Chapter 19

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[Y/N]'s POV

God this class is so boring.. well at least we didn't have [least favorite subject] this morning or I would've been sleeping rn.

I'm still worried about kageyama... he has his head on the desk so he's probably sleeping? I'll just text him.

milk man 🤭



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Hey babe you should pay attention to class yk😎

Milk man 🤭• 9:42AM
I'm not your 'babe'.
And you're the one who should pay attention.
I for once WAS paying attention.
Until you sent me this... image.
What even is that.

Wdym yes you are my babe 😡
And no I don't feel like paying attention to class
I feel like paying attention to you baby boy 😎
It's my pet hamster
His name is Gerald

Milk man 🤭• 9:42AM
Can you stop calling me those names?
They're weird

Ik you like me calling you those names 🤭

Milk man 🤭•9:43AM
Yeah no.
Can you actually stop tho

Fine but only if you tell me why you didn't sleep.

You're seriously going to leave me on read?
I'm going to find out why you're being like this to me  anyways .



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Damn.. he's being more.. kageyama than usual... I DEFINITELY DID SOMETHING WRONG OH GOD. WHAT THE HELL DID I DO

or maybe he was genuinely weirded out

...yeah it's probably that because I've never called him those sort of names

Oh god

What if he thinks I like him 😰

Hmmm I think I made it clear who I liked at the sleepover... well it's not like I like Iwaizumi the way I used to but.. I still do have a lil bit of feelings I guess.

I'm not even sure myself because kageyama has been making me hella confused

Oh god what if I really do like him

I can't like him because he DEFINITELY doesn't like me that way so I should stop thinking about it.

~ ~ ~

hey guyssss
I hope y'all are doing okay!

I'm sorry that I didn't post on the 21st lmao I literally forgot to post it

But yeah I know this chapter is really short but pls bear with me I'm trying to have some ideas ,:)


I'd like to thank you all for all of your support and love on this fanfic <3

I truly am grateful to have people that actually enjoy this .

I also would like to thank for the 300k reads.
How tf
I really am speechless

I love you guys a lot

I was supposed to include this little thank you on the "hellooo" chapter but I was really busy with writing the new chapters ,:)

So yeah I hope y'all dont think that I'm not grateful for all of this because I really am!


I'm sunburnt 💔

Yeah that's it

I hope y'all enjoy this chapter even tho it's short ,:)

I love you guys


A lot

Bye <3

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