Chapter 47

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Xander and I stayed on top of the huge rock for about thirty minutes just talking about what we like and what we don't like.

"Are you a dog lover?" I asked randomly, anxious to hear his answer. I absolutely love dogs so it's important for me to know if my future boyfriend either loves them or hates them.

"Hate them? I despise them" He said making me frown. He looks at me for a second then laughs while I sit there, still frowning at him "I'm joking Lauren. I used to have an american bully back when my mother was still alive" I sigh in relief "Is your dog still around?" He shakes his head "She died a few weeks after my mom died" He said, looking at the breath taking view.

First, he lost his mother then his dog dies then after a few months his girlfriend cheats on him

and let's not forget his father who left him and his mom when they needed him most

My heart broke for him

No wonder he was like this, he experienced so much pain and he had to endure all of that alone.

I scoot closer to him, wrapping my arms around him. He looks at me surprised "It's okay, Lauren. I'm okay" I nod "I know" I look up at him "I'm here now. No matter what happens, we'll face everything together okay?" He looks at me with an unreadable expression "Okay" He whispered


We were now back at the car heading to the diner that was only a few minutes away from where we were "They make the best chicken wings" He said, parking infront of the diner. I look outside and saw a few people eating inside while the others were eating inside their cars with their doors opened.

Xander and I got out of the car and went inside. I was immediately greeted with the strong smell of pancakes, chicken and sausage. My stomach started growling when the scent filled my nose. Xander leads me to an available table and pulls the chair for me "I'll order for us" Once I sat down he walks back to the counter to order for us.

I watch him stand in line, looking at the menu. I couldn't stop the smile that forming on my face, he looked absolutely handsome without even trying. I watched the way his eyebrows furrowed while looking at the menu, thinking of what to order.

I felt my phone vibrate on top of the table. I look at the screen and saw that it was Andrea who was calling me. I grab my phone and pressed the green button


"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU AND XANDER ARE OFFICIALLY DATING" She yelled, making me pull my phone away from my ear a little bit. Her question caught me off guard. I can feel my face blushing hard "What are you talking about? How'd you know?" I whispered loudly "The question is how come I didn't hear it from you" She said exasperated. I close my eyes and started massaging my temples "Okay A, I'm sorry. It just happened last night and-"

"Last night? but we were together last night how could that ha-" She gasps dramatically "Oh shit, don't tell me he came to your house while you were still drunk out of your mind" I chuckle "That's exactly what happened" She squeals "Okay tell me every single detail after your date and make sure you don't leave any de-"

How does she know Xander and I were together right now?

I look around the diner. Andrea is one crazy chick so I wouldn't be surprised if I saw her hiding under a table, spying on us.

"How'd you know I'm with him right now?" I asked confused. I can sense her smiling evilly even though we weren't with each other "Because my dear Lauren, he just posted a picture of you on his instagram"

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