Chapter 27- The Chosen One.❤️

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(Pictures above^ Enjoy this hot piece of man I like to call Ethan 😍☺️❤️😘😘)

(Skylers pov)
Shit did I really just say that she's made it clear she needs time and I might of just ruined things. She's not saying anything. Do something Skyler. "Sorry I didn't-" That's when she kisses me, on the lips. I'm in shock. I kiss back a little but she pulls away, to soon for my likings. I'm about to say something when he phone rings. She detached from my arms and got up. She takes her phone out and says, "It's Jake I have to take this." I nod and she goes in the hallway. I lay on my back and think about what just happened. She just kissed me. My lips are still tingling, she's an amazing kisser. Suddenly Sam runs in my room smiling from ear to ear, "Hey sky can you do me a favor and drive me to the airport?? My brother's flight will be here in an hour. I need to be there when he gets here." I smile from how happy she is, "Of course!" She grabs my jacket and slips her converse on then runs down to my truck. I just laugh and follow, locking the door on my way out. I hop in my truck and we're on our way. Sam's shaking with excitement, "My brothers are meeting us there and they told me the gate to wait at." I nod, "Sam buckle up please." She replies, "Oops sorry." Then she buckles and I let out a breath feeling better.

After about 50 minutes of driving I finally pull into a spot in the parking garage. Sam and I walk into the airport and me her brothers by the gate. I say hello and the politely say the same. Men in military gear start pouring through the gate. I have my arm around Sam's waist, she's craning her neck to see her brother over all the other families greeting their solider. She says, "Does anyone see him?" Everyone says no. Sam says, "Wait, I think I see him!" Then she takes off running, "Jason!!" That's when I see him he drops his bag as Sam jumps up hugging him. Jason wraps his arms around he and is holding her head with him hand I notice a few tears in his eyes. Sam gets down but keeps her arms around him. Jason picks up his bag and they walk over to where we are standing. Jake and Ryan join and hug there brother as well, I look down at my feet I feel like I'm intruding on their family moment. I see a pair of boots in front of me along with Sam's feet, I look up and Jason by me. He says, "Hey, Skyler is it?" I nod. He continues, "My sisters in one piece and I'm guessing I have you to thank?" I nod again. "No need to thank me, she's great." Sam smiles, still hugging her brothers side. Jason says more to everyone else as a guy I recognize but can't put a name to comes up next to him, "Hey guys I hope you don't mind nicks staying with us for awhile, his family is out of town." Jake and Ryan just say cool. Sam says, "Hey Nick!" Nick winks at her, "Hey gorgeous!" I feel a pang of jealousy rip through me as I notice Sam blushing. Jason yells at Nick, "Hey, dude not my sister." I hear him whisper to Sam, "Are you and Skyler together yet? He looked like he wanted to rip Nick's head off." She blushes and looks down, "Shut up Jase we're just friends." He looks at her, "Really what are you waiting for??" Sam mumbles, "it's a long story." Jase replied, "We'll talk later. Right now we need to get the rest of our bags." He also adds, "Hey guys where mom and dad?" Jake says, "They had to work mom honestly tried her hardest getting off but her Boss wouldn't budge. Dad didn't even answer when I called." Jason said, "Okay I understand." Then we all go to the baggage claim and wait. Jason has a sad look on his face, and it's probably because his parents aren't here. Jake speaks up, "Hey guys we have a problem I only have room for either Jason or nick in my car since we have all of your bags as well." Sam speaks up quickly, "Jase can ride with sky and I he's got his truck so they can put their bags in the back." She turns to me, "if that's okay with you?" I smile, "Of course!" Thinking to myself good that nick won't be near my Sammy I'm totally okay. Jase makes Sam let go so he can carry his bags to my truck. She reluctantly does so and walks next to me I smile at her and put my arm around her waist. Jason and Nick throw there bags in my truck and then nick goes with Jake and Ryan. I go around and start the truck and Sam climbs in the middle and cuddles into Jason's side. Aw brotherly sister love. Jason laughs, "You're never letting me go are you." She shakes her head, "Nope." Popping the p. She adds, "I missed you so much Jasey." He says, "I missed you too pop tart." I smile, turn on the radio, and pull out onto the interstate.

