Chapter 41

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I stood there

surprised by what happened

One moment Xander was all over me treating me like I was the most important girl to him, then something inside him clicked and decided I wasn't worth it and left.

It was that quick and easy for him.

If it was really that simple how come I was left here feeling numbed and broken.

I look around the empty room, suddenly feeling claustrophobic. I let myself fall on the bed, trying to steady my breathing.

It only took him a week to have me completely in deep. I was so deep in this thing that now that he has officially decided to just stop it and leave, I feel so lost and alone

For once in my life, I actually felt lonely

"Xander left and literally almost broke the fro-" Andrea stops and looks at me "What happened?" She whispered softly, quietly closing the door.

I focus on the floor and shook my head "I don't know" I said slowly and carefully, trying to stop my voice from breaking. Andrea sits beside me, giving me a side hug while rubbing my arm soothingly

He used to do that

My vision started blurring, tears were quickly forming "If you need someone to talk to, I'm here okay?" Andrea whispered softly

A single tear escaped my eye and I quickly wipe it away "I want to go home" I said, finally looking at Andrea who was looking at me worriedly. She nods "I'll go tell David"

Just in time, David enters the room and froze when he saw me "What did he do now?" He sighs, closing the door behind him. I take a deep breath and shake my head "Nothing" They look at me surprised, not expecting my answer "I guess its my fault too"

"How is it your fault?" David asked curiously

"He never said he wanted any of this" I said, trying to swallow down the lump that was forming in my throat "But his actions says otherwise" Andrea scoffed, crossing her arms.

"I'm sorry but your friend's whack in the head" Andrea said, looking at David who looked tired "I know" David runs a hand through his hair "I can't believe Xander actually ruined something good" David whispered to himself

"He just said he's too damaged to be with me" I muttered, massaging my temples with my eyes closed. "Fucking bitch just had to destroy him" David muttered, pissed off

"Are we talking about that whore named christine, cristy-"

"Celestine" David corrected

"Yeah whatever" Andrea waves him off "Last time I checked, she's in the past now which means he needs to stop carrying all of those excess baggage that reminds him of her and start focusing on the good stuff" Andrea exclaimed, pointing at me. David looks at Andrea "I get it, you're pissed off that he hurt Lauren because trust me I am too"

"but you need to understand that this isn't just about Celestine. He was betrayed by his own parents when he was young, he trusted no one but Celestine. He depended on her like she was the last good thing in his life-" David looked at us, clearly heartbroken for his best friend "-but she betrayed him too. He was all alone until Lauren came and trust me when I say that I haven't seen him like this since then"

I look at Andrea who looked pissed off but just by looking at her, I can tell that whatever David said affected her and made her sad

"Well, Lauren can't suffer like this any longer. This is way too unfair for her" Andrea said, looking away from David and crossing her arms "I know, I'm not trying to defend Xander's actions right now because this really is unfair for you" David walks up to me and pats my head with a small smile. His small gesture made me tear up a bit "Do you need anything right now?" David asked softly

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