Chapter 1

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"Finally" I said sitting down on the couch and sighing in relief. I just finished arranging my furniture in my new house. The house wasn't big but it was enough for one person. It had a medium size living room, medium size kitchen, one big bedroom with one bathroom and a small balcony. I walk upstairs to my room and I look around my room making sure that everything was in place. I smile with contentment while wiping away sweat on my forehead. I smell myself and ended up scrunching my face because of how bad I smell. I grab one towel and some clothes realizing that I need a bath asap.


I brush my hair gently while looking at the mirror. People might think that my life is hard because I don't have my parents beside me but it's really not that hard. Well it was when I was younger. All of my high school classmates were with their parents on graduation day, I didn't. But I had my uncle and that was more than enough for me. He took care of me and loved me like I was his own daughter, I was and still am grateful.

I look at the big window on the right side of my bed. I stand up and walk towards the window. All I can see is the left side of my neighbor's house. This person might be crazy for not putting curtains on their window. I could easily go inside this person's house and grab anything that I want using the tree that was near my house and their house. I can see their room perfectly. I grab my wallet and walk downstairs, I need to buy some curtains. I grab my shoes and I put my shoes on then I walk outside.

My uncle said there was a small shop here only 10 minutes away. I look at my phone searching for the message that my uncle sent me hours ago. He gave me directions on how to go to the grocery, shops, the mall and the diner that I was planning to work at.

After walking for 10 minutes I see the shop that my uncle was talking about. I enter the shop and I see a girl that was around my age behind the counter. "How can i help you?" She asked politely while smiling. I return a small smile and I look around "Do you sell curtains?" She nods and points the area that had curtains. I grab a long white curtain and gave it to the cashier. "Is that everything?" I nod while grabbing cash from my wallet. She gives me my change and thanked me. I grab the paper bag then I left.


I walk towards my front door and I grab the keys inside my pocket. I look at my neighbor's house before going inside and I see a black Jeep Commander parked in front of their house. I close and lock the front door. I walk upstairs to my room with the paper bag still in my hand. I grab a chair and stood on it to put the curtains. After two minutes I finally finished arranging the curtains. I look outside the window and I see my neighbor. His back was facing me so I couldn't see his face. My face turned red when he removed his shirt. His back muscles were perfect and he has tribal tattoos all over his back and right arm. I was examining his tattoos carefully when he froze. He turns around to look at his window and I quickly hide to the side of my window. My heart was beating fast.

Did I just seriously watch my neighbor take off his shirt? I sigh and groan "Don't be a stalker" I whispered to myself. I stayed like that for two more minutes to make sure that the guy wasn't looking outside his window anymore. I look outside again and he was gone. I shut the curtains and looked at my phone to check the time.

6:15 p.m

I walk downstairs to the kitchen and decided to make dinner instead of stalking my neighbor.


After brushing my teeth. I grab my glasses and tied my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my favorite book. I was covered in blankets while reading my favorite book.

Then I heard loud noises coming from the house beside me. I decided to just try and ignore it. But after 3 minutes of trying I was already full. I groan and I look at the window and saw nothing. But the noises were becoming louder. I can hear a girl yelling like she was mad and then I heard a glass shattered. I groan and I look at what I was wearing. I was wearing gray shorts and a loose black shirt. I guess this is good enough. Not bothering to take my glasses off and fix my hair I walk downstairs and walked outside my house then towards my neighbor's house.

I look at the door while thinking if I should just go back to my bed. Then I heard glass breaking again and a man's voice. "Will you stop breaking my things" the man said calmly but his voice was low and dangerous. "You can't just leave me! Who the fuck do you think you are?!" the girl said wildly. "We were never together, you just kept assuming that I loved you but the truth is I never loved you and I never will" the mad said calmly.

I knock on the door gently, wishing that they didn't here me knocking so I could just go back home. But then the fighting stopped and before I knew it the man who I was watching undress earlier was now standing in front of me. But now I can see his face clearly. His eyes were charcoal black but they were beautiful. His jaw was sharp and his lips were bright red.

"Can i help you?" He said while looking down at me. He was probably 6'5 or something because the top of my head didn't even reach his shoulder. "Um..." was all I could say because a blonde girl with tons of make up glued to her face pushes the guy and looks at me. The guy looks at her with an annoyed expression written all over his face. "Who are you?" The girl asks rudely. "Um I live over there" I point my medium size house. "Could you guys keep it down? Its kinda lat-"

The girl groans and glares at me "Listen, what we're talking about is important" I nod "I understand, but do you mind keeping it down just a bit?" The girls comes closer to me and was about to say something but then the guy grabs her and pulls her back inside. "We will, sorry" the man said calmly. The girl grabs a vase and throws it at us.

The man grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. My eyes widened not just because of the girl throwing a vase at us but also because my whole body was touching the guy's hard body. His right hand was on my waist tightly.

"Are you fucking crazy?" He said angry. The girl glares at us "You're the one who's breaking up with me without a good reason!" She yelled. "I already told you, we were never together. Get that inside your tiny brain, will you?" He said now pissed off probably because he almost got hit with his own vase. He let's go of me and started walking towards her slowly "Get out of my house" The girl shooks her head and frowns "Xander baby i'm sorry can we just talk about this?" Xander grabs her arm and pushes her out of the door gently. "Leave" He was about to shut the door but he stares at her for a second and says "You're lucky I controlled myself, I would never come back if I were you" He smirks and shuts the door.

I was still awkwardly standing behind him while scratching my arm. He turns around and looks at me with a hard expression on. "Thanks" I said while looking down. "For what?" He says while raising his eyebrow. "For pulling me so the vase wouldn't hit me" He nods and opens the door. "You can leave now" He said. I blush and nod then I exit his house. I turn around to say goodnight but he already closed and locked the door.

"What a nice man" I mumbled to myself sarcastically.

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