Chapter 40

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I woke up feeling something heavy on top of my head. I open my eyes and realized that we were still inside the theater.

I was still laying on Xander's warm chest. Everyone was still asleep including Xander who had his head resting on top of my head.

What time is it?

I look around trying not to move my head too much looking for a clock and noticed the clock that was hanging on the wall


It was only four in the morning

I close my eyes, trying to go back to sleep and enjoy Xander's warmth but I was already wide awake.

Maybe I should just prepare breakfast for everyone

But do I really want to get out of this position?

I stare at Xander's strong arm that was wrapped around me. Wait, was Xander even comfortable? I'm one hundred percent sure that I'm comfortable but is he?

I quickly gently shake him "Xander" I whispered in a hush tone. His eyes immediately starts opening slowly "Mhm?" He groans. I bite my lip to stop myself from smiling

He looked like a baby

"I bet you're uncomfortable right now, let me move so you can rest properly" I said unwrapping myself from his arms and carefully standing up, making sure that my injured leg wont bump into his. He yawns and stretches his long legs and arms "What time is it?" He said with one eye open "It's only four in the morning, you should go back to sleep" I whispered, not wanting to wake the others up.

"I got work to do" He said, standing up and grabbing my arm to assist me "Let's go to my room" I quickly stop him from walking "I was planning to make breakfast for everyone" He looks at me "Okay, let's make breakfast

"But you have work to do, I can do it alone" I said "I promise I won't burn your house" I said with a small smile. He shakes his head "I'm not worried about that, Lauren. That is what I'm worried about" He said pointing at my injured leg that was slightly feeling better "My leg feels a bit better now. The ointment that you gave me must be really good so thank you-" He smiles "-and I promise I'll tell you if I need help but right now, I'm confident that I can manage" He studies me for a moment, making sure that I wasn't lying "Okay" I release a breath that I didn't realize I was holding

"But atleast allow me to assist you downstairs" I nod and grabbed on to his arm. We got downstairs faster than I thought, my leg was really slowly getting better.

"Ingredients are inside this cabinet-" He opens a cabinet "-other ingredients are inside the fridge. Cooking utensils are right here, plates right over there" I listen carefully to everything that he was saying so that I wouldn't have any problems later

"You got it?" He asked, looking back at me. I nod and gave him two thumbs up. He chuckles and walks back to me, he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me okay? You see that intercom over there?" He points at an intercom on the wall "Just press the button and I'll hear you. I'll immediately come to you, okay?" He looks directly into my eyes with a serious expression. I nod, not trusting my own voice. He gives me one final nod and walks back upstairs.

I lean back to the counter and tried to steady my breathing.

Being so close to him did this to me

Once my heart was beating normally, I started looking at the ingredients. What should I make?

I decided to make korean egg soup and some sandwiches that my uncle used to make for me when I was still little.

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