Chapter 24

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"Wake up, brunette" I felt a hand shaking me. I open my eyes and see that I was inside my tent, I look at David and rolled my eyes. "Stop calling me that" I said smiling "Shut up and get out of your tent, let's go eat lunch" I yawn and sat up. "What time is it?" I asked while rubbing my eyes "It's already one twenty four so get up" He said. I got out of my tent and squinted because the sunlight was burning my eyes. "Well good morning, sleeping beauty" Lucas said. I give them a tired smile and sat beside Andrea and Lucas. I look at Xander to see him eating hotdog quietly. Jase hands me a raw hotdog on a stick. "You cook your own food" Jase shrugs. I chuckle and grabbed the stick then started roasting the hotdog on the fire. Everyone was messing around and laughing except for me and Xander. We were both quiet and busy eating our food.

"Why are you guys so quiet?" Andrea asked while chewing on her food. Xander ignores her but I look at her. "I'm hungry as hell and this hotdog is not cooking fast enough" I groaned. "Be patient, brunette" David said while chuckling, I just frown while looking at my hotdog cooking slowly. "So what's the plan?" Jase asked looking at everyone. David thinks for a second then shrugs "We're just gonna hang out here until ten then we pack our stuff and leave" Gabriel looks at him confused "That's it? We're going home?" David shakes his head "Remember that mountain we used to visit every night when we were kids?" Xander looks at David suddenly interested. "The mountain near Celestine's house?" Jase asked then everyone went silent. I finally look away from the hotdog and look at the boys to see them frozen and glaring at Jase. Me and Andrea looks at each other confused. "Who's Celestine?" Andrea asked which makes the boys look at Xander. I look at Xander to see he was quiet and and not moving. After a few seconds his facial expression hardens and continued whatever he was doing.

"Yes" David said while glaring at Jase. "Sorry" Jase whispered to David. David shakes his head with a clenched jaw. Something inside me was telling me that this girl, Celestine was not a nobody, especially to Xander. But who is she? Is she his cousin? A sister? A bestfriend?

I look at Xander and the way David and the boys were looking at Xander with pity. I watch the boys look at each other as if they were talking to each other through their eyes. Then a question comes in my mind that surprisingly made my heart ache.

Was Celestine.....Xander's ex girlfriend?


"Let me help you with that" Lucas said lifting my bag and putting it inside the bus. "Thanks" I muttered. We were off to the mountain that David was talking about earlier. Everyone was awfully quiet which was annoying the crap out of me. Xander was already inside the room, away from everyone, as usual. Ever since Jase mentioned Celestine everyone has been quiet and Xander has been even more distant.

"You guys sure you didn't leave anything behind?" David asked getting inside the driver's seat. Everyone started checking their bags and we all nod. "Let's go then" David said happily trying to lighten up the mood.

I look outside the window and looked at the dark sky. I look at the full moon and admired it for a few minutes. I sit on the passenger seat and David gives me a small smile. "So where are we going?" I asked while putting my feet up. "We're going to this mountain that me and the lads used to hang out at when we were kids" I nod "I guess this mountain's special then?" He smiles wide and nods his head. "Very, we actually call it The Mountain of First Experiences" I look at him "Why?" He chuckles "That's the place where we had our first beer" I laugh and nod my head. "Our first cigarette" He adds while chuckling "That's the place where Xander had his first tattoo"

"Really?" He nods "We have a friend who's a tattoo artist and Xander told him he wanted to have his first tattoo there" He smiles while looking at the road. "That's cute" I muttered while looking at the road too. After a few seconds, David frowns and whispers something. "What?" I asked looking at him. He looks at me for a moment and shakes his head, forcing a smile. "Nothing" He said looking at me for a long time.

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