Chapter 7

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"I was only five, David!" Andrea yelled while laughing hard. I look at David who was laughing hard too. They've been talking for hours now. While me and Xander were just sitting and not talking. I take a deep breath and I adjust my position so I was facing him.

"Tell me about yourself" I said

Xander looks at me "I have nothing to tell" He said. I shook my head "Yes you have tons of stories to tell" I said softly "Everybody does" I added. He ignores me which made me sigh. "If you're not going to talk then I will" I said.

"My full name is Lauren Elizabeth Blackwell, I'm twenty years old and I live in Canada with my uncle an-"

"Where's your parents?" Xander asked while looking at me. I look at him for a long time and I give him a small smile "Gone" He raises his eyebrow "Gone? Where?"

"They died in a car crash when I was nine that's why I live with my uncle" I said.
He looks at me with eyes full of concern. I froze while looking at him. This is the first time i've seen him show emotion. "I'm sorry..." He said. His face was back to normal, Emotionless. "It's okay" I said honestly "It was hard before....but I can't be sad forever" I said while smiling. "How about you?" I asked. His expression hardened and he takes a deep breath "Let's not talk about my family" He said coldly. "Sorry..." I said looking down at my hands. He doesn't answer. I look at the scar that I have on my knee "I got this scar because of a dog" I said showing the scar on my knee. He looks at it "My uncle said I was only six. My uncle's dog Benny was running around the back yard and I thought the dog was chasing me so I ran for my life and I tripped." I smiled while looking at the scar "He said I cried for hours while yelling "I'm going to die" because of the blood" I chuckle. He was still looking at the scar. "Oh and this ring" I said while holding the ring that I've been wearing on my neck since the day I turned sixteen. "This ring belongs to my mom, I made it into a necklace to make sure I don't lose it" I said "My uncle gave it to me when I turned sixteen. He said I was matured enough to take care of it" I smiled.

"Sorry if i'm boring you with my stories" I said while blushing. "No, tell me more" Xander said. I look at him shocked "Really?" He nods "Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked. His question shocked me. "No" I said. "Have you ever been in love?" Xander asked. I nod slowly "Yes...and it was awful" I said. He chuckles which made my heart beat faster.

His laugh was amazing...

"Are you one of those girls who hate all of the guys in the world just because they got hurt once?" He asked. I shook my head quickly "Ofcourse not"

"But seriously it was awful, he was an awful kisser" I said. Xander laughs while looking at me. I look at him. My heart was melting because of his beautiful smile. "How about you? Have you ever been in love?" Xander stops laughing but a small smile was still on his lips. "I liked a girl before does that count?" I raise my eyebrow "Love not like, there's a huge difference" He looks at me "What's the difference?"

"Love means accepting someone's past, failures, flaws..." I said gently while looking down. "You accept that person for who he or she is" I look at Xander's eyes deeply and I take a deep breath. "And you see perfection in imperfection itself" He looks at me for a long time and shrugs. "Okay, then i'm sure than I have never been in love" He said. "Well it's awful....yet beautiful" I said.

The car stopped moving then I look at David. "Why'd you stop?" David turns around "Well Andrea here has been complaining for 5 minutes that she needs to pee while you two were busy talking about love and shit" I started blushing madly. I look outside the window and see that we were at the gas station. I look at the left side and saw a coffee shop. "You wan't to come Lauren" Andrea asked. "Yeah sure, I need to buy some coffee too" I said while standing up. "After loading this baby up with gas i'll just park then let's go get some coffee is that okay ladies?" David asked. We both nod and we got out of the car. Andrea and I went to the bathroom while Xander and David parked the car.

"So how's it going with Xander?" Andrea asked while peeing. I look at myself in the mirror "What do you mean?" I asked. Andrea scoffs "Oh please I literally thought it was the end of the world when I heard Xander laugh, seriously that was the first time I heard him laugh" I smile and shrug "I was just lucky I guess" Andrea comes out of the cubicle "Lucky my ass" I laugh while rolling my eyes "If you guys end up together I am so going to laugh so freaking hard and yell I told you so" We walk inside the coffee shop and see the boys already sitting down with four cups of coffee on the small table. "Why do girls take forever to pee? Like seriously come on tell me the secret. Do you guys play chess before peeing?" David asked. "Oh don't be so dramatic. We weren't that long" Andrea said. I take a sip of coffee and accidentally burned my tongue. "Ow" I whispered to myself. "You okay?" Xander asked quietly. I look at him, surprised because he actually asked me if I was okay. "Yeah, just burned my tongue" I force a small smile. "Excuse me i'll just go get tissue" I said while standing up.

"Excuse me, can i have some tissue?" I said nicely to the woman. She nods and smiles "Wait a minute"

"Hi" I heard a voice behind me. I turn around and see a guy around my age. He was good looking, his body was muscular and he was tall too but not as tall as Xander. "Hi...?" I said confused. "I'm not trying to be rude but sorry do I know you?" I asked politely. He smirks "No but i'm sure you do now, the name is Jack" He said while chewing gum. He was trying way too hard "I hope you have a thing for bad guys" He said walking closer.

"Ma'am here's the tissue you asked for" I turn around and I grab the tissue. "Thank you" I said. I turn around to look at the guy again. "I'm sorry but I kind of-" He cuts me off by holding my waist and whispering "Come with me" I quickly remove his hands "Are you crazy?" I said loudly. I was about to talk again but a tall figure stands in front of me.

"The girl's with me" I look Xander's muscular back that was facing me. David grabs my arm and brings me back to our seat. "Are you okay?" Andrea asked. I ignore her and continued watching Xander who was doing nothing but staring at the guy with no expression at all. "You should go, bro" David said while standing besides Xander. The guy just continued staring at Xander with a pissed off expression. "Seriously man, just go" David said a little louder. The guy slowly backs away and leaves. I sigh in relief while looking at my shaking hands. "You okay?" David asked while rubbing my back. "Can we go? Or can I just stay inside the car?"

"If she wants to leave we should leave now. She's scared" Andrea said while grabbing my shaking hand. We all walk inside the car. I sit down on the couch and sighed. "Sorry guys, I just...I get so scared easily" David shooks his head and pats my head. "Hey it's okay little one. Me and Xander got your back okay?" He hugs me tightly trying to comfort me. "Thanks, Williams" I whispered. He chuckles and nods then he goes back to the driver's seat. I hug my knees and I close my eyes, I suddenly felt tired.
I open my eyes again because someone taps my shoulder. "You okay?" Xander asked while looking at me closely. I nod and forced a small smile "Yeah"

"You feeling tired?" He asked. I nod "Just a little bit, I woke up too early" I said "You should go inside the room and take a rest" I nod. I stand up and opened the door

"Sleep tight" I heard Xander say. I smile and entered the room.

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