Chapter 26

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"I can't believe this is almost over" Andrea said for the nth time. She has been sulking and complaining ever since she woke up. "We can go back anytime" David reassured her. Andrea just sighed and continued playing with her breakfast. "Where's Xander?" Gabriel asked while chewing. "Upstairs, I think he's still sleeping" David grabs a paper that was inside his pocket and he unfolds it slowly. "So today we have bonfire and....." He stops and looks at me "Summer kiss?" The boys looked at me and smirked. My cheeks started burning and I couldn't stop the smile that was forming on my face because of how embarrassed I was. "Can I replace that?" I muttered. David shakes his head "Nope". I roll my eyes listening to the boys talk about what I wrote.

"Can I have that?" I asked David. He looks at me then the paper. "This paper?" I nod my head "Ofcourse but why?" He asked confused. I grab the paper gratefully and smiled widely. "Remembrance" He gives me a small smile and nods. I look at the paper and noticed that all of them had check marks on the right side except for the bonfire and summer kiss.

"Good Morning, Xander" Andrea greeted, sadly. My heart started beating fast when I heard his footsteps come near. I look at him and examined his messy yet still handsome look.

"You okay?" Oh God, his sleepy voice was enough to make me feel so many things.

"She's sad because our trip is ending tomorrow" David said while wrapping an arm around Andrea. I watch Andrea scoot closer to David and sigh sadly. I look at Xander who looked like he didn't care at all. Xander just shrugs and started making coffee. I admire his back muscles and noticed that the white shirt he was wearing was very thin which made it easy for me to see his tattoo. I look at his right arm that was also covered in tattoo.

"Lauren?" I look at him quickly, nervous that he might see me watching Xander. "Do you want to get a tattoo?" David asked. Everybody went quiet. "Um" I've always wanted a tattoo when I was just sixteen but I'm not really sure if I still want one now. "I'm not sure, when I was sixteen I badly wanted a tattoo but I'm not quite sure now" I said honestly. He nods and looks at Andrea "What about you, babe?" Andrea blushes and bites her lip. "Yeah, I want one on my wrist" David grabs her wrist gently and started placing soft kisses on her wrist while looking into her eyes. Andrea looked at him with her eyes full of admiration. I watch them both look at each other the way I wanted me and Xander to look at each other.

"I'll be with you when that happens" David said softly.

I stand up and everyone's eyes looks at me. "I'm going to my room" I said quietly. "Okay, you can rest if you want, we're not going out 'til nine p.m anyway" I nod and went upstairs to my room quickly. I close the door and threw myself on the bed.

Why can't I have something like that? Don't get me wrong I'm very happy for Andrea because it's obvious that the man she likes, likes her back but I just can't help but feel.....lonely. I stand up and walked to the balcony and looked at the view. I grab my phone and started taking pictures of the place. After taking a few pictures, I open my Instagram and started uploading lots of pictures since it's been a few weeks since I've uploaded some pictures. I noticed that I had five new follower requests. I smiled when I noticed that it was the three morons, Andrea and David. I accepted and followed them back. I started stalking each one of them. I open the picture that was uploaded on David's account, it was a picture of him and Xander. It was uploaded yesterday, it was a picture of them on top of the mountain.

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