Chapter 21

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I turn around to see Xander standing there looking at West. West squeezes my hand which made me look at him and he slowly nods. "Sure" He backs away slowly and gives me a small smile before leaving.

I close my eyes tightly and inhaled deeply before turning around to face Xander. He looks at me and grabs both of my hands gently and wrapped it around his neck then he snakes his hands on my waist and pulls me closer to him. My heart started beating fast and I can feel my hands sweating like crazy.

Wildest Dreams started playing and that's when I realized that the song matched him perfectly. We started swaying gently. His touch was so gentle it was like he was holding a glass that can break anytime. "Whats with you and West?" His voice made me shiver slightly. "What? N-nothing we're just friends" I said trying hard not to stutter. "Well, it sure didn't look like it was nothing" I look at him confused "What do you mean?"

"The way you guys looked at each other, it wasn't nothing" I shake my head "We're just friends, Xander" He shrugs. We were silent for a few minutes, we just kept swaying. I was surprised, Xander was actually a good dancer. I never expected him to be the 'dancer' type of guy.

"Lauren" My heart skipped a beat. My heart skips a beat every time I hear him say my name. It sounded so beautiful whenever he says it.


"You look beautiful tonight"

Those four words were enough to make me speechless and frozen. I look at him to see if he was joking or something but instead of seeing a teasing smile, he was wearing a serious expression while looking at me closely.

I tried to act cool by rolling my eyes and forcing a smile. "You don't need to lie you know" I said while smiling. "I don't lie to people" He said clenching his jaw.

Oh god, did i piss him off?

"I-I'm sorry" I stuttered nervously. He looks at me closely and squeezes my waist for a second then walks away. I stood there frozen.

What just happened?

I look around and see people around my age dancing and laughing. I suddenly felt claustrophobic and quickly walked towards the door to get some fresh air. I took a deep breath when I finally got out of the house. I look around and saw a few teenagers talking while holding red cups.

Xander's face suddenly enters my mind which makes me sigh. I closed my eyes and started whispering to myself.

"He's no one" But I want to know him more

"Don't let him get in to you" But he already is

"You can't fall for a stranger" Why not?

I groan and buried my face in my hands. Why was I so frustrated? We're not even together for god sake! But then the image of him kissing that girl earlier entered my mind. My heart shattered every time that image enters my mind. My thoughts were interrupted by an annoying voice squealing like a dying pig.

"Oh god, he was such a good kisser!" the dying pi- I mean the girl who was making out with Xander earlier said. Her friends started squealing and forcing her to spill more details. I was about to turn around and go back inside the house but what she said made me stop.

"Did you see the girl he was dancing with? Disgusting" She huffs and rolls her eyes. "So plain like seriously? Her clothes are the exact same thing my grandma would wear to a party" Her friends laughs along with her. I clench my fist trying to stop myself from confronting that little bi-

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