"Are we there yet???" Sam complains. I laugh and say, "I could drive around the block again. Quit complaining we're here." She kisses my cheek, "Thanks Skyler." Then follows Jason out of my truck. He grabs his bag and Nick comes and grabs his.

(Sam's pov)
I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm happy. For once in a long time I am actually happy and nothing is going to change that my brother is back. Skyler just dropped us off and left. He said he would stay but I should spend time with my family. I agreed since I missed my brother like crazy. I went inside and went up to my brothers room. I realize I'm still wearing Skylers jacket I run throw it in my room then go to Jase's room. His room is the biggest of all of ours, he still lives at home even at the age of 20 because he didn't have time to find a place since he's been ever seas. I lay on his queen size bed and just watch him unpack. "Hey, sis." I smile, "Hey, Jasey." I glance around his room, "Hey where's Nick?" Jase says, "Shower. So I wanna talk and catch up I've missed you Pop tart!" He sits in his huge desk chair and I lay on my side. "Where do I begin?"

We end up talking for hours and Nick was going to join us but Jason
Told him to give us some time. That was nice because I didn't want him knowing my life story. We talked about everything from school to the abuse I've received. Jason hugged me and said he's here not it won't ever happen again. We also talked about my love life that was interesting. Now we're sitting here watching some action movie on Netflix just relaxing. My phone rings, I look at it. It's Ethan. Jason says, "who's that??" Being noesy. "It's Ethan." Jase says, "Go ahead answer it." So I go in the hallway, "Hello!" His sweet voice rings through, "Hey beautiful. What's up?" I say, "Nothing much was watching a movie with my brother." He says, "Oh, sorry I interrupted." I laugh, "No big deal. Um I was actually meaning to call you.. I was wondering if you'd like to come over I need to talk to you. In person. It's important." He clears his throat, "Sounds important are you okay babe?" I smile at that, "Just come over. Now if you can?" He says, "Be there in 10. See you soon."

I wait impatiently in the kitchen. Soon though, I jump off my stool when I hear a knock on the door. I let Ethan in, "Hey." He says. I am so nervous, take a breath Sam you're okay, stay calm. I grab his hands. Subtle Sam very subtle. I say, "hey". He smiles. I clear my throat, "Um, before I talk to you I want you to meet my brother." I let go of one hand and lead him up to my brothers room and knock. I hear music playing so I make sure to knock loud enough. Jason opens the door and tells us to come in. "Jason, I want you to meet Ethan." He smirks... Please don't say anything.. Please don't say anything.. Jason say, "Oh, this is the guy you are allllways talking about?" Ethan raises an eyebrow at me, I blush. "Anyways.... That's all we will be going now." I drag Ethan as I'm leaving, Jason says, "Nice too meet you Ethan!" I hear Ethan say, "Likewise man!" Jason said, "Sarcastic I like it. I close the door to my room and we sit down on my bed leaning against the wall. I don't know how to start.. Ugh why do I have to be soo nervous.. He makes me so nervous and I get all awkward.. But in a good way.. If that even makes sense. Crap I'm thinking to myself.. Ethan say, "Sammy you in there? What did you wanna talk about?" I clear my throat. "I want to tell you that-" I don't finish I'm scared. He says, "That what? Sam don't be afraid it's okay." He grabs my hands in his. My heart melts a little. You know I have nothing to be nervous about, not when Ethan's involved. I look into his gorgeous blue-green eyes, there filled with so much .. I can't find the word but it's strong. "Ethan, I've decided. I didn't want to put you through this suffering any longer." I pause. Not a good idea Ethan's smile turn into a slight frown. Noo! He thinks I chose Skyler! I quickly say, "No don't lose your smile that I love. I choose you Ethan. I'm falling for you. You're the one."

Welp I finally chose that was so hard 😔 my Skam ship is now docked. Anyways I hope you enjoyed there's plenty more to come. Ethan pov coming up next. Vote and comment!feedback is also encouraged. Until next time lovelies. ❤️
~Batman123456 out 💕✌🏻️

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