Chapter 42

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"Wake up, brunette" I open my eyes and was greeted by David's tired face. I push myself up from the bed "Hey" I muttered

"Is it okay if we do a stop over? I'm going to need a short power nap and some coffee" I quickly nod my head "Of course, Williams. Take all the time you need" Feeling sorry for David, I quickly stand up and look outside the window. We were at a gas station that had a small cafe.

"How many more hours til we get there?" I asked while stretching my entire body "Eight more hours" I bite my lip to stop myself from whining since I didn't really have any rights to whine since all I did was sleep.

"You wanna go get some coffee now or are you going to take a nap first?" David plops himself on the other bed and yawns "Beauty sleep first" I nod "Sleep well, sleeping beauty" I close the door behind me and found Andrea sitting on the chair, texting

"Oh good you're up" She smiles "Lets go get coffee, David gave me his card" She said wiggling her eyebrows "You look like you're planning to buy the whole place with that evil look" I said, tying my hair up into a ponytail. I look at my gray sweatpants and oversized plain white shirt that I was wearing and decided that I would stick to it.

The 'lazy look' is a look that will never go out of style

Andrea hooks her arms through mine and pulls me towards the cafe. The relaxing smell of coffee hits me, making me relax almost instantly.

"What are you having?" I asked Andrea who was looking through the menu "White mocha coffee, you?"

"I'll just have the same, I'm still too sleepy to function" I groaned "Hot or iced?" I think for a moment "Hot, it's kind of cold tonight" She nods and started talking to the cashier.

I look around the cafe and realized there were a few people. I look outside and saw that there were chairs and tables available.

"Is it okay if we sit outside?" I asked, looking at Andrea who turns around and gives me a quick nod before returning her attention back to the cashier. I go outside and was immediately greeted with the cold wind. I take a seat and looked at the view.

Street lights and car lights were shining brightly. It was quiet and peaceful.

I take out my phone and decided to scroll through some pictures to keep myself busy. My eyes immediately land on the picture of my tattoo. I click the photo and smiled

This is definitely one for the books

The tattoo was neatly done by Nix. It was beautiful and simple

like Xander's

Although his wasn't simple, it was a harsh version of mine.

I sigh and shut my eyes tightly

How come moving on from someone you never had is so hard? It's always them

I look at the photo again and groaned

How was I going to forget him if I literally have something permanent on my body that will remind me of him

The door opens and Andrea comes back holding a tray with two cups of coffee on top. I smile and thanked her. I grab my coffee and immediately took a sip, enjoying the warm liquid run down my throat.

I hear a click and saw Andrea standing a little far from where I'm seated at, taking a picture of me "For the gram, you're welcome" I chuckle "I'll repay you with a good photo" She scoffs "You better" She takes a seat in front of me and shows me the photo.

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