Chapter 43

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What do I reply? I didn't want to be an obedient little girl and straight up tell him 'Yes' after what happened but I also didn't want to tell him 'No' that would be too harsh.

I started biting my nails, thinking of what I should reply.

I type "Yeah whatever" Too petty. Erase. "Yeah sure" Too nice. Erase. "Do I have to?" Too harsh. Erase. "Yes dad" Too friendly. Erase.

I groan and decided to just reply with the safest option I could think of

a thumbs up emoji


I quickly lock my phone, not expecting that he would see my message instantly. I focus on drinking my coffee, waiting for his reply.

A few minutes has passed and he still didn't reply. I unlock my phone and saw that he wasn't typing or anything

Who would reply to a freaking thumbs up emoji, Lauren?

I let out a deep sigh and locked my phone. Andrea comes out holding a small bucket of fries and nachos "You said you were only going to order fries?" I asked, grinning. She shrugs, placing them at our table "I couldn't choose so why not buy both?" I nod, eating a nacho

"Touché, my friend"


"We're here" David yells, making me jump from my seat and stretch my entire body "Home sweet home" I groaned out while stretching.

After finishing our food at the cafe, we woke David up and he just asked us to order coffee for him then we immediately went back to the road.

"How about you Williams? Do you live far from here?" I asked, looking back at him "A little bit but I'm sleeping at Xander's" He said, holding out a key. I nod, getting out of the bus with a few bags. "Bye L! see you at work?" Andrea hugs me tightly "We don't really have a choice so yeah, see you at work" I said chuckling and hugging her back. I take out my house key and unlocked the door. I drop my bags on the floor and sighed in relief, David follows putting down my bags "Well, I guess I'll see around brunette" I turn around and smiled "Thank you for the trip, David. I had so much fun" I quickly give him a tight hug. He hugs me back and chuckles "Yeah, I'm pretty awesome" I roll my eyes and pull away "Whatever" He chuckles "Don't forget to lock your doors, little ely" I nod, waving goodbye. He shuts the front door and I lock it.

I turn around and looked at my house.

Well, I guess I'm back to reality

I look at the time and saw that it was almost six in the morning.

Message me when you're home

Should I send him a message? I did send a thumbs up which means I basically said yes.

I click on his name and started typing

"We're home. Thanks again for the trip"

I click the send button and ran up to my room. I tie my hair to a messy bun and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I lay down on my comfortable bed and grabbed my phone to check if Xander replied.

As expected, no reply but he still hasn't seen it which means he's probably still asleep since it was only six in the morning. I lock my phone and and closed my eyes, suddenly feeling sleepy.

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