Chapter 2

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I push my cart slowly, trying to find milk. After eating breakfast, I decided to do some grocery. I push my cart aside and grabbed some fresh fruits. I turn around to put the fruits inside the cart but then I hit something hard. Big hands grabbed my hand and the items that i was holding tightly so it wouldn't fall.

"Sorry" I said. I look at the person that was in front of me and I froze. "You should watch where you're going" He said "I know, sorry..." I mumbled. He lets go of me and walks away

"Wait!" I yelled.

He turns around "What?" I look at him while blushing "Do you know....where the milk is?" He raises his eyebrow while looking at me, not answering. "I just moved I don't really know where t-"

"Turn left, it's on the right side" He said.

I give him a small smile and before I could say thank you. He turns around and walks away. Is it really that hard to make friends around here? I sigh and I grab the milk that took me forever to find.


I close the fridge. I just finished putting the groceries inside the fridge. I grab my plate and I sat down on my couch. I switch on the tv and started eating my fruits. After five minutes someone knocks on my door. I stand up and opened the front door.

"Hi, i'm Andrea" A girl around my age was standing in front of my house with cookies. "I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood, yeah I know sorry i'm late but it took me forever to bake these" I look at the cookies she was holding that were almost black "It almost burned, sorry" She gives me a cheeky smile which made me smile. "I'm Lauren and no, I actually think you did a good job" I lied. Her smile widened "Here you go it's all yours! If you want more just knock on my door" She points her house that was just across the street. "I live there" I nod and smile "Do you wan't to come in?" She sighs in relief "Finally, i've been waiting for you to ask me that" She enters and sits on the couch like she lived here.

"Do you wan't water?" She nods "Baking isn't easy you know" I laugh and I give her a glass of water. "Thanks, so Lauren how are you liking the neighborhood so far?" I look at the ceiling, thinking. "I think it's okay" She looks at me "Just okay? Are you kidding me? Your neighbor is Alexander Woods! How is this just OKAY?" I look at her confused "You mean the guy who has tattoos all over his right arm?" She nods excitingly "That's him! Good looking right?" She smirks at me "He looks scary...his personality scares me"

"That's the best part, Lauren! He's a bad boy! He's not one of the boys who act like they're the toughest guy on earth, who gets laid every night and he's not a douche bag" She said.

"How do you know?"

"He and my brother are friends, that's how" She winks. "He's nothing like my brother" She rolls her eyes "My brother's a total douche bag, he thinks he can get any girl he wants" She says with disgust in her voice.

I look at her examining her facial features. She had long auburn hair, green eyes, straight nose and her skin was tan. "We should hang out sometimes" She said. I nod "Yeah, let's hang out sometimes" I said while smiling. "I work at this famous diner just 15 minutes away, my treat!"

"I'm actually looking for a job" I said. She claps her hands and squeels "Oh! We need a waitress because the waitress left one week ago"

"When can i apply?" I asked.

"Tomorrow! I'll come with you if you like" I nod and I thank her.


After hours of talking Andrea left because she needed to help her mom clean the house. I look at the wall clock

5:45 p.m

I decided to make some tea then I walk to my bedroom and I go outside the balcony. I take a look around the neighborhood. It really was beautiful and peaceful.....

I look at Alexander's house. His balcony was bigger, he had one chair and a small round table outside his balcony. After two minutes of examining his house. His glass sliding door opens then he comes out shirtless holding a bottle of beer, a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He sits down on the chair. He lights a cigarette, his eyes half open.

I look away quickly before he sees me watching him again. I can feel his eyes watching my every movement. My palms started sweating.

"You wan't some?" I heard him say. I look at him and I shook my head "I don't smoke" He looks at me and nods "Good, you shouldn't smoke"

"Why?" I asked

"It's not good for your health" He said not looking at me.

"But you're smoking" He looks at me and smirks

"We all get addicted to something that takes away the pain" He said while opening the bottle and drinking it.

Its true....we all get addicted to something that takes away the pain. I nod and I look away. I never thought that I would have this kind of conversation with Alexander Woods. We both stayed quiet.

I was busy drinking tea, he was busy getting drunk.
I was busy inhaling the fresh air, he was busy inhaling smoke.
I was busy trying to relax myself, he was busy trying to escape the pain.

I turn my head to look at him but he was already gone, leaving an empty bottle on the table. I look at the sky, it was already getting dark. I look at his balcony for the last time and went inside my room.


I walk downstairs to prepare dinner. I sat on the chair and ate dinner alone. I look around the house trying to search for something that would make me happy and not feel lonely. But there was nothing. I sigh and I walked back to my room. I grab my phone and I see a message that was from my uncle.

I hope you're doing well over there, I love you. Take care of yourself for me. We miss you

I smile and replied:

I miss you guys too, tell auntie I said hi! I met a new girl :) she's nice

I look at the window beside my bed. Feeling the urge to look outside. I stand up and I open my curtains then I see Alexander smoking on the balcony. He was looking at the sky like he was in deep thought. I was startled when I heard my phone ring. I grab my phone and I answer it.

"Hi uncle"
"Hi dear, how are you? We really miss having you around"
"I'm okay, I miss you guys more..."
"So....any boys?"
He chuckles "Lauren Elizabeth Blackwell, you're already 20!"
"I know...."
"Keep your eyes open okay? I'm sure there's many guys there that you will like"
Yeah, he's my neighbor.....
"Okay uncle.....i'm going to sleep now, okay?"
"Okay ely....goodnight"

I smile and I hang up. I look outside the window again and I see Alexander looking at me with no expression at all. I quickly closed the curtain and took a deep breath.

He just saw me watching him, no biggie. I close my eyes "What are you doing, ely" I whispered to myself. I sigh and I decided to catch some sleep.

I wrap my blankets around me and I was slowly drifting off to sleep.

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