Chapter 13

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Kageyama's POV

The next day~

I was already awake since 7AM but for some reason I had no motivation to even get out of bed. Normally, I get up as soon as I hear the alarm but today was not one of those normal days. But of course I can't just be laying here, I have to get up before I'm late.

I wonder why I feel this way... is it about yesterday? I don't think so... but at the same time it could be. When I heard Hinata and [Y/N] were together the whole afternoon , I felt a bit sick for some reason... it's weird since I rarely get sick.

So.. eventually I get up and get ready for school, pack my backpack and lunch and I'm ready to go wait for [Y/N] to come out of her house.


It's 7:55AM and I'm all done with everything I needed to do, so I pick up my bag and went to the door, put on my shoes, and finally to open the door... to see [Y/N] there waiting for me outside.

"Ohayo Kageyama-kun!" She smiles

"I'm sorry.. I lost track of time.." I said looking down

"Oh it's fine! C'mon let's go! we don't wanna be late for school or do we?" She pulls my arm

And here I am, getting pulled by my arm by [Y/N].. but I yanked my arm because I don't really like being pulled.

"Are you okay ?" She turns around to look at me.

"Uh.. yeah? Why do you ask?"

"Oh.. nothing " she then continues to walk.

"So.. you and Hinata huh" I say out of the blue

She suddenly stops to look at me and starts laughing.

"What? Me and Hinata were just fixing something with some classmates that weren't .. very nice so yeah that's pretty much it! ...don't tell me you're j-"

"I'm not jealous. It's just Hinata needs to practice more and he knows that, and to know that he missed a practice, which he never does, it's strange, and especially missing practice to be with you."

"hmmm are you sure that's not some jealousy ?"


"Alright " she giggles and faces forward.

After some minutes of walking, we stop by where we normally meet with Hinata, but he wasn't there.

"Where's Hinata?" [Y/N] asks

"How would I know"

"Maybe he went on without us, I mean, we are kinda late"

"Or maybe he's not going to school today" I say

"Hmm.. I'd like to think he just went on without us, but at the same time no because I really like walking with Hinata" she fake sniffles

"Oh so you like walking with him more than with me?"

"Eh?" She looks at me

"...nevermind. Let's get going" I walk ahead of her

I could tell she was confused by that

Oh god I think I'm getting Hinata-isis because this isn't looking very good. I need to think before I say those kind of things.


This morning Kageyama was acting really strange .. like .. we usually walk a lil bit far away from each other Cuz..idk he's the one who goes away from me, and today, it was different.. he was closer to me
I know this might not look like much's weird I have to say that .. and also he sounds really jealous. I don't wanna jump into conclusions..just a theory (a GAME theory ;)... get it? The game theorists? No? Ok..)

Then , I received a message from Hinata saying that we could go on without him because he would arrive late because of his lil sister Natsu , I replied with okay and of course with a smiley face :)

"Hinata said he's gonna be late because of his lil sister.. I wonder what happened"

"Oh so you text each other now?" He replies looking away

"Huh? Kageyama-kun are you okay ? Me and Hinata text all the time.. don't tell me .. you really are-"

"I already told you I'm not . I just didn't know that you guys texted each other daily. I thought you texted the same way as you text me."

I look at him confused, he's definitely jealous. But
Why tho? Huh..

~ ~ ~ ~

Holy shnitzels it's 2021
Happy new year everyone!


I know  I know.. this isn't the best chapter but it's literally almost midnight, I have school tomorrow and yeah

I finally got the motivation to finish this chapter !
Woo boo!

I know I said I would maybe post before New Years but
I was so tired with everything I just didn't have the motivation and time really :P




I'll try to get motivation to post another chapter this weekend maybe

I'll try my absolute best to post maybe on weekends

Oh well
But I promised I would update you guys more so..
yay :)

I'm gonna go to sleep now!
Bye bye luvs

Please stay safe!

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