Chapter 32

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"Lauren" He said with a firm voice while looking at West. I look at West who was staring at Xander with intense eyes. "Yeah?" I replied looking at the sand "Come with me" His eyes landed on me and offers me his hand. I look at his hand that was patiently waiting for mine.

Should I take it?

I felt the walls that I was building earlier crumbling down just because of a simple gesture from him. He really had me wrapped around his finger. I felt my hand twitch but before I could move, West gently pushes me behind him and looks at Xander in a challenging way. I can see Xander clenching his jaw and closing his fist tightly.

Were they going to fight?

I started getting nervous and I quickly grab West's shirt "Okay that's enough" I said trying to get their attention but they were too busy with their staring competition

"Xander" I said softly. He immediately looks at me and his expression changes from tense to calm "You should go back to the house. I'll be back later okay?" I said avoiding his intense gaze. I turn around and pull West's shirt due to his eyes were still intensely staring at Xander "Quit it, West. Lets go" I whispered

"It's twelve am, Lauren" Xander said. I look back at him confused

Was he seriously giving me a curfew?

"So what if its twelve am, Woods?" West asked annoyed. I grab West's shirt trying to stop him but Xander just ignored him "It means we've been staying here for a total of seven days" I look at him still confused

"That's already one week, Lauren. I haven't smoked a single stick ever since we got here" He said focusing on me and ignoring everyone else that were watching us. I look at David who was looking at him with a surprised look on his face

"We had a deal" Xander said, breaking my confusion.

The deal

We had a deal that if he stopped smoking for one week, I'll do anything that he wants me to do.

I release a  deep sigh and slowly nod "What do you want me to do?" I asked quietly "I want you to come with me" I can feel West getting more and more annoyed "Hold up, what the hell is going on?" West asked irritated. I roll my eyes "I'll explain it tomorrow"

I look at Xander and decided to get this over with. I ignore West who was trying to stop me and continued to walk towards Xander who was looking at me with his intense dark eyes.

"Wait Lauren sto-" But before West could grab my arm, Xander already had his arm around my waist and was leading me back to the house. I could hear David and the others trying to distract West.

My heart started beating faster and I could feel sweat coming out of my hands. What was he planning to do?

We were both walking fast towards the house which made me even more scared and nervous.

"Xander?" I asked nervously but he just ignored me and continued to walk to the house. Once we reach the house he slams the door shut making me jump. I look at him and watch him run both of his hands through his hair while pacing back and forth. He looked so stressed out, like he was going to explode any second. I have never seen The Alexander Woods this frustrated.

"Xander are you okay?" I asked worriedly, still watching him pace back and forth.

He ignored me again

"Xander please you're worrying me what's going on?" I said walking closer to him. This time he stops walking but still wont look at me

"I don't know how you did it" He said with pain and frustration in his eyes "But you need to stop" I look at him and softly said "I don't know what you're talking abo-" He cuts me off by pinning me against the wall looking even more frustrated

"You're making yourself important to me and you need to stop!" He yelled making me shut my mouth. I look at the pain, sadness and anger that was swirling in his eyes

I was important to him?

I look at his eyes that held so many emotions and I cant believe that it hurt me so much to see him so helpless and broken. This was the same Xander Woods that was always so calm and nonchalant about everything

but right now he looks so fragile and confused and it pained me.

I slowly reach up to touch his cheek softly and he slowly starts backing away

But I wasn't going to let him get away this time

I grab his shirt and pulled him towards me carefully "Please don't make me stop" I whispered softly, leaning closer to him. He shuts his eyes tightly and whispers "God damn it" before pulling me and placing his lips on mine.

My whole body stiffened when I felt his soft lips touch mine. It took me a few seconds to realize what was happening and kiss him back softly.

The kiss was slow and passionate

I wasn't expecting this, especially from Xander Woods.

He looked like he was someone who always went for something rough but he was the opposite, he was kissing me gently and slowly. Both of his hands were on my waist, making sure I didn't move away from him but I wasn't planning to.

In fact I moved even closer to him wanting to feel his entire body. He groans and wraps an arm around my waist while his other hand snakes its way to my cheek.

I didn't want this to end

But Xander started pulling away, breaking the moment. I look at him and saw him looking at me with frustration still evident in his eyes

"I-" Xander said trying to form a sentence. I already know what was going to happen next, he was going to run away again.

"Please don't leave me again" I whispered trying to fight back the tears that were threatening to come out. Xander's frustration were replaced with worry "What?" He asked pulling me closer. I took a deep breath "You're going to do it again. You're going to pull me in and then push me away" I said, voice breaking "You're playing with me and its breaking me, you cant even see it" I said letting one tear escape.

I looked pathetic. I was crying over a guy who cant make up his God damn mind.

"If you're going to push me away again just do it now" I said looking away "but please make sure that you push me away far enough for me to not come back to you"

Another tear escapes

He remained silent

He was probably thinking of a way on how to get rid of me. I felt ashamed. I was chasing a man that didn't want to be involved with me at all.

I started pulling away from Xander, ready to go up to  my room and cry my eyes out but his grip tightened around me making me stop

"I don't think I can do that" He whispered softly. My heart started beating fast

"I don't think I even want to do that" He said resting his forehead on mine.

More tears started flowing out but this time

it was because of relief and happiness


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