Chapter 13

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"Do we really need to do this?" I asked for the fifth time while walking with them. "Yes for the freaking fifth time now stop talking"
Andrea said. We've been climbing this mountain for thirty minutes now and my legs were killing me. "David, you said this was a small mountain! We've been walking for thirty minutes now. You said the next activity is zip lining, not freaking hiking" David chuckles "We are"

"Where is it then?" I asked impatiently. He just ignores me and kept walking. After five more minutes we finally reached the top. Then a man approaches us with a warm smile.

"Good morning, Sir William and Sir Woods" Xander smiles and greets him. "Henry, this is Andrea and Lauren" David said. Andrea waves excitedly and I just smile. "He's going to assist us today" David said while looking at us. "Zip line?" Henry asked me. I nod "Please make sure it doesn't break" Henry chuckles "Are you going one by one or by pair?" Andrea puts a thinking face on. "I think it's better if we ride with someone. I don't want to see Lauren die" I glare at her playfully. "I'm going with Andrea!" David yelled while picking her up. Andrea squeels and giggles. I roll my eyes "Looks like you're stuck with Sir Woods then" Henry said while looking at us. I look at Xander and gave him a warm smile. "Don't worry, I got you" Xander said while looking at me.

"I can't believe we're going to be zip linin' down a freaking mountain" My eyes widened. "What?!" I yelled while looking at Andrea and David with wide eyes. "We climbed a freaking mountain, what do you think was that for?" David said while rolling his eyes. "You have got to be kidding me!" I yelled "I'm not doing this, no way" I shook my head while crossing my arms. "Too late, love" David said while smirking. I glare at him while rubbing my hands because they were shaking. "This is way too scary for me" I whispered.

Strong hands grabbed my shoulders and squeezed it a little. "Calm down" He said gently. I close my eyes enjoying the warmth that was coming from his hands. "I'm scared.." I said, opening my eyes again. He turns me around and looks at me "Don't be, okay? You're with me which means you're safe" He said seriously. "You came here to have fun" I look at him for a moment then I slowly nod. "Okay.." I whispered.

"Who's going first?" Henry yelled. "Us!" Andrea yelled. "No, we're going first" Xander said while pulling me. Andrea smirks at me then winks. Henry started telling us what to do and what not to do. I look at the ground and realized that my position was like superman. Xander beside me was calm and relaxed while I was a mess and shaking. I look at where we were going to go and started shaking even more. "Oh god" I whispered to myself. "Scream, it helps" Xander said calmly. I look at him "Can I hold your hand?" He looks at me "I'm really scared..." His eyes softened then he wraps his big hand around mind. "I got you" I nod and started taking deep breaths. "See you guys later!" David yelled.

"Let's do this!" Henry yelled then pushed us. We started going down, fastly. My heart was beating fast and my hair was going everywhere. "Oh god oh god oh god" I said repeatedly. Xander holds my hand tighter making me look at him. "Scream!" Xander yelled. I started screaming loudly. After a few seconds my scream turned into a loud laugh. I suddenly don't feel scared anymore. I was having fun and I was enjoying it. We started going a bit slower. "Oh my god this is amazing" I said while looking at the view below us. After a few seconds we stopped. An old man approaches us and greets Xander. He looks at our hands and smiles. Xander releases my hand and got down. He helps me get down and looks at me. "Did you have fun?" I smile widely while nodding. "Yes! That was amazing!" He grins. The old man coughs and smiles "I'm guessing this is your girlfriend? She's very beautiful" My cheeks started burning.
Xander showed no emotion "She's not my girlfriend" The old man looks at us confused "Oh i'm sorry...i've seen couples do this activity together. They all look at each other the way you guys look at each other" He said while smiling. Xander ignores the man and looks at me "You okay?" I smile widely and nod "Yes that was awesome, thank you" He grins "You got to stop thanking me, ely" I look at his smile and blushed. It's crazy how his smile can make me feel different kinds of emotions.

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