Chapter 4

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I woke up at 9:30 a.m. I just finished eating breakfast. I already took a bath and now i'm wearing my high waisted shorts and a loose white shirt. I wen't outside and knocked on Andrea's door. She opens it and smiles widely. "Hey L!" She hugs me and invites me to come in. "Hey, is there any book store near this place?" She nods and gives me directions. "But be careful Lauren, there are many drunk guys there outside that store. I just nod and smile "You wan't to eat?" Andrea asked while grabbing her mom's car keys. I nod "Sure, where?"

"Diner, my treat" We both enter her car and she started the engine. "Can't wait to work with you on Monday!" It's Saturday today. "Me too, i'm sure work will be fun because of you" I said truthfully. She smiles and started driving.


"This milkshake is perfection" I said while drinking. "I know!" She said while eating her burger. "So how long have you been working here?" I asked while texting my uncle. But she doesn't answer. I look at her and I see her eyes were wide and she was looking at something behind me. I turn around and see David and Xander enter the diner. Xander was wearing pants, a plain black v neck shirt and shades. I look away quickly and I look at Andrea who looked like she saw a celebrity. "Andrea?" I said. "Oh my god, Lauren, It's him! We should go and say hi to him oh my god i'm sure that he knows you! You guys are neighbors!" I shook my head "No, I mean yes we do know each other but no, I don't want to talk to h-"

"Lauren?" I heard David's voice. Andrea smiles widely and fixes her hair. "Xander look the brunette's here" I turn around and I give them a small wave. "You already know my name but still you're calling me brunette" He grins "Your name is too long" I roll my eyes "Its just six letters the word brunette is longer" He claps his hands "And the brunette is also good in math" I chuckle while shooking my head. "Just call me ely"

"Well it's about time you gave me your nickname" He says while sitting down besides Andrea. "So what's your name?" He asked. He grabs my milk shake and takes a long sip while looking at Andrea. "Andrea" she blushes. Xander was just standing, waiting for David. His arms were crossed making his biceps bigger. "My name's David and this lad over here is Xander" She nods "I know"

Xander grabs my shake from David and gives it back to me. "Let's go, David" Xander said impatiently. "Aw come on Xander let's just sit with the lovely ladies. I'm sure they wont mind, right?" He looks at me and Andrea. "Ofcourse not" Andrea said while biting her lip.

I just shook my head. I was more than one hundred percent sure that Xander will not sit down beside me. For the past few days he made it very clear that he is not interested in hanging out with me. But then I felt someone sit down beside me. I look at Xander who was just sitting there with no expression.

"I hope you girls are not on a diet because i'll be paying today so go order everything that you like" David said. Andrea's eyes widens and she squeels "Really?!" David laughs and nods.


Andrea and David were busy talking to each other while Xander and I were busy eating. Well...he was eating while I play with my food. "Are you just going to keep playing with your food?" Xander said. I look at the cheap salad that I ordered. "I'm not really in the mood to eat right now" I said. Xander ignores me and continued eating his food. "Why don't we all hang out?" David said while looking at us. "Come on it will be fun! Two good looking men with two good looking women." He winks and Andrea giggles. "Where are we going?" Andrea asked while looking at him like he's the best guy in the world. "We can all chill at my place" David said. "Oh how about a sleep over!" Andrea said while clapping her hands. "I don't think that would be a good idea" I said.

David smirks at me "Oh come on brunette, you scared?" He teased "Why would I be scared?" I cross my arms. "Scared you might fall in love with me?" He winks "Or maybe you're scared that you might fall in love with my pal who is sitting beside you?"

"Definitely not!" I said while blushing madly. I really wasn't. I actually want to know Xander more. "Prove it, come with us" David said. "This is stupid" Xander said. I bite my lower lip trying to think of an excuse. "I just got a job, I start on monday" I said with confidence. David looks at me while smirking "Oh really?" Andrea sigh "Oh yeah I totally forgot...Me and Lauren here have the same job which is here, in this stupid diner"

David stays quiet like he was busy thinking of something. "I have an offer" David said. Andrea and I stays quiet waiting for him to continue. "Are you not going to ask me what my offer is?" David said. I roll my eyes "Just say it" David smirks "You, me, Andrea and Xander"

"In the same house"

"For one week"

"What?" Andrea said. I just laugh while looking at him like he was crazy or something. "Are you out of your mind?" I said "We have work!" He rolls his eyes "Let me finish first, ladies" His smirk was back on his face. I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face so bad. "My mom owns this diner" My eyes widened making his smile grow. "I can tell her to give you a break for one week but still you get paid" Andrea squeels "Seriously?! Oh my god I am so in!" She looks at me "Well...I'm in if Lauren's in"

"This is dumb idea" Xander rolls his eyes. "Oh come on Woods! You scared to fall in love with little ely here?" I look at Xander waiting for an answer. "Don't be stupid, we both know I don't feel those pathetic feelings" I frown. "Exactly, so why don't you just come with us? I'll even give you ten packs of cigarettes" Xander looks at him "I don't need your cigarettes, Williams" David smiles "Come on, Woods. Be a friend and come with us"

Xander stays quiet for a second. "Fine"
He said. David and Andrea looks at me "How about you, ely?" David asked. "I don't even know you that well and you're already asking me if I want to live with you for one week. How crazy are you?" He shrugs his shoulder "Well it's up to you if you wan't to trust me or not but seriously, do I look like a rapist or something to you?" He scoffs "Look at me! I can get any girl I want without tying them to a chair or something"

"Besides, this is your way of proving to us that you're not scared that you might fall in love with Xander" I look at Andrea who was holding her breath. She looks at me with pleading eyes.

I sigh "I'm doing this for Andrea" David and Andrea cheers. "Thank you Lauren! I really need a break from work! Thank you!" She holds my hand tightly. I smile and give her a nod. "Well it's a deal then! I'll see you girls tomorrow! I'll be sleeping at Xander's how about you ladies?" I look at Andrea "I'll sleep at Lauren's" Andrea said. "Where are we staying?" I asked. "Don't worry about that, worry about packing. I know you girls take forever to pack you guys should go now and start packing. We leave at 8 a.m tomorrow" I groan "That's way too early"

"It's either you wake up early or we leave while you're still wearing pajamas"

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