Chapter 27

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"One red velvet with extra cream cheese ice cream, one cookies and cream ice cream, one chocolate ice cream with sprinkles and marshmallows and two blueberry cheesecake ice cream" She hands each ice cream to us properly and carefully. The bowl was large and pink which made Lucas frown.

"I'm too manly to eat ice cream in a pink bowl" I look at him and pointed my licked spoon at him. "You're too dumb to be sitting with us right now" I said while shrugging.

"Hate to admit it" David grins "But brunette here has a point"

"Thank you very much" I said giving David a cheeky smile. I look at Xander who was watching me with those intense dark eyes of his that never fails to weaken my knees. I quickly looked away and focused on my ice cream.

Lucas sighs and looks at his phone while frowning. He's been trying to call the unknown girl ever since we got here but still, no luck. Trust me, I wanted to smack him and yell at him for being so naive and stupid but I was too nice to do that. One fact about me is that I have never slapped a person, EVER. And I don't even think I can slap a person. My parents and my uncle raised me better than that.

Queens don't end their fights with scratches and bruises, they end it class and confidence.

That's what my uncle said when I was fifteen years old. I came home from school frustrated and irritated because Stacy, the popular girl in our school would always pick on me and point out my flaws and I didn't have the strength or the guts to actually speak up for myself. I told my uncle that I've always wanted to hit that girl but something was holding me back. And of course being the cool uncle that he was, instead of scolding at me for wanting to hit someone he just smirked and told me that I was a queen.

No matter how young I was,

I was born a queen.

Ever since that day, I would always try to keep in mind that even though I didn't have hundreds of guys running after me or girls who wants to be me, I was still a queen to my uncles eyes. Not a girl with no parents, a girl with no friends or a girl whose confidence is lower than Stacy's standards.

I look at Xander and something inside me ached. I was still upset about our little fight yesterday. I just couldn't believe that he actually came to me just to tell me that what I did was wrong and that I wasn't thinking? Okay maybe I wasn't and maybe it wasn't my business in the first place but I couldn't just stand there and let that girl talk to him like that.


I honestly have no idea. I don't even know this guy that much but I already feel protective and some other stuff that I still need to figure out.

"What are the plans again for today?" Lucas asked while looking at his phone and licking his spoon. "Bonfire and summer kiss" David wiggles his eyebrows at Andrea which makes Andrea blush. "To be honest, at first I thought the summer kiss was too cheesy and funny" David said while watching me turn into a tomato. "But seriously huge thanks to you, Brunette" David wraps an arm around Andrea which makes her giggle and blush. "I honestly don't know why I wrote that though, I kind of regret it" I shrug acting like this conversation wasn't killing me.

Just please drop it, David

"And why is that?"

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