Chapter 12

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Hinata's POV

~ during class ~

Ever since [Y/N] entered this school, my classmates never stopped talking about how pretty she is, how they want her number, how they'll probably change classes to be with her and so on .. and also ask me if I have her number since I get along with her..

I'm not complaining ! It's just.. I just feel bad for her because she can't have one day without someone staring into her soul.. I would give her number , but she would probably be mad at me like how she got with that girl, Emiko was it? yeah..

But not just my classmates that talk about her and such.. also the whole team talks about her ! except Kageyama tho, dunno why. He is weird and I'll never understand him ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ


And that's the bell

Class ended and I immediately got pulled by some boys from another class, not in a rude way ,and pulled me where the girls couldn't hear us.

"Hinata..please we NEED her number, we know you have her number and you can't lie to us about it!"

"Huh? But why would you want her number anyway? Aren't you dating Misa-san?" I ask, confused

"Shhh not so loud! Yeah I am dating her, but [Y/N] is way cuter and I wanna talk with her"

I back away a few steps "no! I'm not giving you her number! I hope you know what you're doing is wrong! Even if you weren't taken, I wouldn't give you her number anyway!" I walk back to my seat, annoyed.

"Is something wrong?" The teacher enters the classroom.

"No sensei.."

"Alright then.. but if you need something just ask me! Okay let's start class now!"

~ ~ ~
~lunch time ~
I grab my bento out of my school bag and went to where Emiko and Yori were to eat with them, but as I was walking to them I saw Hinata, who looked like he was annoyed with something.. so I decided to give him a quick visit before going to my two close friends

"Hey Shoyo!" I run to him and give him a slight hug, "did something happen?bad grade?"

"No.." he looks to the side.

I tilt my head to try and see his face but then I hear some whispers and then I felt some taps on my shoulder.

"Hi there, don't mind him, he's not in a good mood today, haha it happens.. so I was wondering if you could give me your number since he couldn't give me." A random guy asked with some other boys behind him.

"Did you make Hinata like this?" I turn to them

"We didn't do anything we just asked if could give us your number and he said no and then he's like this now" he shrugs

A girl then hugs the boy from the back .

"Hey what are you doing with MY boyfriend? Yeah sure you're pretty and all but that doesn't mean you can get whatever you want"

"Ok first of all, responding to your boyfriend I guess, no I'm not giving you my number and also Shoyo did the right thing I'm not giving you my number, second, if you annoy Shoyo again I will give you so much trouble you'll have to think twice in doing that again," then I look to the girl "Third, responding to you now, I don't want absolutely nothing with your boyfriend , I just went to check up on Shoyo, and forth of all, YOUR boyfriend asked for MY number." I sigh "that's all so now if you'll excuse us," I get his bento and pulled him to me , "me and Shoyo are going to eat our bentos so yeah, have a good day" I walk out of the classroom with Hinata and walk towards Emiko and Yori.

"[Y/N]-san.. thanks for what you did back there" he smiles.

"Don't worry Hinata-kun! I'm used to it by now" I smile back. " also I hope you don't mind having bento with us "

He shakes his head "of course I don't mind "


We then arrived , and started eating and talking about what happened and stuff.

"Shoyo.. you don't have to worry! I'm really used to it! They also did it in my old school"

"okay but still. They have to respect privacy at least"

"Yeah that's not in their dictionary" I giggle

~ time skip toooo after class, volleyball timeee~

~ at the volleyball gym

Kageyama's POV

I guess she decided to not come today..she didn't even tells us or anything, normally she does, And also that boke is late.


"Kageyama! Do you know if [Y/N] is coming to watch us play today?" Tanaka-San asks, I shrug

"What about Hinata? Normally he's the first one coming to practice?" Daichi San asks


Well I did see them both eating lunch together but, it's normal for friends to eat together I guess. But I didn't hear anything of them since that.

~ meanwhile with [Y/N] and Hinata ~

Hinata POV

We talked with Misa and turns out she broke up with the guy, she thanked us for telling her about what her boyfriend was doing and yeah! And then we also found out the guy is changing schools for some reason, sooo that's good I guess

Me and [Y/N] were just walking to the gym , but then she stopped .

" Sorry Hinata kun but I'm not going to watch you guys play today, I have to study and also do some homework due to tomorrow that I forgot to do earlier..but yeah ,good game ok? " she starts walking the other way, " bye Hinata kun! See you tomorrow!"

"Okay then [Y/N]! Byeee!" I smile and wave

[Y/N] is really nice, people shouldn't be like the way they are with her, she really doesn't deserve it, one day they'll stop with the staring, probably when she gets a boyfriend, probably soon, who knows !

I walk in the gym .

"Hinata where were you??" Suga San asks me.

"Heh.."I scratch the back of my neck "long story"

- - - - - -
and myself
I said I was probably gonna post tomorrow but I decided to give you guys an extra chapter today!
This chapter doesn't have much Kageyama x Reader I know but
It's coming soon please be pacient 👀
Anyways yeah!
Lucky you getting 2 chapters in a day
Again, hope you guys have a good day/night and please please please be safe!
Luv uuuuu

Also if there's any mistakes pls do tell me I kinda rushed this-

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