Chapter 9

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"We're almost there" Xander said. I nod "What time is it?" I asked. "Three a.m" I look at him "Are you tired? I can drive if you want" He looks at me "You can drive?" He asked. I nod "Ofcourse I can, do you want me to drive?" Xander shooks his head "It's okay just one more hour to go, I can handle this"

"But please, I really want to drive! Please I promise I won't destroy this car" He chuckles "Please" I pleaded. After a few seconds the car stopped moving and I smile widely "Thank you!" I said happily. He sat down on the passenger seat and I throw the blanket to him. "Keep it" I smiled and inhaled.

The last time I drove a car, I was with my uncle. He said I was a good driver. Xander wraps the blanket around him and watches me. I was kind of sad he wasn't beside me which was weird. Why would I be sad?

I started driving and a laugh came out of my mouth. "Feels so good to drive again" I said. "You're doing good, Elizabeth" I look at him with disgust. "Elizabeth? Seriously?" He shrugs "Your name's Lauren Elizabeth Blackwell, I think it's okay to call you Elizabeth" I chuckle "Nobody calls me Elizabeth. My family doesn't call me Lauren that much. They call me ely" He nods "Ely's your nickname?" I nod "Yep"

"Okay then, ely" He said. I smiled and looked at him "How about you? What's your full name?" He takes a deep breath and looks at me "Alexander Luca Woods" He said. "You have a very beautiful name" I said. He doesn't answer which made me nervous. Seriously? Very beautiful name? Wow Lauren.

"So Xander's your nick name?" I asked and he just nods. "Does your family call you Xander too?" He clenched his jaw and his expression hardened. His expression went back to the old Xander. "Sorry" I whispered. He ignores me and we both stayed quiet. I wanted to punch myself for bringing up his family.

We've been quiet for more than ten minutes now. "Uh do you have a map? I don't know where we're going" He doesn't look at me but answered "Just go straight and i'll tell you where to stop" I nod and whispered "Okay..."


I look at the right side and see a beach. My eyes widened "Wow" I said while admiring the beach. "That's beautiful" I added "Keep your eyes on the road" Xander said. I shut my mouth and went back to driving. "Stop the car infront of that big gate and open your window" I did what he said and a guard looks at me then Xander then the guard smiled. "Good to see you again, Sir Woods" Xander gives him a warm smile "You too, Kenny" The guard runs to open the gate and a huge house appeared. My eyes widened. The house looked amazing and it was almost made of glass. I park the car and he stands up and walks to the room.

"We're here? What time is it?" I heard David's voice say. I stand up and stretched while yawning. I was dead tired but when I saw the house, I wasn't feeling sleepy anymore. David and Andrea comes out of the room with messy hair. "Good morning, Williams and good morning Andrea" I said while smiling. David smiles "Morning, brunette" Andrea yawns and gives me a cute smile "Good morning, Ely. How was the midnight drive?"

"It was good" I said "Come on let's get our things and go inside" Xander said while leaving the car. "What's up with him?" David asked confused. I just shrug "I don't know"

When the three of us came out of the car. Xander was already walking towards the front door of the house while holding like 6 bags. What did he bring? His whole closet? David closes the door. "Wait my bags are still inside" David looks at me and laughs "Your bags are with Xander, love"

We all enter the huge house and Andrea gasped "Oh my gosh" I nod in agreement "Oh my gosh indeed" David chuckles "You guys like it?" Andrea looks at him like he was crazy "Are you freaking crazy? I love it! How much did you guys pay for this freaking mansion?" I look at David waiting for his answer "This is Xander's" My eyes widened "What? But why is he staying at the old house in our neighborhood then?" He shrugs "He doesn't really like fancy crap, he want's a normal and comfortable life"

"Wow, Xander seems like a really nice guy" Andrea said while looking around the house. I smile and nod in agreement "Yeah" I whispered. "Let's go to our rooms" We walk upstairs then David enters his room. Xander looks at us. "Andrea this is your room" Xander pointed at the door beside David's room. Andrea squeels and enters the room quickly then closes the door.

Xander looks at me then he walks to enter his room. But before he closed his door he said "The room beside mine is yours"

I enter the room and my eyes widened. It was huge and beautiful. There was a huge balcony and the view was really amazing. It was the beach that I saw a while ago. I place the bags on the floor and sighed in relief. I heard a knock on the door "Come in" I said. David walks in and waves "Go catch some sleep, we'll wake up at 10 am to start our adventure" I nod "What time is it?" David looks at his watch "it's four fifteen in the morning, you should sleep now" David smiles and was about to close the door but a yelled "Wait" He opens the door widely again. I run to him and I hug him tightly "Thank you for forcing us to come here" He chuckles and hugs me back "I told you I wouldn't disappoint you, did I disappoint you?" He asked while smirking. "Not at all" I said while smiling widely.

When David left the room, I took off my clothes and wore my pajamas. I wrap the blankets around me and I yawn. I close my eyes while smiling.

And the adventure begins

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