eyes, he's pissed. He yells, "I am not dad". I grab some ice and a towel and start climbing up the stairs which I'm struggling with. I turn and tell back, "it sure seems like it". Then turn and climb the rest of the stairs, but on the last few stairs I slip and fall. I yell in pain my ankle hurts like hell, I think I might of broke something. Dammit. Jake runs up the stairs and grabs my arm and tries to help me. "Don't" I say bitterly. He says, now calmer, "Sam please". I just pull away and stand up on my good leg and hop to my room. I throw my bag on my bed and close my door. I change into some pjs because I realize it's already 7:00. I lay on my bed and just listen to music and think about everything. There is a knock on my door, "Go away, Jake". The door opens, "Dammit Jake-" but it isn't Jake it's Ryan. "Sorry", I apologized. He nods. He doesn't look very happy. I scoot over, pat the bed beside me, and reach for his hand. I pull him towards the me and he sits down. "What's wrong Ry"? I put my hand on his arm to comfort him but he flinches. I push up his hoodie sleeve and that's where I see his arm wrapped in a white gauze it's spotted with blood. I give him a hug and say, "If you wanna talk about we can but if you don't want to right now that's okay. Ryan I'm just concerned about you. You haven't been yourself lately, I haven't seen you smile for awhile". I really worried he hasn't done this in awhile and when he did it was really bad. A few tears roll down his cheek and he nods. We sit in silence for a little while so he could calm down. Once he finally does I say, "Lets go eat some dinner". He pulls his sleeve back done and begs me with his eyes not to say anything. I don't promise anything I just nod. He helps me walk down the stairs and into the kitchen where Jake is making is some grilled cheese and for me some Mac and cheese, I kind of smile but I'm still kind of mad at him a little. He's just putting it on plates and he sees us. I know he's worried about Ryan by the way he looks at him. Ry just looks at the ground. Jake says, "Mom and dad went out so I made us dinner, I don't know when they will be home so, and Sam you have mail". We sit on the stools at the counter and eat silently. I don't think anyone knows what to say. My ankle is still killing me, I reach behind me and get some aspirin and take it. I notice Ryan's eye glance at the pill bottle as I put it away. That's not good and what's happened in the past I need to talk to him. After everyone's done eating Ryan goes to his room to lay down. Which leaves Jake and I alone. He speaks, "Sam, can we talk"?

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