Chapter 17

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After tying my hair into a messy bun, I went to Xander's room. I knock on the door gently and entered when I heard a deep voice yell 'Come in'

I look at Xander who was watching tv while holding his thick blanket that was wrapped around him tightly. "Hey" I said softly while closing the door. He just gives me a nod, not bothering to look at me. "How are you feeling?" I asked while sitting down on his bed. He looks at me with a serious expression on and says "Like shit" I chuckle a little and touched his forehead. He was so hot. Then I noticed that he was shivering. I stand up and made sure that the windows were closed and locked so that the cold wind couldn't get in his room. Then I noticed that the AC was on. "Seriously? You're shivering but still you turned the AC on?" I look at him while raising a brow. He glares at me "I turned it on for you" I felt my expression softened when I heard his reason. I grab the remote and turned it off. "You don't need to worry about me, you're the one who's sick"

After a few minutes, the room was finally warm. Xander's shivering stopped a little. "Where do you keep your socks?" I asked while looking around. He doesn't answer me instead he just looks at me like I was a crazy person in his room. "What for?" He asked curiously. "For your head, obviously for your god damn feet" I roll my eyes while crossing my arms impatiently. "Well? Where's the socks?" I asked again. He points a drawer beside his cabinet. I open the drawer and grabbed thick black socks. I remove the blanket that was covering his feet and he instantly pulls away. "I can put my own socks" He said with a hint of irritation in his voice. I roll my eyes and pulled his feet harshly.

"Just let me do it!" I quickly put the socks on which made him groan and roll his eyes. After putting his socks on, I stood up while smiling brightly "Done" I grab a small chair and sat on it while looking at him. "Tell me if you need anything, 'kay?"

"For the nth time, I can take care o-"

"Oh just shut up" I said while taking my phone out and saw that I have three text messages. All of them were from an unknown number. I look at the number confused and clicked on the first message.

Save my digits! :) -West

It was really nice seeing you earlier, ely!!!! Missed you so much

Bruh? U gonna reply or nah?

I chuckle after reading the last message and started typing my reply.

Sorry "bruh" I was doing something and it was really nice seeing you too, West!! :) hopefully we can see each other again before I leave this place :p

"What's so funny?" Xander asked confused. I look at him while smiling "I just saw my old best friend from Canada earlier at the beach. It's been so long since we last talked to each other" I said excitedly. He just nods and mumbles "Good to know" He wraps the blanket tighter while closing his eyes. I put my phone inside my pocket and I sat on his bed gently. "Are you sure you're feeling okay? You don't look so good" I said softly. He sighs and looks at me with tired eyes. "I feel cold and tired but I can't sleep at all because of my head" He said with a broken voice and sad eyes.

He looked so fragile

I lick my lips and sighed. "Can you move?" I asked gently while moving closer to him. He looks at me confused "Trust me, just move" I said while helping him move. I sit on his bed and patted my lap gently. "Lay your head on my lap" He looks at me suspiciously which made me nervous. "Just do it, i'm trying to help okay?" I help him lift his head and placed it gently on my lap. I fix the blanket and made sure that it was wrapped around him tightly. I started massaging his head gently. After a few seconds, his stiff body relaxes and his eyes closed.

I continued massaging his head the way my grandma taught me. She taught me how to massage my own head so I can get rid of any head ache. I look at Xander's peaceful face. He looked so harmless, innocent and handsome. I just wanted to stroke his strong jaw and look at his beautiful eyes.

After a few minutes, he started snoring softly. I smiled a little when I heard his soft snores because it means he finally fell asleep. I still continued to massage his head so when he wakes up the head ache is gone. Then I felt my phone vibrate, I gently pull my phone out of my pocket.

Where are you? I have something to tell you OMG

I started typing

I'm in Xander's room, taking care of him atm and please tell the others to not make any loud noises because he just fell asleep

After a few seconds Andrea replies

Use protection xoxo text me if you guys need anything

My cheeks felt warm after reading the message. I started typing quickly trying to hold back the laughter that was trying to come out of my mouth.

Piss off

My heart stopped when I felt Xander wrap his arms around my legs. He was hugging my legs tightly. I look at Xander and I gently stroked his cheek. I tried to stop myself from stroking his flawless face but I just couldn't, so I continued. While admiring his face, so many questions started entering my mind.

Do I like him?

But will he like me back?

Is it right to like him?

I started feeling sleepy and tired because of thinking too much. I close my eyes and slowly fell asleep.


"Lauren?" I heard a soft male voice say. I slowly open my eyes and instantly felt pain on my neck. I winced when I tried to move my neck. I look at Xander who was sitting down on his bed while looking at me. "Hey" I said while smiling and rubbing the back of my neck. "How are you feeling?" I asked "A lot better, thanks to you" He said "You should've told me you were feeling sleepy, you were sleeping in a bad position" I chuckle while rubbing my neck "It's nothing, just a little pain" I said while smiling. "What time is it?" I asked while stretching.

"Eleven p.m"

My eyes widened "What?!"

I quickly stood up and tied my hair "You haven't eaten dinner and you also need to drink your medicine. Wait here, i'll go prepare a meal for us" He grabs my arm and pulls me back to the bed which made me fall. "I already prepared a meal for us" I look at him confused and noticed the tray beside him. There was two huge steaks that looked and smelled so good with two mashed potatoes with butter and corn. There was also juice and water. "You prepared that?" I asked, amazed. He nods "Let's eat"

"But you're not feeling well, you could've just woken me up and asked me to cook for us" I frowned. "I felt much better when I woke up, thanks to you and your magical hands. This is a little thank you gift" He said while pushing the tray to me.

I started blushing. He was so sweet.....He didn't have to cook for me. I wasn't even expecting anything in return because taking care of him and being so close to him was more than enough to make me happy.

I look at him and smiled "You didn't have to" He rolls his eyes

"Just eat, ely"


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