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it's me

ya girl

im back-ish

because i'm just dropping by just telling u guys that i'm alive (somehow)

im not posting a new chapter yet, but i'm planning to after i'm done with evaluations and stuff

ik yall old readers of this story have already forgotten what this story is even about

im currently writing this at 1AM

it's so stupid cuz during the week i'm super tired like i could fall asleep in one second in class

but now that it's the weekend



yeah i'm really sorry guys for not posting

i truly am sorry

i've been so busy with school to try and not repeat this year

so yeah that's why i haven't been here at all


yeah i'm scared :)

but yknow

what really matters is that i'm alive heh

i'll probably post another A.N next week or so me saying that i have officially came back

or not

one thing is for sure

if i do not pass this year

this b will NOT have the motivation to continue anything .

so yeah 😁

PRAY that i pass pls
i don't wanna repeat a year 😭
and i also wanna finish this story

i bet it already is 1 year old

so yeah

i think that's all i have to say

im tired now

and i don't feel like reading all of this again so i'm really sorry if there are any mistakes

and again

im really sorry that i've been gone this whole time

i love u guyssss

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